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{CLOSED} Birthday Giveaway: Lo & Sons

Aug 6, 2013

Last week, I mentioned that August is Capitol Hill Style’s birthday month.  Born from the boredom of a four-week recess and a desire to guide the cadre of 22-year-old ladies who come to D.C. each year seeking their fortune, this blog has now been dishing up fashion and career advice for five years. (Boy, I feel old.)  To celebrate, I’ll be hosting a weekly giveaway for some of Capitol Hill Style’s most loved products starting with a Lo & Sons bag.


From Left, the OMG and OG, the Brookline Laptop Tote, the Claremont Camera Bag and the Catalina Beach Bag

Last year, when Lo & Sons contacted me about reviewing their handbags, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into.  From the moment I opened the box, a love affair began.  The bags are durable, chic and cavernous (in the best possible way).  They hold laptops, workout clothes, legal-size files and any workday essentials you might need.

I use mine as a carry-on, a gym bag and a work bag.  Miss M carries her OMG with her everywhere and is always surprised how many people stop to ask her who makes it.  And even out in sleepy Montana, my Mother is constantly asked where other teachers can buy a “magic bag” like hers.

The winner of this giveaway will receive the Lo & Sons bag of her choice in the color of her choice.  Choose a beach bag, a camera bag or a work tote, the choice is yours.

To enter, leave a comment answering the question: What is the strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag?

Don’t forget to sign in using your real e-mail address so we can contact you if you win.  And please, PLEASE, please comment only once and do not reply to other people’s comments.  Duplicate comments and replies throw off the count and will be deleted.

And if you’re not willing to take your chances with the whims of cruel fate, Derek at Lo & Sons was kind enough to offer a 15-percent-off discount code that can be used on their website to purchase the bag of your choice.  The code is CAPITOLHILLSTYLESUMMER and will work through the end of August.


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  1. Heather says:

    I have a Lilly Pulitzer Koozie in everyone of my everyday bags! You never know when you need a Koozie!

  2. Cally says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my every day bag is a wine bottle opener. I mean, you never know…

  3. Anna Louisa says:

    A plastic bag full of pills…it probably looks worrisome, but I’ve found it’s the only way I remember to take my vitamins every day!

  4. Sarah R. says:

    I have a Bags on Board container of dog poop bags in my purse all the time. I never want to be that person that leaves my dog’s special delivery on a DC sidewalk.

  5. Liz says:

    I always carry a little can of almonds with me.

  6. Rebecca W. says:

    I don’t really have anything *strange* in my bag, per se, but I do keep up to five notebooks on me at all times. Is that strange?

  7. N says:

    I keep a pretty big variety of foreign currency in my wallet, which lives in my bag.

  8. Sofie says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag is probably syringes. It doesn’t look good, but I need them to inject my insulin, appearances be damned!

  9. Jamie says:

    Random house stuff- spare screws, etc.- I’m doing a lot of house work and keep finding random things sitting around that somehow end up in my purse!

  10. Andrea Milby says:

    I carry a plastic mouth barrier should I need to perform CPR. It even has its own pouch. Mouth to mouth with a stranger, yuck. I am a nurse so that should make it less weird. 🙂

  11. Katie* says:

    Right now the strangest thing in my purse is a tortilla in a plastic bag! My partner packs my lunch, and today includes a build-your-own burrito (the fixings are in the fridge, tortilla still in my bag). Thanks for the giveaways!

  12. Megan says:

    Pearls! Never know when you need to step up your look on a moments notice

  13. Aunt_Pete says:

    My purse contents are pretty conventional! I’d probably have to agree with Anna Louisa though that I carry a full pharmacy. Currently have 5 different OTC meds in there…just in case!

  14. Christine says:

    An old school diaper pin – the kind with the duck head at the top.

  15. A bottle/packet of Zicam, Airborne, Emergen-C or something similar. I totally believe in their abilities to stave off a cold but you have to take it at the first sign of symptoms so I like to be prepared in case the sniffles hit!

  16. Steph D says:

    Not that strange – but I carry the mini jambox with me everywhere while traveling to always have music in my hotel room.

  17. EK says:

    I have recently started carrying a small container of Play-Doh with me to be used as a stress reliever/focus enhancer. Works incredibly well, just have to remember not to check your nails after!

  18. Victoria says:

    Consistently, probably contact solution/a spare contact lens. I drive to work and I’m blind as a bat without my lenses, and I’m always paranoid something will happen and I will get stranded.

  19. Rebeccah says:

    Clear nail polish. I threw it in last winter in case my tights snagged and never took it out. Also lots of toothpicks, the boyfriend is always asking for one!

  20. Megan says:

    I have a small bag of muesli in there that I got after listening to a talk about Bob’s Red Mill. I was going to remove it, but then figured, hey, I’m going to have no time for breakfast some day . . . .

  21. Jennifer P says:

    I usually keep my bag down to the bare minimum, but always carry a tape measure, because you just never know when you need to measure something!

  22. Cecilia says:

    A plastic container of sea creature-themed rubber stamps that I use to recognize students who are working on task. The sea lion is very popular with my tenth graders.

  23. Caryn says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my purse everyday is nearly a full-blown pharmacy min-bag with tylenol, band-aids, sudafed, you name it. All these items come in handy more than you would think!

  24. Alex says:

    A ring of gold keys. I’ve had them for three years for work but to this day I only know what two of them do!

  25. Aditi says:

    The strangest thing that I have in my bag right now are all of my beverage containers. I have a mason jar with a green juice, a coffee mug with hot coffee and then a tumbler with water.

  26. Catherine says:

    The strangest thing I have in my purse is a small disposable razor (and I don’t use it to shave my legs!). When my sweater or cardigan starts to develop pills, I just bust out the razor and remove the extra fuzz. Strange but very helpful.

  27. Staci says:

    I used to do physique competitions and the strangest thing that I always had with me is food. Chicken, fish, asparagus, brown rice, a protein shake. Where ever I was going I made sure to have my next meal with me. In case you are wondering meat is kept cold by putting an ice pack in a Tupperware container then adding the meat sealed in a Ziplock bag. Yes, I would get strange looks whenever I pulled chicken out of my purse.

  28. W says:

    The things I carry in my bag are pretty conventional. Strangest may be a mini lint roller?

  29. meaghan says:

    Wool socks–as the outside temperature gets higher, my office gets colder.

    Thanks for the giveaway, and the Lo and Sons review in the first place! I have the Brookline laptop bag, and really want an OMG as an everyday/gym bag!!

  30. Alexandra says:

    The strangest thing is probably a bag of doggie treats. My neighbourhood and the area around my office always has lots of people walking their dogs, so I love having little treats on hand when I inevitably stop to pet them!

  31. TD says:

    Herbal tea. The kind depends on my mood.

  32. Amanda says:

    A purse in my purse. I once dropped my zippered clutch into my work bag when I was running late, and now I find it easier to just keep it in there with my most important items- it also makes it very easy to grab something smaller to hold when I’m just heading down the block to grab lunch.

  33. Sara says:

    I always have some wort of sweet snack. Usually a cookie, but M&Ms tend to creep in my bag as well.

  34. Diane says:

    Oh gosh, what strange things don’t I find in my purse? I often have my DSLR thrown in there (and all the little bits and pieces that go along with that.) I have dogs, so it’s not unusual to find a clicker or a baggie of treats in there, and I have a toddler, so stickers or small cars can also sometimes be found. Sounds like a “cavernous” bag would be perfect for me!

  35. Michelle Justine says:

    At least four tubes of chapstick / lip gloss.

  36. Stephanie says:

    The strangest thing in my bag right now is an ingrown hair bump fighter kit. I got a wax the other day in preparation for my upcoming vacation and bought the kit at the salon, but forgot to take it out of my cavernous bag. Oops!

  37. Trezlen says:

    I have a clear pouch that carries an assortment of lipglosses, mascara, epipen, and inhaler. None of these items is strange in and of itself but the bundling in the same pouch is a bit odd.

  38. Ashley says:

    Paci wipes…my kids don’t even use pacifiers anymore! They come in handy for wiping things off though.

  39. Cara says:

    I have an addiction to lipstick so at all times I have a small cosmetics bags with at least 14+ different shades of lipstick, lipgloss, and chapstick. It never leaves my bag!

  40. Nancy says:

    An unused Paris metro ticket from a trip in 2004. I never had the heart to throw it away and it always makes me smile whenever I see it tucked away among all my everyday items.

  41. MamaBatch says:

    As a mother of three- the weirdest probably to the cap hill crowd is a green package of the most marvelous variation on the baby wipe: a green snot-colored package of Boogie Wipes. They not only wipe away, they soothe my babies tiny noses during raw-nose seasons! I buy them in bulk!

  42. Maya says:

    A key! I have no idea what it opens, but it stays in my bag “just in case”

  43. Molly says:

    A flashlight. Don’t know why when I have an app for that

  44. Alanna says:

    Ever since I was in the Peace Corps in Mongolia and was subjected to day after day of food prepared with any spices, I carry two mini air-tight condiment jars. One is filled with a home made blend of garlic powder, black pepper, curry powder, and paprika, and the other is filled with a mix of vinegar, soy sauce, and sesame oil. When I was in Mongolia, I used to discreetly whip these little bottles out and sprinkle my mutton with much-needed flavor. Now I carry them around on the off chance that I’ll need to rescue myself from bland food.

  45. Leslie says:

    I just found a plastic letter F in the bag I’ve been carrying for weeks, with no idea where it’s from!

  46. Kasey says:

    My cleats & softball glove. I run my two corporate softball teams and play on at least four others throughout the week during Spring, Summer & Fall.

  47. Alexis says:

    I have a red Rabbit rubber wine stopper in my purse. I’m not sure how it got there, and I don’t know why I haven’t taken it out yet, but I like to think it rounds out my preparedness.

