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Two Ways: Postponed

May 16, 2013

Hi Ladies,

I had last night all planned out.  Dinner at 6:30.  Home by 9:00.  Blog.  Bed.

Then, things went a little sideways.

My relaxed dinner with a couple of friends turned into an early birthday celebration (it’s not for two weeks), bottles were popped, desserts were eaten, cocktails were had.  And yours truly strolled home at little before 11:00 on a school night in no condition to write the English language.  (Friends don’t let friends drink and blog.)

I’ll throw up the Two Ways post for the peplum skirt when I get home tonight, and then we’ll be business as usual tomorrow.  Sorry for the delay.  Have a pleasant Thursday!





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  1. Julie says:

    Haha, I love when evenings end up like that! 🙂

  2. Sarah says:

    I am amazed by how you manage to get so many blog posts out every day… I am glad to hear you had a great night, you deserve it!

  3. Ann says:

    No worries, Belle. Your blog is always so full of fashion, beauty and career advice. You have more content in one day’s worth of posts than most other fashion or professional women blogs have in three or four days. Thanks and happy (early) birthday!

  4. Addison says:

    My birthday is in two weeks too! Happy early birthday!

  5. Susannah says:

    Hi Belle. Glad to hear you started your birthday festivities early. I don’t think I ever saw this Two Ways, but it’s not too late! We’d still love to see it.

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