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Belle's Weekly Reading: Volume VIII

Jun 25, 2010

Going Green. The Capitol Fashionista has coverage of the biggest news on Capitol Hill: The Sweetgreen opening.  Seriously, McChrystal who?  Their tasty salads are a welcome addition to the greasy spoon cuisine that populates Pennsylvania.  And with the hot weather blasting in full force, their refreshing yogurt will keep us all sane throughout the August Recess.

PC Load Letter. Marie Claire steps onto the third rail with a discussion about the political correctness of the phrase “fat.”  Having stepped on a similar rail with my riveting commentary on accepting your body, I wish them luck.  Perhaps they should have made some alternate naming suggestions, calorie challenged, perhaps?

Holiday, Celebrate. Ann Taylor has really come a long way over the past year.  And since Banana Republic has become nothing but a grown-up alternative to Gap, I’m glad for it.  The more modern cuts and the incorporation of trends is a welcome change, and if their Holiday Preview on Stylelist is any indication, I’m going to need some new things this Fall.

Totes BFF.  I’m usually not a big fan of style and beauty web videos.  The hosts are wooden, the sets cheap, and the advice is about as original as Jayson Blair’s reporting.  But as an exception to this rule, Jenn Falik at Beauty BFF kind of rocks.  I was really impressed with her tips on how to spruce up a ponytail and the video of her beauty must haves.  I will definitely be watching in the future.

Imported UglyApparently, the world voted and America has the worst-dressed tourists.  Really, I’m shocked by that revelation.  Because living four blocks from the National Mall, I am constantly impressed with the quality of the pajama pants and wife beaters that I see on visitor’s to The District.  Just this morning, I saw a pair of acid wash skinny jeans with black, tattoo print that I have to have right now. 

What have you read this week that you’ve loved?  Feel free to share with the class in the comments.


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  1. TA says:

    I also like how Ann Taylor went through a total transformation over the past couple of years. Love everything they have now in the stores.

  2. KLo says:

    I love what they have, but I do wish they would change up the color scheme. I’m so tired of the blah pale pastels and greys.

  3. girl, lovin’ the worst-dressed tourists pick and ann taylor has definitely grown up in a good way. i totally agree about banana republic! thanks for the including me!!!

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