  48. Emily says:

    I love these bags! The strangest thing I carry these days is a pair of sunglasses… Not needed for the foggy Sam Francisco summer, but I’m an optimist!

  49. Tara M. says:

    I have scissors and glue in my purse – I was a second grade teacher before going to law school and still can’t shake the urge to carry around school supplies!

  50. Hanan says:

    Nothing too strange in my bag. Maybe the little mini flashlight I got at a company trade show? You know in case I get stuck in a dark place.

  51. Julia says:

    The weirdest thing I carry in my purse would have to be cheese sticks. I’m a college girl on the go, and it can be the perfect snack that isn’t messy!

  52. Kelsey says:

    I always carry my pocket U.S. Constitution. I’ve whipped that thing out on a few occasions during heated discussions of the 2d Amendment, the 14th Amendment and Article II power.

  53. Erika says:

    A mix CD from highschool (>10 years ago) and I have no idea why it’s there.

  54. Kay says:

    The strangest thing in my bag is probably the wide variety of magazines I always have to read – currently I’m carrying around an issue of Time, Better Homes & Gardens, and Kiplinger. But since you’re a woman who appreciates variety, I’m sure you’ll think that’s too normal.

    So my other weird thing is a pair of capri leggings. I almost never wear pants, but I’m a part-time actress, so I always like to hair a pair of leggings to put on under dresses for rehearsals.

  55. Meredith T. says:

    A smaller purse! It helps with organization. Plus if I need to go to an event and do not want to carry the larger bag around all evening, I already have a smaller purse ready to go!

  56. Amy Marie says:

    Dental floss. Always with the dental floss. One does not go into a meeting with clients with strawberry seeds in one’s teeth.

  57. Allie says:

    This is very attractive- nose spray. My allergies are killing my right now.

  58. Sarah MC says:

    Lavender aromatherapy for when I am stressing or cannot sleep while traveling. That is always in my bag. That and tape measure. Tape measure is essential to make sure if I find an awesome deal on furniture that it can fit.

  59. Lindsey says:

    A silver dollar my dad gave me for good luck, and a pink mini-Maglite in case my luck ever runs out in a place like the subway.

  60. RT says:

    Nothing too strange, but I usually carry snacks. Today it’s trail mix.

  61. Haven says:

    Nothing too strange at the moment. Maybe the sharpies I have from where we took my step son to camp. Label, label, label!

  62. Nicole says:

    The strangest thing I have is probably my mini pharmacy of stomach medication (tums, gas-x, rx, etc.) Any kind you can think of, I usually have it in my bag.

  63. Kristin says:

    Hm, I haven’t really got anything strange or unusual in my purse. On any given day the strangest thing is probably some random toy or snack that my 2-year old has hidden inside my purse. One day the interior pockets were stuffed with crayons!

  64. Ali says:

    Nipple cream! It’s so embarrassing but it’s the BEST for chapped lips (trust me on this!)

  65. Fransiska Dannemann says:

    I carry salmon flavored dog treats and doggie bags everywhere!

  66. SD says:

    A wine opener. Clearly I have my priorities!

  67. Kate says:

    A pocket DSM. Never know when I’ll need to diagnose on the fly! (I jest.)

  68. Binna says:

    A padlock just hanging out in my purse, hehe. You never know when you’re gonna need one?

  69. Jenny says:

    Right now it’s an assortment of straws. Straws always amuse my daughter in public

  70. Celeste says:

    A Leatherman tool. It has come in handy on multiple occasions!

  71. Rachel says:

    Dog/Cat treats for when I’m visiting friends who have furry babies!

  72. E says:

    Miniature beach umbrella from a cocktail that I never (apparently) took out of my purse…

  73. Christine says:

    The strangest thing in my bag right now is dog treats (in a ziploc) from my last trip to the vet.

  74. Kait says:

    A name tag from my most recent conference/panel/etc. I almost always have at least one floating around my bag.

  75. Claire says:

    A few tea bags. Just in case I go somewhere and need tea.

  76. Laura says:

    Coffee. We always forget to restock the coffee supply in the office, so I keep some in my purse in case we are ever out.

  77. professionalonabudget says:

    What is the strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag?

    a CNN mint container with stamps (for a while i was taking an old school correspondence course in geography and always needed stamps)

  78. Alex says:

    A single monkey from the game “barrel of monkeys” – it’s a good luck charm!

  79. Katie says:

    Chamois Glide anti chafing balm. I initially bought it to use when cycling, and found that it doubles as a way to prevent (or ease the pain of) blisters from summer sandles!

  80. Isabel says:

    An apple corer! I use it so that I can snack on apple wedges at my desk, but also answer the phone in case it rings.

  81. Holly says:

    I have my Leatherman multi-tool at the bottom of my purse. It has a box opener and scissors and I love having it when I need it. People are always so surprised I have it when I pull it out of my purse or offer help to someone.

  82. Meg says:

    My purse has a better selection of products than most drugstores! I always carry 5 lip glosses/lipsticks that I rarely use, and one chap stick I use constantly. Seven kinds of pills for whatever medical situation might arise. Band-aids. A spare pair of undies. Moisturizer, and an under eye roller, a hair brush, and too many hairpins and pony tail holders to count, nail-polish remover wipes, and all of the little perfume samples I’ve received from the department store/Birchbox.

    I desperately need an OG to tote all this around 🙂

  83. Kim says:

    I carry assorted crystals in my purse at all times to channel various types of positive energy. They are in a small drawstring jewelry bag. I may forget my wallet or my reading glasses but I always have my crystals!

  84. Margie says:

    A Sharpie and a fountain pen. They both come in handy more often than you would think. There are many times when a lesser writing instrument simply will not do.

  85. Leigh says:

    I guess fashion tape, the double sided sticky tape for clothes, is my weirdest thing.

  86. SP says:

    I travel quite a bit for work, so I always have a variety of metro tickets in my bag. I’m convinced I can’t take out my BART pass or SMART card since I might end up needing one or the other by the end of the day.

  87. Shareen says:

    I have an airplane-sized bottle of Sutter Home Red Wine. I promise I’m not a lush, it’s just been there a while!

  88. Megan P. says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my every day bag is a small headlamp. You never know when you might need to shine some light somewhere!

  89. Leah says:

    Tea! You never know when you’ll run into an office with terrible tea offerings and need to supply your own.

  90. Jenn L. says:

    Perhaps my little coupon organizer? In itself it isn’t weird, but I almost always have it with me so that if I have to make an otherwise-unplanned trip to the store, I can save a little money. I’m not a craaaazy couponer by any means, but who doesn’t like to (easily) save money?

  91. nisha says:

    My bag is always full of random things to get me from morning til night away from home – so I’m no longer surprised by its contents, though watching the puzzled expressions of others while I rifle through checkbooks, highlighters, socks, and blinking light attachments for my bicycle is always a treat. I guess the strangest thing in my bag is actually my bicycle lights or locks….on the days that I’m taking metro to work and not touching my bike at all….

  92. LO says:

    Leftover from client events, two Sharpies–one black (with a fine tip end in addition to the marker end) and one silver (for autographs on dark-colored items). I used to work an annual event with a pro-athlete.

  93. Allison says:

    A wine/beer bottle opener – always prepared! 🙂

  94. Sarah R. says:

    I always have a bottle of Advil.

  95. Veronica says:

    The strangest thing in my purse would have to be the Tapatio (hot sauce) packets. I randomly came across them at the movie theatre and now I always have some with me. You never know when you will need a little hot sauce 🙂

  96. Allison says:

    Right now I have a tiny champagne bottle filled with soap bubbles. I went to a lot of weddings this year.

  97. maggie says:

    I carry whatever color of nail polish I’m wearing at the time- chips really bug me and if I get just one, I tend to think the whole manicure is ruined and start picking at it– so I try to fix chips and run a topcoat over every other day or so.

    At the moment, I’ve also got a pair of underwear in a cosmetics bag– it’s my favorite pair that I got at target a year or so ago, and every time I’m in target, I stop to see if they have something similar- no luck yet but maybe someday!

  98. Laura says:

    Bobby pins. So many bobby pins.

  99. Lia says:

    I have way too many organizer clutches inside my purse.

  100. Usha says:

    I carry a bag of pills too! But more often that note, it’s a half-eaten cookie that I think I will save for later but just end up throwing out.

  101. edr says:

    Three $1 chips I forgot to cash in at the Borgata over Memorial Day. Maybe they’ll bring me luck in DC!

  102. Allie says:

    My swimsuit. I hit the pool every day to start my day off right.

  103. Natalie F says:

    Perhaps not so strange, but I carry three separate calendars/day planners. One large one that has a day-per-page for the hourly schedule I try and keep, one medium size that has a week-per-page to keep the week’s goals and appointments in order, and one small size that covers two years with a month-per-page. Slightly neurotic I know, but hey, girl’s got a busy schedule!

  104. Leah K. says:

    I try to streamline my purse contents as much as possible to make bag transfers easy, but I have kept a “Redneck Driver’s License” for YEARS, the kind you buy in a souvenir store (cartoon picture of man with no teeth, birth date listed as ‘ask uncle dad’, restriction listed as ‘wearing shoes’, you get the idea). While living in Nashville post college I forgot my ID one eve and saw a gift shop next door with the ID’s in the window. Rather than cab home and back again I purchased the ID and handed to the bouncer, he laughed so hard that he let me in.

  105. MG says:

    I no longer have it, but I carried around an N64 Donkey Kong game for about a month. It found its way into my purse somehow (…I really have no idea) and when I found it it made me laugh, so I kept it around.

  106. Chelsea says:

    Well, I think my purse is going to double in weight, these are all really good ideas that I now feel like I MUST have with me at all times! The weirdest thing is a Tide Pen because I spill on myself a LOT.

