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Out Sick: Really?! Again?!

Feb 11, 2025

We have Influenza A. Send Prayer. And Theraflu.

I’ll be away for a bit, since what little effort I have needs to go towards my legal work.

I’ll miss this. I really wanted to talk about Kendrick Lamar’s jeans and Return to Office attire. Maybe the Tamiflu will save me from the worst of it. Amen.

See you soon.


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  1. arie B says:

    sending you get well vibes

  2. Anon Anon Anon says:

    Hot tea with honey and lemon or orange and REST (along with the Tamiflu) works wonders. Hope you start feeling better.

  3. HB says:

    Need a whole blog post on the flares (I am a huge fan, ha!). Get better soon <3

  4. Jill says:

    Hope you feel better! Yes, eager to talk those jeans. 🙂

  5. Debbie says:

    Shoot. Winter in Spokane is not easy this year.

  6. Janine says:

    Hang in there! Hope all of you feel better soon. Yes to KL’s jeans and RTO attire when you’re feeling up to it.

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