Winter is so hard on my skin. I shaved my legs last week and it was torturous. My leggings zapped all of the moisture from my skin in moments, and I was left an itchy mess the rest of the day. And all I could do was reapply my body lotion over and over again, but not anymore. Meet lotion sticks.
Designed to be deeply moisturizing and mess free, these sticks are the perfect way to rehydrate your skin this winter. They’re absolutely fantastic for travel. So if your skin needs a little extra love, here are a few in different price points.
Elected Official
Legislative Aide
Front Desk
Mustela Nourishing Stick ($10)
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Aquaphor and Vaseline also make sticks at affordable price points. The Aquaphor is so soothing on itchy spots. The Vaseline is just Vaseline in stick form, and I use it as a giant lip balm.
I had been experimenting with Kate McLeod.
+1 for aquaphor stick – glides on smoothly and doesn’t feel greasy.
love the idea of a stick, but sadly aquaphor contains lanolin, to which I am allergic.
My skin is the worst it has ever been this winter. I suspect age is a factor (oh, hey, perimenopause). I’ve been getting a lot of relief with Johnson’s Baby Oil Gel. I slather it all over my body when I get out of the shower (without really any towel drying so my skin is pretty wet). Then I put on some old flannel pants and an old shirt for a couple of hours while I work from home. It works best if I have a morning where I don’t have any on-camera meetings for a few hours. I highly recommend it, despite the fact that it definitely isn’t mess free or all that easy.
One of the best tips I ever got on moisturizing was that any moisturizer can be a wet skin moisturizer if you keep it in your shower and apply it before toweling off.
I am currently loving Eucerin’s Roughness Relief — the urea content really works wonders. I got hooked on Prequel’s moisturizer thanks to your suggestion, and it’s also really good on the body but Eucerin is a bit cheaper.