  107. Elle says:

    I have about two months’ worth of notes from the Sunday sermons at church.

  108. aimee says:

    I always carry a bag of goldfish crackers for the kids.

  109. s-p-c says:

    Earplugs – always handy to have the option of peace and quiet.

  110. Carol says:

    I always have apple slicse in my bag — never know when I’m going to get hungry!

  111. Kristi says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag every day is a flash drive – always have to be prepared!

  112. Kate says:

    I have had a bag of broken necklaces that I’ve been meaning to fix in my purse for a month now. Happy birthday, CHS!

  113. Lindsay says:

    I’m pretty aggressive in editing my purse or it gets out of control. Probably the spare pair of contacts is the usual but right now I’m toting around some spare birthday cards.

  114. Heather says:

    My son’s tiny baby bunny toy, for cuddle emergencies!

  115. Christine says:

    One of those little wind-up flash lights, which my Dad gave me for Christmas one year. It came in handy a few times, but now I just whip out the flashlight app on my iPhone.

  116. Gin says:

    I keep my travel waterpik in a case in my purse. The feeling of dentist-clean gums is a good mid-day pick me up. Truly weird.

  117. Ch says:

    Hm…lots of old receipts and store coupons (just in case!)

  118. Jenna says:

    I wrote a comment that was eaten! I’ve been carrying my boyfriend’s broken watch around for two years with the intention of having it fixed and for whatever reason, I can never remember to do it. He probably thinks it was lost years ago.

  119. e says:

    I keep a roll of athletic tape in my makeup bag in my purse.

  120. Jennifer says:

    The strangest thing is probably floss!

  121. Lisa says:

    Neosporin cream, for scrapes, blisters, blemishes, and anything else that might pop up during the day.

  122. katy says:

    Bandaids in a specifically engineered bandaid container.

  123. Ella says:

    Waterproof purple eyeliner. You never know?

  124. AMB says:

    Probably my Disney princess keys – I’m still young at heart.

  125. Caro Pink says:

    I had to dig through my bag, but the strangest thing at this moment is a vegan cookie recipe.

  126. Austin says:

    I have metro cards for three different cities — two of which I haven’t visited in at least a year.

  127. Elizabeth says:

    Shoes. Always an extra pair of flats for commuting.

  128. Casey says:

    Since it’s summer, the strangest thing in my purse is Benadryl cream to stop me from scratching icky mosquito bites.

    On a brighter note: Happy 5th birthday, Capitol Hill Style!

  129. Brenna says:

    Lavender Essential Oil ~ because you should always be prepared to handle a stressful situation.

  130. Gen says:

    extra underwear … I’m terrified of working out in the morning at the gym at work, then showering and realizing that I forgot to pack underwear.

  131. Megan says:

    Baby wipes– I am childless.

  132. Elizabeth says:

    I always carry a deck of cards in my purse – just in case i get bored, or for games.

  133. Chelsea says:

    Nail clippers – in case a hangnail sneaks up on me!

  134. Michelle says:

    I have Instant Krazy Glue right now. Not sure why I put in it my purse in the first place but I never took it out.

  135. Alyssa says:

    I currently have a pair of keys that I don’t know what they open. I have a suspicion that one of them is from my first apartment.

  136. lcris says:

    My epipen. I was not allergic as a kid, so I found strange the need to carry that just now that I’m 33. It freaks me out the idea that in case of emergency I would have to stick myself with that. I hope I’ll never need it.

  137. Noelle says:

    My 9 year old sister’s pink hair tie. She put it in there on her last visit and I can’t bring myself to take it out!

  138. Sara says:

    A powder brush, even though I don’t carry powder….huh.

  139. Julie says:

    A CPR rescue mask – infant and adult size. Always prepared!

  140. K says:

    Well I always have a koozie and a tactical pen. For all you ladies, a tactical pen is by far the best item to carry if you tend to walk alone at night. The beauty of tactical pens (unlike pepper spray) is you can carry it everywhere I go. I have traveled all around the world with my pen and have never had any issues with airport security. I carry this pen in my hand when walking around alone…I know if someone tried to attack me I could defend myself, causing an injury that would at the very least give me time to run away. There are plenty on the market for sale. Here is the one I have:

  141. Cayenne says:

    a pair of black socks – never know when my feet are going to get cold in a chilly office. or on the plane.

  142. AJ says:

    A mini screwdriver. No idea why I have it with me!

  143. Lauren says:

    I’d say it’s a tie between my spare meds holder that says “I need more money, power and less sh*t from you people” and the German baby bracelet my gram gave me. When I’m having a bad day, it makes me smile.

  144. Ashley says:

    The strangest thing I carry around in my purse on a daily basis is a ziploc bag with my latest knitting project. Since I spend nearly an hour in-transit every day it’s nice to have something to keep my hands busy! (And, it’s an excellent conversation starter!)

  145. Meredith says:

    The strangest item I carry in my purse is a hotel key to the NYAC – even though I’m back home in DC!

    Happy Birthday Capitol Hill Style! Thank you for all the great intel over the years 🙂

  146. Ashley says:

    The weirdest thing I have in my bag is probably the wine list from the restaurant I work at part time. I pulled it out yesterday at my office and I got a few sideways glances.

  147. Liz W says:

    Floss! Not that weird though, and it comes in handy!

  148. Diana Nguyen says:

    Hi! First off, happy blog birthday! Thank you so much for creating this blog and taking the time to publish such informative and enjoyable posts! It has helped me immensely, both in my professional and personal journeys. The strangest thing in my handbag would be my glucose tablets. I suffer from hypoglycemia so it is a necessity! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  149. Kirstin says:

    I always carry a plastic sandwich bag full of my favorite tea bags. I can’t drink coffee, and decent tea is not to be taken for granted.

  150. SDV says:

    I don’t keep anything that odd in my bag, but I tend to shove napkins in there when I buy food on the go, so there is almost always one or more crumpled at the bottom.

  151. L says:

    I got a flat once while biking to work and didn’t have supplies to fix it, but now I’m always prepared! My bag always has a patch kit, mini-pump, and tire levers.

  152. Tori says:

    An assortment of bandaids… always prepared. 🙂

  153. Meg K. says:

    My Mel Ott Society card, for he, not Babe Ruth, was the youngest player to reach 100 home runs.

  154. Kate says:

    I usually have a stash of starbucks napkins – I kept seeing blogs/magazines say they were just as good as oil blotting papers and now they are a summertime beauty necessity for me.

  155. Whitney says:

    Benadryl itch stopping cream, I am a magnet for mosquitoes so I never leave home without it.

  156. BT says:

    I am a yoga teacher so I carry around a bottle of lavender oil at all times!

  157. Gina says:

    A full sized deodorant – commuting in the sweltering summer heat makes it necessary!

  158. Caitlin F says:

    I carry a wrench that fits the seat of my bike in case it ever comes loose!

  159. Kate D says:

    I keep a box of Crane & Co gold embossed thank you notes and write notes for everything. People really appreciate when they are appreciated!

  160. RZ says:

    I try to clean my work bag out fairly regularly. One item that is still in there is a little packet of temporary cement. I had to have a temporary crown put on and my dentist gave me this little applicator + cement in case the temporary fell off and I couldn’t get in to see her. Time to clean that out!

  161. Betsy says:

    Usually an apple and a handful of fruit leathers from Trader Joe’s!

  162. Fran says:

    These comments should really be collapsible…it is quite a scroll when there are so many.

    The strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag is a condom. I never know when I’ll have a last-minute date with my bf and I won’t be able to run home first so I try to always be prepared to be safe!

  163. Hilary says:

    I think it’s normal, but I have a stash of bobby pins in every purse. They are essentially my calling card.

  164. Lar says:

    Baby wipes and lots of packages of broken crackers and smooshed granola bars. Yeah, I have a total mom bag.

  165. WW says:

    My library card from my hometown, located about 1,000 miles from where I live now! Oh, nostalgia…

  166. Monica says:

    Right now I have a men’s shoehorn in my purse…It’s travel size and I was carrying it for my fiance and it has since fallen into the abyss and will unlikely be found for months!

  167. Kristen says:

    Ear plugs. I have a pair from when my dad was helping me move across country and I had to share hotel rooms with him. He snores baddddd, so this was the only way I could sleep… it’s been almost 2 years and they still make every purse change. Ya never know when you’ll need some quiet 🙂

  168. MK says:

    Basically my entire lipstick/balm/gloss collection. That way I never forget to bring it with me, and I’m never without a color I need.

  169. Deb says:

    Paint chips. I’m tired of purchasing items for my house and then realizing afterwards that it looks horrible with the wall color

  170. Jessica says:

    A diaper. Totally necessary, but seems so strange compared to the stuff I used to carry.

  171. Alex says:

    Probably not that strange, but a mini deodorant. DC summers are too hot to handle.

  172. melissa says:

    i like to keep things to stay busy in my bag for when i have downtime, my kindle (not so odd), some knitting and a half-finished friendship bracelet (more odd)

  173. Ashley says:

    A wine opener. Because, well, life. 🙂

  174. Stephanie says:

    A wine opener. I know my priorities!

  175. Charlotte says:

    My toddler has mysteriously chosen a small yellow magnet as his “security object” that he insists on carrying around during every waking moment outside of daycare. Fortunately, we have several duplicates, so I keep one in my purse for the days when I pick him up in the afternoons. It makes me smile whenever I see it. 🙂

  176. Megan says:

    An assortment of multi-colored pens for my 2-year old to play/draw with if we are stuck somewhere and she gets bored.

  177. bella says:

    The strangest thing is on of those spiral bobby pins. Easiest way to get my hair up.

  178. Sara says:

    A sharpie. And extra metro/subway cards for DC and NYC–you just never know…

  179. bella says:

    The strangest thing in my bag is one of those spiral bobby pins. Easiest way to get my hair up.

