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Faux Pas: The Shapeshifter

Mar 29, 2010


Photo from

Crocs wearers, now your bag can finally match your shoes!  Our beloved *cough* Crocs have morphed into a lovely, all-purpose, weather-proof tote that is just perfect for every occasion.  And with those convenient holes in the bottom and sides, I will finally be able to…um, I’m not sure what those are for, but I’m sure that they will come in handy.  The Lubber bag will certainly be the It Bag on the beaches of Maryland and Delaware this summer.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to crawl under my cubicle and cry for a little while.  Goodness knows what those things will morph into next.


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  1. Ms. B says:

    Laughing to the point of teary!

  2. Jill says:

    Oh, my. A bag that can be hosed off.

  3. KLo says:

    Not sure if I’d even find this useful at the barn…

  4. Laura says:

    Words fail me.

  5. dcm58 says:

    everyone is right. There are no words. At least it will give me something new to gawk at on the beach? ugh.

    The last few posts have kept me in stitches — a great break to my otherwise mindnumbing day! Thank you, Belle.

  6. MAB in VA says:

    Wow! You’re right — there are no words. They’re hideous!

  7. cjr says:

    literally gasped in horror at the sight of these.

  8. Reg says:

    This has to be for gardening tools…ugh

  9. Jessica says:

    The only thing that could possibly be an appropriate use of this would be to give to the kids to collect seashells in! Ugh!

  10. Natalie Keshlear says:

    Shut…up. This is a joke right…?

  11. Anna says:

    The latest issue of Real Simple features instructions on how to turn your Crocs into a colorful hanging planter! And your Uggs into a pot holder! Oh joy!

  12. arlingtonian6 says:

    Oh gosh, don’t you people know anything? Those holes are so the stuff in your bag can breathe. Sheesh.

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