If you’re headed to a baseball game, a concert, or other stadium event this summer, you need a clear handbag, as most venues have instituted clear bag policies. Here are a few that won’t make your retinas bleed.
Target Camera Crossbody Bag ($25)
Landry Clear Crossbody Bag ($59)
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I’m glad we have more options now in the clear bag department, but I just want to voice how much I hate this policy, and how disproportionately impacts women. I don’t think it’s fair that my tampon and credit card have to be in plain sight while my husband can comfortably conceal whatever he has in his pockets.
I definitely appreciate the recommendations!
Agree 100%. It seems to me this policy is not actually about safety as much as it is limiting any liability for the venue if someone sneaks in a weapon that its staff neglect to find when searching the bag. Clearly airports have figured out a way to manage security without requiring that we all only carry tiny clear bags.