  180. Pamela says:

    A ziplock baggie of vitamins, excedrin, ibuprofen, sudafed, & mucinex. Can’t say I’m not prepared!

  181. Stephanie says:

    A wine opener. Priorities 🙂

  182. C says:

    I usually have a set of contacts in my purse. My eyes are sensitive and I usually wear glasses, but I carry the contacts just in case.

  183. Pressley says:

    I have the business card of a guy who came to my door several years ago trying to sell me a security system. We ended up talking for about 3 hours and sharing the pizza I had delivered earlier that night. I have no idea what happened to him after he walked out of my house, but I still have that card!

  184. WW says:

    My library card from my hometown — located about 1,000 miles away from where I live now! Oh, nostalgia…

  185. Lexi says:

    My check book. I haven’t written a check in year, but for some reason I still carry it around. You never know if today is the day that I need to write a check!

  186. Emilie says:

    A migraine “preparedness” kit – ear plugs, a sleep mask, and my migraine meds. If I am lucky and catch a migraine really early during the aura, I can take the meds, a glass of water, and lay in a dark room for 30 minutes to an hour and beat the migraine. I’ve crashed on friends’ beds, in my office with the door closed (when I had one), and even office supply closet at my current job b/c its dark. They even made a little sign for my flare ups that they put on the door 🙂

  187. Beth says:

    I have a pebble that I picked up from one of my favorite places on the planet

  188. Kendall says:

    For most people the strangest item I carry in my purse is my large full sized day planner, yes i still use a day planner and write everything out! I have a smart phone but can’t make the switch. Any of the L&S bags would fit my day planner!

    Happy Birthday CHS!

  189. Heather says:

    Most recently, it’s been a Minion – a Despicable Me 2 promotional Happy Meal toy – courtesy of my 2 year old.

  190. Maria says:

    I have an old pair of earrings in the shape of a rocking horse in my bag. My grandma gave them to me. I found them months ago and tucked them in my bag and they’ve just stayed there, keeping me company on work trips.

  191. MC says:

    I have a fancy cleaning cloth for my glasses – it makes a huge difference!

  192. Katie says:

    spare contacts + contact solution

  193. Katie says:

    This is TMI-so my apologies to other readers…Lately I keep in my purse a plastic ziploc bag full of Miralax. I am 24 weeks pregnant and am constantly adding Miralax to my tea at work to help maintain regular digestion. Miralax comes in a white powder so needless to say, I get alot of funny looks and stares when I take it out of my purse every morning.

  194. Maya says:

    Probably the ACE bandage – while traveling in March, I fell down the stairs at a hostel (not fun! well. the night was, the consequences, not so much). Bought the bandage at the airport and have been carrying it around ever since, since my ankle still isn’t totally recovered…(bonus: unfinished friendship bracelets that I was making for my little sister)

  195. Lisa says:

    a tiny bottle of hot sauce.

  196. Leigh says:

    I always have an unexplainable about of hair ties and barrettes. . .

  197. Stacy says:

    Probably not technically weird, but yy “hair tin”. I repurposed a tin that held mints in a former life to carry clear hair elastics and bobby pins. Living in “Swampeast” Missouri the humidity here can kill a hairstyle dead in no time flat.

  198. Paula says:

    A small snack of some sort–usually nuts!

  199. Amy says:

    Band-aids and an old student id. I’m not too far removed from school that I still look like the photo, and provides a great second photo id and student discounts at stores!
    LOVE my OMG bag from Lo & Sons!

  200. Taylor says:

    I usually carry a fork and spoon with me to avoid having to use plastic disposable utensils. (Used to just be the spoon until a police officer friend pointed out how suspicious that could look!) I also keep a book of stamps in my purse, since that’s the only place where I seem to avoid losing them.

  201. jenny says:

    I would have to say nasal decongestant. I have bad allergies and it brings *some* relief! I also use it when I am tired. The minty smell wakes me up!

  202. Jessica says:

    I don’t think I have anything too strange in my bag. I’ve been traveling a lot lately so I have accumulated a large stash of hotel room keys that keeps building.

  203. Meyer says:

    A full (but mini!) dental hygiene kit- brush, toothpaste, floss, etc. Makes a huge difference!

  204. SCS says:

    A koozie and a few snacks!

  205. Rebecca says:

    I used to carry a tiny screwdriver, the kind you use to fix your glasses. I wear glasses and am terrified of being “blind” without them. So it happens that I “helpfully” had this tiny screwdriver with me several years ago on vacation 3,000 miles from home in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I lent the screwdriver to a fellow traveler with broken specs. Never got it back. Four hours later, I lost my glasses in the Pacific Ocean when a freak wave overwhelmed our beach party late at night. Spent the rest of the week stumbling around Mexico. Lesson: no matter how prepared you are, life still throws you surprises. I don’t “need” as much in my bag as I think.

  206. Michelle says:

    A toy phone from Build A Bear Workshop courtesy of my 5 year old. My purse randomly sings “Be bearriffic, be be bearrific, yeah!”

  207. CG says:

    I keep a plastic spoon & fork in a baggie. I’m trying to cut down on the number of these I use and throw away at various fast food places.

  208. Kelly says:

    I had to look because I wasn’t sure I had anything strange in my bag. Then, I found the Pez dispenser my niece gave me two years ago because she thought it looked like me. It has somehow managed to survive every bag transfer since she gave it to me.

  209. Gina C. says:

    The cd, Def Lepard, ‘Vault’ Greatest Hits from 1980-1995. I know CDs are old school, but I can always put it in my computer or car to hear some great music and put a smile on my face.

  210. Gillian says:

    I always have at least 3 bottles of hand sanitizer with me

  211. Lori says:

    Dice! Never know when they might come in handy.

  212. Caroline says:

    I carry a few bills worth of foreign currency from past trips. It brings back happy memories whenever I notice them in my wallet.

  213. Justine says:

    It sounds like I’m not the only one who carries a pair of socks.

  214. lizm says:

    At least 5 necklaces… my work bag doubles as a travel bag and you never know when you’ll need a statement necklace.

  215. Sarah C. says:

    Diapers, petroleum jelly, diaper rash cream, packet of apple sauce, fruit snacks and a fruit roll-up…having a 2 year-old means your purse is no longer your own!

  216. Christine Lamitina says:

    Right now, I’m carrying around a portable walking cane despite being a year shy of 30. I fractured my foot a few weeks ago and having an emergency cane really helps when I get tired.

  217. april says:

    a $1 casino chip from the Aria hotel in Vegas. And body scrub, I use for my hands (sorry if this comes up twice, there was a computer crash)

  218. LadyDay says:

    I used to be a nanny so I have top-level but very small first aid kit without which I never leave home – even (especially!) when I’m going out for a night out! I don’t think it’s strange but apparently all of my friends do.

  219. JJ says:

    Highlighters! Lot’s and lots of highlighters! I just counted and I have 5 highlighters in my purse (2 yellow, pink, green, and blue). You never know when you need to color code something you are reading on the bus!

  220. Ms. C says:

    Coupons. And no, I’m not 80. They *are* gathered in a Marc Jacobs clutch so perhaps that ups the chic factor?

    I finally came to the realization that i would never use all those BB&B 20% vouchers if I didn’t have them with me at all times.

  221. sue says:


  222. Lizzy says:

    Sadly I just fished a rotted peach out of my new handbag this morning. Right now my bag is sitting on my desk filled with baking soda to remove the smell. Loose baking soda is pretty strange, no?

  223. Linds says:

    Definitely the weirdest thing in my bag lately is a large pink rubber bouncy ball. When the muscles in my feet feel overworked after a long day of walking, rolling the ball under the my soles relieves a lot of pain.

  224. Dvora says:

    The strangest thing I carry is a friction block stick. I hate when my shoes aren’t comfortable.

  225. Anne says:

    I keep a journal for my son, which hasn’t been updated in months and months and months, but I still keep it in there, just in case I have a free moment to document his likes/dislikes/milestones.

  226. pat says:

    4 Different types of chapsticks…. Just in case

  227. Cathy says:

    Two summer musts: A folding fan and a bottle of Lemon Eucalyptus oil (to ward off bugs)

  228. kelly says:

    Pair of ballet flats!

  229. Shannon R. says:

    I’m not sure I carry anything strange or unusual in my everyday bag. I always have floss with me at all times, as I find if I don’t have some with me, I’ll need at the most inopportune time!

  230. Kelly says:

    The spare key to my old car! Since sold.. oops. 1996 white Volvo out there, I’m coming for you.

  231. Lauren says:

    A million pieces of saltwater taffy from a day trip! I keep throwing one or two in on my way out the door in case I need an afternoon pick me up, but then I never eat them and they accumulate. They are probably 10 in there by now!

  232. Emily says:

    The strangest things I have are a Tide Pen (not that strange) and an out of date Costco flier (a product of laziness). Time to clean out my purse!

  233. kari says:


  234. McKenzie says:

    I almost always have a snack, and it’s usually turkey jerky. I know it seems gross, but it’s my fave!!

  235. Alexis says:

    Colgate Wisps! You never know when you’re gonna need a mini-toothbrush/toothpick!

  236. Megs says:

    Multiple chapsticks. They tend to disappear only to reappear after a new one is tossed in.

  237. Liz says:

    i don’t know that anything is strange… usually just some emergency snacks for my daughter for the ride home!

  238. Whitney says:

    Earplugs. You never know when you’ll need a little peace and quiet, or when you’re stuck working in an office that is half under constructions.

  239. CK says:

    I carry a collection of notes from my husband. Sometimes he packs me lunch in the mornings, and he will write a sweet note on an index card and tuck it in a pocket in my bag for me to find later. I must have collected 30 or 40 by now. How lucky am I to have a husband that packs lunch? 😉

  240. Becky says:

    A pink, keychain-sized Sharpie (in case of grammar emergencies).

  241. Becky says:

    Deodorant — but it’s not for me, it’s for my teenagers.

  242. Brittany M says:

    Weirdest thing? A bunch of “half pieces” of gum. I don’t like to chew a full piece, so I rip it in half and end up inadvertently dropping the unchewed half into my bag! Whoops!

  243. LL says:

    *Two* koozies with my company logo and a diaper for my toddler. It really is my EVERYDAY bag.

  244. Holly says:

    I like to keep a fairly streamlined bag, but I’d say the oddest thing I keep is a small thing of sunscreen. I HATE being caught out in the sun with no protection (I’m good about applying it to my face everyday of course, but not so much on my body). It comes in handy!

    Congrats on five years!

  245. Katie says:

    An embarrassing number of ponytail holders and bobby pins. You never know when you might need one (or eight)!

  246. KTJ says:


  247. Jill says:

    Usually a couple of random utensils– forks or spoons– because I pack my lunch everyday!

  248. Cat says:

    Congrats on the 5 year anniversary! And thank you for including us in the celebration.

    My favorite coffee shop only provides raw sugar as a sweetner, and that just isn’t enough to transform my iced red eye to the equivalent of coffee ice cream. So, I hoard Splenda packets from other coffee bars and stash them in my purse. Sad, but true.

  249. jill dvorak says:

    I basically have a pharmacy in my bag – anti bacterial, tissues, sewing kit, hair ties, feminine products, advil, dayquil, gum, chapstick, bandaids – you never know when you or a friend needs anyone of these! Lately my sons fruit pouches and pacifiers have been sneaking in too. I may or may not have eaten a pouch in a pinch last week..

  250. Brittnie says:

    The strangest thing I have in my bad at the moment is Mustela bebe Hydra-Stick (a moisturizing stick for babies). I’m 23 and am no where near having any children but I use this religiously for my always chapped lips!

  251. AJ says:

    A mini screwdriver. I can’t remember why it’s in there!

  252. Emcie Kaye says:


  253. Erika says:

    Neosporin probably tops the list of weird, but it always seems to come in handy with two young children. Other weird but lovely things are silver bracelets I picked up for my daughters when I was in Santa Fe and Murano glass bead necklaces from Venice, which I should put in a safe place but never seem to because I figure I won’t lose them if they are in my purse!

  254. -LK says:

    It’s not any given item in my bag that’s most strange, but rather the amount of stuff. My friends often jokingly compare my bag to mary poppins or harry potter. I usually have at minimum: aleve, advil, allergy meds, tissues, baby wipes, toe nail clippers, polish, bandaids, moleskin, hair ties, 2-3 chap sticks, 2-3 kinds of mint/gum, head phones, ipod, 2 phones, toothbrush and paste, deodorant, paper, pens, calendar, keys, bag of coupons, wallet, hankerchief, chargers, and more…. i guess i just like to be prepared for everything 🙂

  255. Maggie says:

    By themselves none of my items are odd. But when you carry an umbrella, a pharmacy, nail salon, hairdresser, makeup artist and cafeteria all in one bag– it gets to be a little silly. My friends joke that one day I will pull a lamp out of my purse like Mary Poppins.

  256. Virginia says:

    In addition to my SmarTrip card, I have an NYC MetroCard, a San Francisco Clipper Card, and a Paris Visite pass. They’ve ended up in my wallet over the past two years and I guess that’s where they’ll stay!

  257. KJL says:

    A ton of band-aids and a random collection of ticket stubs from baseball games (I work next to the stadium).

  258. GBS says:

    i always have deodorant!

  259. Chloe says:

    A tide pen and a pair of silver stud earrings and my Nook … my contents aren’t too, too strange, but I like being prepared!

  260. Danielle says:

    I keep a small pharmacy- currently have 3 different colors of nail polish, 5 lip glosses, and 2 different lip balms.

  261. Melissa says:

    I carry wet wipes just in case I decide to stop at a food truck for lunch and can’t wash my hands.

  262. Erin W says:

    a pacifier for my 2 year old

  263. Melissa says:

    I currently have 26 pens in my work bag. Seriously, I just counted.

  264. Sarah Taggart says:

    Grippy socks for Pure Barre class. And actually, an extra pair of socks in my purse has been helpful on other occasions (impromptu bowling!)

  265. Maura O'Sullivan says:

    A pill box with some sketchy looking cut in half orange pills. The pharmacist insisted I also carry the rx label so that I don’t look like a crazy person. The meds are for migraines.

  266. Claudia says:

    a small retractable measuring tape. convenient for the obvious use, but priceless for how it keeps my 17 month old happy when running errands.

  267. Karen says:

    I keep a baby photo of my niece in my wallet, which is always in my everyday bag. Doesn’t sound weird, but she’s not a baby anymore… I put it in there as a “just in case” after reading somewhere that lost wallets with baby photos in them are most likely to be returned!

  268. amanda says:

    My husband is an endurance athlete (read:just ran a 100 mile race in July) and thanks to him I discovered Clif Blocs (caffeinated sports nutrition blocks). I keep a package in my bag just in case I can’t get coffee somewhere and am in need of a boost. Not the healthiest thing to tote around but a LIFESAVER. And speaking of lifesaver…I also have a pair of medical gloves (unused). I’m a nurse and those things come in handy for so many things it’s unreal.

  269. Meghan says:

    Libraries cards for libraries in multiple states and countries. I never want to go on a research trip and realize I forgot my reader card!

  270. Meaghan says:

    A crumpled up list of conversation topics that my best friend and I made for ourselves before a blind date freshman year of high school!

  271. Kelly says:

    I carry an antique blue marble-sort of a worry stone.

  272. Jill says:

    I usually have a couple of random utensils in my bag– usually forks or spoons– because I bring my lunch everyday

  273. JB says:

    I almost always have House and Senate Gallery Passes in my purse. We give them out to our grad students for Capitol Hill day so I stash extras in my purse in case someone lost a pass or I counted wrong. I swear, the world would end if we didn’t have enough passes!

  274. Jenny says:

    A piece of paper certifying that I got a yellow fever vaccination. I keep forgetting to take it out of my purse.

  275. Miss Pearl says:

    My Toe Socks for SPX Pilates!

  276. Laura says:

    Ha, I actually still have my *year old* capitol hill ID card in my bag. It has a hole punch through it and is obviously expired. I threw it in my wallet after my last day (exactly 1 year ago) and never took it out. Weird thing is, I’ve changed purses many times since then, but I always move it into the next purse…I guess I’m just holding on to the past and my fun ole days as a cap hill staffer!

  277. lesley says:

    A NYC metro card. I haven’t been up to NYC in months, but you never know when it might be needed!

  278. Chrissy says:

    The weirdest thing is probably my Cambodian drivers license from my year there in 2011-2012. It’s sort of become my lucky charm, plus it’s the best ID picture I’ve ever taken.

  279. Katherine says:

    There’s nothing terribly exciting in my bag; however, I have been known to carry my Kindle as well as a paperback or two to read during my commute.

  280. Laura says:

    Honestly, nothing too strange. I guess I have a small altoids tin that contains pills (vitamins/ advil, etc) so that might be a little unusual.

  281. Kelly says:

    Snacks- allegedly for my students, but also totally for me.

    Also, I got the OG last fall on Belle’s recommendation and it is even better than you could hope. Perfect work/gym/weekend bag. I’ve been saving up for my next Lo&Sons purchase!

  282. Julia says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag is a necklace my mother gave me when I was young. She said it would protect me and so far it has!

  283. Meaghan says:

    6 pounds of gold jewelry. I tend to take pieces off or add pieces throughout the day & they never seem to leave my bag!

  284. Carolyn says:

    Three unpaid parking tickets that I keep meaning to put in the mail!

  285. Ann says:

    A small wrench. Really more of a tiny wrench. It has come in so handy so many times I have lost count.

  286. Melanie says:

    I always carry a koozie!

  287. Kirby says:

    I have thank you notes.. never know when you might need one!

  288. Julia says:

    I have a lightning bolt shaped keychain that lights up and makes thunder sounds when you tap it. Great way to find my keys when they disappear into the depths of a bag.

  289. Emily H . says:

    Cut up veggies often end up in my bag (in a tupperware, I promise!) as I’m on the Bob Harper “Jumpstart to Skinny” challenge and eating tons of vegetables!

  290. Meredith says:

    I always carry matches or a lighter in my purse, but I don’t smoke. I saw SJP once in an interview and she said a lady always carries matches and it just stuck.

  291. Sarah says:

    A diaper. What can I say I have a potty training 2 year old.

  292. Lauren says:

    I always have an assortment of at least 6 or 7 lip sticks/glosses/balms. Apparently that’s not as strange as I’d always thought!

  293. Rachel says:

    The Monistat creme for chafing (aka, chub rub). At the airport once they made me take it out and I wanted to die while the woman kept flipping it over and examining it while everyone could see “Monistat” printed clearly on it. But my thighs need a little something with these humid summers!

  294. Cristina says:

    A mini stuffed panda bear wearing a Case Western t-shirt on a key chain. It was a gift from my boyfriend when we were still long distance in law school. Or a mini gavel I keep handy in case I need to declare order somewhere.

  295. Kathryn H. says:

    Nail clippers, I can’t stand it when my nails get too long!

  296. Jessica says:

    I always keep the disposable toothbrushes in my bag!

  297. Amanda says:

    I change bags often enough that I don’t collect anything too odd, but dental floss is a constant. One two many days of getting blueberry seeds stuck in my teeth and not noticing before I left home taught me that lesson.

  298. Emily says:

    Small packets of honey. Good with tea, coffee, or on crackers.

  299. Alana says:

    I keep soap strips in my wallet. I got them on the train in India, so they always make me smile. As a bonus they also keep my wallet smelling fresh, and are handy when there is no soap in icky bar bathrooms.

  300. Amy says:

    I carry a Koozie, deodorant and a rollerball of my perfume – three key ingredients for a good day!

  301. Kat says:

    I suppose the strangest thing I carry in my bag is an extra pair of shoes. You just never know when it’s going to rain around here so I always have an old pair of sandals or flats so I don’t have to worry about toting around my rain boots.

  302. Samantha says:

    I’ve had a pair of broken sunglasses in my bag for a few months now. I keep hoping I’ll remember to pick up a repair kit, but I never do. Here’s to hoping it’ll happen soon!

  303. Debbiee says:

    Transit Cards from New York, DC and Chicago (even though I live in Chicago), a spare pair of underwear (mine) and an extra diaper and wipes (for my 2 year old).

  304. Meredith says:

    Spare razor and deodorant!

  305. Alison says:

    Right now, a shotgun shell. It’s probably time to clean out the bottom of my bag…

  306. Amanda says:

    I don’t think I have anything in my purse that hasn’t already been mentioned, but I guess the weirdest thing would probably be some foreign currency from Southeast Asia, or a combination lock (for the gym).

  307. Julie says:

    Custom molded earplugs. I can’t stand noise. Unruly child in the checkout line at Target….no longer a problem.

  308. K says:

    My DSLR. I’m not a photographer by trade but I’m trying to learn how to use it and you never know when inspiration will strike!

  309. CML says:

    I keep a finger rosary ring in my wallet. Even though I was born and raised Catholic, I don’t consider myself particularly religious (at least to the point that I’d need a rosary on the go!) But I’ve never felt right leaving it out of my purse!

  310. CAM says:

    A plastic baggie- it’s for my phone if I ever get caught in a rainstorm

  311. Rachael Rosales says:

    Dramamine, both the normal and non-drowsy formulas. I get motion sickness very easily!

  312. Lauren Patheal says:

    The strangest thing that I carry in my everyday bag is a tube of lipstick that I know I will absolutely never use. It’s a beautiful color, and was kind of pricey, but when I wear it I look a little clown-esque. I just can’t part with it!

  313. SP says:

    A flashlight.

  314. Crystal J. says:

    Crackers and condiment packages!!

  315. Katie C. says:

    Floss! You never know when you might get something stuck in your teeth

  316. Kathleen says:

    Extra loose leaf tea, in a tupperware.

  317. Jenn H says:

    $2,000 Korean Wong (equivalent to $2 US Dollars), dog tags (not mine), gaffing tape (non-marking, easy to tear, black duct tape), and superglue….my purse as a whole is always interesting, my friends have turned it into a happy hour game (Guess what Jenn is schlepping today?)

  318. Rebecca says:

    A necklace I never wear that is supposed to be a good luck charm. I don’t know if it works, but I’m not about to remove it from my purse to find out!

  319. Laura says:

    I collect pocket knives and sometimes have as many as three in my purse…which makes for some interesting stories about going through security lines in DC…

  320. Hilary says:

    A silicon basting brush – my son loves to play with and chew on it!

  321. Samantha says:

    Random pieces of jewelry. I’ll take them off when going to the gym and then forget them in my bag.

  322. Sara says:

    With the heat and humidity of DC summers, I’ve been carrying around travel-sized deodorant in my purse. Always handy to have! Right now I also have the pleasure of carrying around GRE vocabulary flash cards.

  323. Jaime says:

    I always have a snack in my bag. I’ve carried everything from a granola bar to hard boiled eggs (protein!) in there.

  324. Jennifer says:

    My mail! Every morning I pick up my mail when leaving my apartment and on my way to work. I then go thru everything at the office!

  325. Mary says:

    Old school planner/calendar because I just can’t get on board with using my iPhone calendar!

  326. Carlisle says:

    Strangest thing would probably be a tube of bright orange nailpolish that I really don’t like – tried it in an ill-fated attempt to be a part of the neon trend.

  327. Jessica says:

    Today I have four iPhone chargers and some fabric tape – not quite sure what I’m prepared for!

  328. Lesley says:

    Breathe right nose strips. I use them to stop unexpected blistering.

  329. KP says:

    Dental floss

  330. Sarah Joy says:

    i keep multiple koozies in my every day purse. you never know when you are going to have a cold diet coke in a can or meet up with friends for a beer after work!

  331. Parker says:

    I never leave home with out a travel size facial cleanser and moisturizer in my bag. Keeping ones skin fresh is hard to do in the dog days of DC summers, these items are my remedy.

  332. Denise B says:

    What is the strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag?

    Probably a Burt’s Bees lip balm marked ‘foot.’ One day I had a new pair of shoes giving me a really bad blister, with the rest of the workday and a 4 hour retail shift staring me in the face. I needed a remedy, since I had just bought a new tin of rosebud salve, I decided it was time to dedicate my old tube of lip balm to the cause. I wrote ‘foot’ on it just so I don’t mistakenly (read: drunkenly) use it for its original, intended purpose.

  333. Natalie says:

    paperclips and binder clips. They fall off my stuff and somehow then live in the bottom of my bag.

  334. CD says:

    Dramamine – you never know when the Metro is going to be surprisingly bouncy!

  335. amanda says:

    A dictionary. It’s essential.

  336. C says:

    A pencil with amber decorating it. . .a gift from last year when I was working in Poland.

  337. Paige says:

    I carry a Koozie. Never know when I am going to grab an ice cold beer, after work hours of course!

  338. Mariam says:

    Nothing that weird – but I do carry floss with me at my husband’s request. I already carry various “just in case” items (advil, bandaids, hair ties, etc), but floss was a new one for me.

  339. Beth says:

    Nothing too strange in my bag. I do usually have some sort of emergency snack (bribe) for my 3 year old twins.

  340. Marielle says:

    Rainbow flip flops!! always!!! hate wearing flats or heels on the train

  341. MET says:

    The strangest thing I carry everyday is my Visine. You never know when your eyes will get tired or dried out from the computer or raging air conditioning at work.

  342. SHS says:

    Wet wipes. And I don’t have children. I get heckled about this a lot, but they have come in super hand on many occasions.

  343. Melissa says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag (on a daily basis) are those sticky pages that mark pages and coordinating highlighters. I must keep my notes organized!

  344. Elizabeth says:

    A calculator…yes, my iphone has one, but I’m a CPA and I just like a real calculator for work. Pretty nerdy.

  345. Aleena O says:

    I almost always carry an Emergen-C Vitamin C fizz drink packet. Just in case a I feel a cold coming on!

  346. Jennifer Reda says:

    bug spray, because bugs love me!!

  347. Kristin says:

    A travel size pack of Clorox Wipes just in case I spill something in my bag or drop something on the groud.

  348. Jamie says:

    This probably goes to show what’s really important to me – food! The weirdest thing I keep in my bag would have to be a pocket knife that consists of a fork, spoon, knife, and bottle opener. You never know when you’ll need a fork!

  349. Leah says:

    I’m not a morning person, so I usually have some sort of breakfast food in my purse (cereal, granola bar, etc.,) or a spoon when I remember to grab yogurt out of my fridge.

  350. Charlene says:

    I have a couple of tea bags and 2 thumb drives on a big keychain with pictures from the last 3 vacations I’ve taken. Still need to go through and print some pictures.
    Great giveaway!

  351. GoBigRed says:

    Just found a Crest White Strip and one sock (not sure where the other one is).

  352. Christina says:

    I never, ever leave the house without a stick of dove deodorant in my bag! May seem strange but during DC summers and with the general nature of this city being that you will always run into someone you know, I’d prefer they got a fresh whiff of me 😉

  353. Devan says:

    I carry a knife. Just a little one, but it comes in handy all the time! I think it’s pretty common for guys to carry one, but the little 2 inch blade also makes me feel a little safer if I’m out and about alone.

  354. Rachel says:

    An empty clear plastic ziplock bag… the bf is convinced when it rains his shiny new iPhone is going to get ruined and left this baggie in my purse at one point… just in case.

  355. Jennifer says:

    Dental floss. And last time I cleaned out my bag I found 12 lip glosses / balms and 14 pens. And it’s not that big of a bag!

  356. Sam says:

    I keep children’s underwear in my purse. You know, in case either of my kids has an accident.

  357. Anne says:

    The weirdest thing in my purse is a pencil case full of Papermate Flairs…just makes note taking more fun.

  358. Carrie says:

    I keep my Swiss Army knife on me at all times. This in itself isn’t that weird, but it’s pink, sparkly, and says “Princess” on it. I’ve had it since I was twelve and can’t bear to part with the hilarious looks I get every time I use it.

  359. Alex says:

    A pocket-size U.S. Constitution. Perhaps not as strange as it’s just uncommon? But so useful.

  360. J says:

    A mini framed poster of the Batman Bat-Signals through the years. I purchased it for a friend some time ago during a local comic expo– every time we hang out I fail to remember to take it out! Subsequently this broke grad student’s everyday bag is stretched out in four different stress points.

  361. Jessica says:

    a needle and thread is the strangest thing i have in my purse. The reason it is strange is because i wouldn’t know what to do with these items if i ever actually needed them…

  362. Rachel Bee says:

    Postcards – I like to write notes to friends when I’m stuck in a waiting room or something.

  363. Leah says:

    I’m not a morning person, so I always have some sort of breakfast food (cereal, granola, etc.) in my purse and occasionally a spoon when I have yogurt.

  364. Gina Lohr says:

    I always carry a small plastic spoon – usually one leftover from an overseas flight. Comes in handy when travelling – you can always pick up a yogurt for a tasty, cheap, healthy snack.

  365. Sarah says:

    I always keep dried fruit and trail mix in my bag for snacks. Right now, I have a large amount of dried pineapple stowed in my bag for when I’m hungry.

  366. Ellen Sandmeyer says:

    Lactaid pills! Cheese is wonderful and being lactose intolerant is a curse.

  367. Laura says:

    My membership card to the United States Parachute Association!

  368. Anne says:

    socks…for walking through airport security on days I’m wearing flip flops or flats!

  369. Sarah says:


  370. Em says:

    A pocket Constitution. I picked it up at work one day and have been carrying it around ever since.

  371. Genevieve says:

    My not-so-weird thing: there’s always a chocolate square in my purse! Quick pick me up on a crappy day or a just-because

  372. Allie says:

    Nothing weird right now, because I’ve downsized to carrying a wristlet inside my drab work laptop bag. If I won a new bag, maybe I’d be more prone to filling it up with odd items!

  373. Les says:

    I always have floss with me. I must have a crippling fear of spinach being in my teeth!
    Love the blog!

  374. Samantha says:

    A ticket to Mount Vernon from 3 years ago. Why? I have no idea.

  375. julie says:

    sunscreen! not exactly strange, but i need to apply it at the end of the day when i’m trekking to the train station to get home!

  376. Claire says:

    A seashell I found when I was a kid.

  377. CTM says:

    A travel size packet of peanut butter!

  378. Amanda says:

    Not sure I carry anything too strange, but I always have hand sanitizer, at least one band-aid, and a toothbrush. I don’t always have toothpaste, but the toothbrush does come in handy!

  379. Michelle B says:

    I have a pair of ear plugs with their own case that have never made it out of my bag from some overnight trip and/or concert. I take my sleep sounds and future hearing very seriously! 🙂

  380. Valerie says:

    Fabric samples and paint chips – in case I see a potential purchase for my home.

  381. Nothing totally crazy in my bag right now…Hmm, but there are some rubber bands. I keep all the ones I get from Whole Foods. They’re pretty handy.

  382. Christina says:

    Hmm… nothing too strange, now that I think about it. I always have a granola or luna bar, and I always have nail clippers.

  383. Katie Mac says:

    A hand-carved wooden “worry cross” my grandpa made for me. Might be strange to some but it’s sentimental and practical since I’m super fidgety.

  384. DC says:

    Right now I have 6 highlighters, but I often have a roll of gaffe tape in my bag. It fixes everything!

  385. C says:

    My weird thing is a full sized stick of deodorant. I never want to be surprised by an unexpected bought of B.O.! And I only wear Tom’s (cause of the aluminum content in most other deodorants) and they don’t make travel size, so a full stick it has to be!

  386. G says:

    I have a wine opener for impromptu picnics in the park and a sharpie.

  387. J says:

    Although unintentional, I always have a supply of earrings – I work out after leaving the office, and drop my earrings into my bag before my workout.

  388. Kathryn says:

    I keep benadryl on me during the summer months in case of nasty mosquito bites (which I’m covered in now, ouch!)

  389. Abby says:

    I always keep a pocket-sized cork screw in my purse. It’s important to always be ready to open a bottle of wine.

  390. Rachel says:

    I carry a Swiss army knife, which a lot of my friends say is strange–until it comes in handy to cut a tag, slice an apple, or pluck an eyebrow. Never leave home without it (except when I’m flying)

  391. allison says:

    Extra underwear, contact lens, a zillion medicines, flip flops, and band aids. I’m petrified of not being prepared for anything!

  392. LC says:

    Multiple notepads and more pens than I know what to do with… and yet I can never find anything to write with when I need it.

  393. Erin says:

    I have a business card from a friend with an interesting job. The card just has his name, contact info, and title – “professional sports bettor.”

  394. Elle says:

    I have a small purse (the kind that fits your smartphone and some money/cards) in my everyday bag that I thought I’d use for going out to lunch/running errands from work. Never used. It just sits in there.

  395. Amanda says:

    an old birthday card from my parents that says how proud they are. I read it when I have a bad day!

  396. Liz says:

    3 different chapsticks 🙂

  397. MJ says:

    I live in Texas right now, but I always carry my old smartrip card – just in case. Also, dog treats.

  398. Joanne E. says:

    A mechanical pencil. I also carry a pen, but the pencil is a back-up just in case the pen runs out of ink just when I need to use it.

  399. Clare says:

    I keep a small, silver medallion with a picture of a frog and the word “Smile” engraved on it that was given to me by one of my favorite high school teachers when I graduated. It’s a reminder to always stay positive and not take life too seriously!

  400. Susan says:

    Yogi-Tea or Emergen-C during the school year (I’m a teacher)!

  401. AR says:

    Homemade za’atar, tucked in a souvenir change purse from China that says, “Like me you will die”.

  402. A says:

    I have a loose key. I don’t know what it opens, but I’m afraid to throw it out or leave it behind!

  403. BPalaz says:

    a lint roller!

  404. Helena says:

    A teething ring.

  405. Whitney says:

    A lotto card that my MIL gave me as a stocking-stuffer this past Christmas. I won $10 but never remember to cash it when we visit her nearby state. Do these things have expiration dates?

  406. Michelle says:

    5 hour energy shot – never leave the house without one!

  407. Shay Lianna says:

    The weirdest thing in my bag is medicines! I’m like a walking pharmacy (I’m blaming it on my mother, because she’s the same way). I always have advil or tylenol (sometimes both), heartburn stuff, stomach stuff, allergy stuff. You name it, I’ve probably got it.

  408. A.C. says:

    I keep a business card case…full of the cards from restaurants I love! It’s really helpful when I’m meeting with friends for Happy Hour and no one can think where to go, or when I am running errands in outside of DC and can’t remember the name of the awesome Korean place in a non-descript strip mall. Or when I have out of town visitors who need tons of recommendations and my mind goes blank.

  409. Samantha says:

    I just knew this was going to be in your most loved product list! looking through my bag the strangest thing I have is a koozie…I have never used it, no need to carry it, but it has been there since I got it. NO CLUE WHEN 🙂

  410. Rachel says:

    Weirdest intentional thing? Doggie bags. My lab pup has a habit of going in the most awkward places….
    Unintentional? That would be two disposable rubber gloves, like the ones from the doctor’s office. Not sure how those got in there, I just haven’t bothered to take them out!

  411. KC says:

    While I don’t have any one particular weird object, maybe the range of items I have makes my bag weird? My friends and coworkers refer to my bag as the Mary Poppins bag. Whatever someone needs, I usually have it – safety pins, face blotting paper, tylenol, ibuprofin, naproxen, allergy pills, sleeping pills, wet wipes, mints, hand salve, scratch paper, chap stick, ear speakers, pens, extra lapel pins, nail clippers, etc. I’m like a boy scout, always prepared. I have a little case that I stash in my bag that is my emergency kit and rarely use it myself!

  412. Rebecca Morrison says:

    A note my college friend wrote to me several years ago, and which contains a love note my brother wrote to her while we were in college. For a few years, they carried on quite the sarcastic affair.

  413. KC says:

    While I don’t have any one particular weird object, maybe the range of items I have makes my bag weird? My friends and coworkers refer to my bag as the Mary Poppins bag. Whatever someone needs, I usually have it – safety pins, face blotting paper, tylenol, ibuprofin, naproxen, allergy pills, sleeping pills, wet wipes, mints, hand salve, scratch paper, chap stick, band aids, ear speakers, pens, extra lapel pins, nail clippers, etc. I’m like a boy scout, always prepared. I have a little case that I stash in my bag that is my emergency kit and rarely use it myself!

  414. Miss Happy says:

    A Nintendo DS

  415. IRMcK says:

    Hydrocortisone anti-itch cream. I use it liberally when ever I feel the first itch of ANYTHING. I swear it makes the bug bites heal so much faster…

  416. Phoebe says:

    Probably the weirdest thing in my purse at the moment is a prescription bottle full of codeine – a holdover from when I had shoulder surgery, was in a ton of pain, had friends driving me places and didn’t want to get stranded somewhere without pain relief. 🙂

  417. Shannon says:

    At least 4-5 coupons for Rite Aid. Their receipts are insanely long but I always save them in case I need to buy something in an emergency!

  418. pam says:

    weirdest thing is a snack, usually a granola bar

  419. Brianne says:

    Measuring tape! I think leftover from a trip to IKEA, but it has proven to be quite useful. And right now, matches from a restaurant (you never know when you’ll have to light birthday candles!), but I should probably remove those.

  420. Stephanie says:

    I don’t have anything too strange, though I am currently carrying five currencies. I’m definitely That Person in checkout lanes right now since I try to only pay with USD.

  421. Rachael says:

    I carry a lint roller everywhere – I am always covered in dog hair and never know when I might need it!

  422. Hilary says:

    Most of my items make sense or are essential, but I can’t seem to toss my 3 month Executive Club “membership” card to a local pistol and rifle range, given to me after shooting there only once. They wrote my name on it in pen and everything!

  423. Megan says:

    My college ID, even though I graduated 6 years ago.

  424. Julia says:

    The ‘weirdest’ thing I can think of is my pocket knife. It’s this awesome ‘manly man’ made knife, the same brand my grandpa and dad carried. But mine is HOT PINK. I feel silly/awesome every time I use it

  425. KLO says:

    Enough bobby pins to equip a formal wedding.

  426. Sea Bands! says:

    I carry Sea Bands with me at.all.times. I don’t get motion sick terribly often, but I think it’s one of the most awful feelings. Sea Bands are amazing and also work for pregnancy morning sickness and chemo nausea (my stepdad is an oncologist and is ordering some for his patients).

    Thanks for the giveaways! I’ve had my eye on the black OMG since you first mentioned Lo & Sons.

    Also, happy 5th blog birthday! It’s hard to believe that I haven’t missed a post in three years.

  427. Julie says:

    I often forget to take treats for my dog out of my bag. They go back and forth to work with me for no good reason.

  428. Kate says:

    Ugandan shillings in my wallet from a summer spent there five years ago. A little trip down memory lane ever ytime I see them!

  429. Meg says:

    I am currently in Medical School, so this semester you can find lots of books and skulls to help me study!

  430. Dena says:

    Amidst all my individualized wallets/card holders, I have a little felt bag with extra ear buds for my headphones. Always be prepared!

  431. CBK says:

    About once a quarter I meet for lunch with an executive from a major utility. He’s really into geo-caching, and I’ll admit it’s pretty fun. After lunch we’ll usually do one or two caches before going on our separate ways. About a year ago we found a cache that included a mini Hello Kitty figure–it’s all of a half inch tall. For whatever reason he couldn’t close the cache with Hello Kitty in it so he tossed it my way a d tod me to hold on to it. Now, every time I switch purses Kitty makes her way with me and I don’t know why. Perhaps I just want to ate sure if he asks for it I can say, “oh yeah, it’s right here.”

  432. LS says:

    My brother’s funky business card. Always makes me smile when I see it in my wallet

  433. Lourdes says:

    Currently the strangest items in my bag is a Thermacare heating pad (courtesy of Aunt Flow) and a bunch of matchbox cars from babysitting my nephew this past week!

  434. Jessica says:

    I guess the strangest thing I carry with me is my Erin Condren planner. Most people can’t understand why I have a huge paper calendar– but I love being able to write everything down always!

  435. Sally says:

    Typically, goggles and a swim cap . .

  436. Kat says:

    A Baggu bag that is used solely to carry my umbrella when it’s wet!

  437. Elise says:

    I carry and stethoscope with me everywhere. Being a veterinarian, I have learned that you never know when you will need one!

  438. Angela says:

    A few Euro banknotes leftover from my trip to Europe last fall. I just can’t seem to get rid of them!

  439. Maggie says:

    A broken corkscrew- the screw part snapped so it’s useless if I ever need it but I haven’t thrown it out yet!
    And store rewards cards for stores that exist only in New England while I live in DC

  440. Heather says:

    A can of ginger ale, since I’m pregnant and have random bouts of nausea (particularly, it seems, before big meetings). I find the ginger ale doesn’t fit very nicely in most of my purses, so this work bag would be perfect for pregnancy and beyond!

  441. Melissa says:

    My purse is not very strange right now… but definitely carrying lots of band-aids – just in case.

  442. Caitlin says:

    I’m pregnant, just out of my first trimester, so my ” strange thing” is an assortment of nausea remedies. Preggo-pops, ginger candies & saltines. Hopefully I’ll be able to take them out soon.

  443. PM says:

    A flashlight. So paranoid about being caught in the dark somwhere!

  444. Lily says:

    a little silver figure of St. Christopher, patron saint of travelers! it makes my mom feel better to know that I carry it with me.

  445. Emily says:

    I carry around a padlock, but that’s not really weird since I use it at the gym!

  446. Meghan says:

    A bee sting relief pad. Not really sure why I have one, especially since I’m not allergic to bees, but there it is.

  447. Anna says:

    I’m generally pretty good at editing my bags, but I have a broken necklace in my purse that I just don’t have the heart to get rid of. It’s been in there for weeks. Other than that, I do keep in my gym bag a business card case the bf brought back from Alaska with a moose that says “We outnumber you.” It’s not serious enough for my usual purse, but it never fails to make me smile.

  448. Lydia says:

    The strangest thing right now is a champagne cork from the night before I moved to DC (I am one of the aforementioned 22-year-olds). Apart from that, I carry chapstick and lip balm everywhere.

  449. CCS says:

    My last month’s worth of hotel receipts and boarding passes. My bag is a hot mess of papers.

  450. Amy P says:

    Ok, here’s strange:

    I’m carrying around a life size squishy foam rubber model of a human brain.

    Studying neuroscience as part of my job training leadership development and although it’s nerdy, it’s helpful for reference.

  451. JG says:

    Poop bags for my dog – also work well for wet umbrellas, messy shoes, etc.

  452. Ruth says:

    We women do carry a lot of random things, don’t we? Loved reading everyone’s comments. My wierd items are a couple of colgate wisps (rather have a toothbrush, but that wont work in my smaller bags lol) and a Dove chocolate wrapper that says “Lead on!” to motivate me on those days when you know the only way things will get done is if you lead the charge yourself.

  453. Hilary Stewart says:

    A leather bracelet from france my best friend got for me a few years ago. Instead of getting it fixed, it says in my bag to surprise me every few weeks. As well as a mini pharmacy -painkillers, hair elastics, mini comb, bobby pins, gravol, vitamins…etc.

  454. Jessie says:

    I keep my purse to a minimum (and even still can’t keep it organized!) Anyways, nothing strange, but thanks for the giveaway.

  455. EmilyS says:

    I have toupee tape– I’ve used it as emergency hem tape before. (It holds better and is usually larger than fashion/dress tape)

  456. B. says:

    Definitely the strangest thing is my passport. I have it with me at ALL times. I think in my mind, I live this secret life where I am a CIA spy that might be pulled out of the country at any given moment. I think I probably ought to just accept that no one has EVER spontaneously offered me a trip to Thailand right. this. minute and start leaving my passport at home.

  457. Les says:

    Floss is the strangest thing I always have!

  458. Danielle says:

    I don’t carry many odd things in my bag, but right now I have 200 ibuprofen tablets scattered on the bottom of my purse from a freak accident. Does that count?

  459. rebecca says:

    i always have my kindle for downtime reading.

  460. Waynette Santos says:

    The strangest thing in the bag is a travel-size Lysol spray. As long as I carry it, I don’t fear public bathrooms with unquestionable level of cleanliness.

  461. LNS says:

    I have a small baggie of black eyed peas in bag. My grandma puts them there on NYE for good luck.

  462. Melissa says:

    Not sure if I’m elegible as I live in Canada, but I thought I’d give it a go.

    I regularly carry a multi-tool consisting of a tape measure, three way level and a Post-it pad and pen. It was a promo item from a former client, and comes in handy surprisingly often.

  463. Liz says:

    I like to keep my purse light so I don’t have too many random items in my purse. I think the strangest one I have is floss!

  464. Anna K says:

    Socks! My office is freezing and when my feet are tucked under the desk no one will know. Especially helpful on planes…

  465. Rachel says:

    I keep finding loose almonds from a spill a couple weeks ago. This is a good reminder that I should empty it out and make sure I have removed them all!

  466. Caroline says:

    A Benadryl Itch relief stick. This time of year, I get a bite every time I walk outside!

  467. Debbie says:

    Regular sunglasses, prescription sunglasses, glasses and spare contacts just in case I’m having a “bad contacts” day. I could use a bigger bag for sure!

  468. Sharon Sullivan says:

    After going through my purse, it turns out I have a Triple-A sticker hanging out there instead of being helpful attached to my car!

  469. Melanie says:

    I carry babywipes because I have found nothing works for getting weird grime off my hands, the handles of my bag or other yucky things I encounter during my day. I move these from bag to bag but every bag has a pen, a higlighter and lipgloss that stay when I empty everything else out.

  470. SLG says:

    Swiss army knife. So handy for getting things done (and impressing guys when needed). Not handy for going through airport security lines.

  471. Christine says:

    I put a banana in my purse every morning for my mid-morning snack!

  472. Alli says:

    My MiFi- can’t stand being without Internet

  473. Layne says:

    I carry deodrant in my purse; I also have a stick in my desk and car. Guess it’s a bit overboard.

  474. Jess says:

    I have a couple random rounds of 9mm and .226 ammunition in there. Not sure how they got there, I never take my purse into the range.

  475. Rachel Gold says:

    Flat fortune cookies — the fortune cookie factory in SF sells them pre-folded, and they are addictive!

  476. Tara says:

    I always have post card stamps so I am able to drop a note to long-distance friends when I see a cute (or cheesy) card. I almost always have a snack bag of baby carrots, too.

  477. Alix says:

    Two separate lint rollers. One for dog hair, and one for standard lent.

  478. Jennifer says:

    Not sure if it’s necessarily strange, but I keep a carabiner in my bag…you never know when you need to hang your bag but there are no available hooks, or when you may want to hang a bag off of your bag (I’ve found this especially useful when traveling).

  479. Shannon says:

    A small tire gauge – I recently helped another woman change her flat tire and it never went back into my “emergency car bag”.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a bag – they are awesome!

  480. Megan says:

    A Japanese folding fa – they give out free ones everywhere in Tokyo, which is the best idea ever. I love getting envious looks when I whip out my fan on a non-airconditioned Metro car or Circulator bus!

  481. Erica says:

    I have a fairly big tote bag, so I’m constantly finding random things – just this AM, I dug up a half-eaten bag of gummy bears and an inhaler. (Obviously, the essentials.)

  482. Megan says:

    A Japanese folding fan – they give out free ones everywhere in Tokyo, which is the best idea ever. I love getting envious looks when I whip out my fan on a non-airconditioned Metro car or Circulator bus!

  483. JS says:

    hydrocortisone cream, because during the summer bugs seem to love me.

  484. L.A. says:

    At least five different colors of lipstick. What can I say, I have a problem.

  485. RR says:

    Toy Story band-aids but I’m not sure that’s so strange.

  486. Shannon says:

    A mini bottle of baby powder–comes in handy way more than expected in the DC summer!

  487. Kate says:

    7 different kinds of chapstick/lipbalm – I’m addicted to it!

  488. KB says:

    Corkscrew…my husband is in the military and we move A LOT! After my corkscrew ended up in the last box we unpacked during our first move, I started carrying it with me. Moving 4 times in 4 years calls for a glass (or two) of wine.

  489. Laura says:

    Tape measure! I got one at a conference once. Surprisingly useful.

  490. Amanda says:

    I guess the strangest thing in my everyday bag is a highlighter. Never know when I will need to highlight something, I guess. And even though I have a few highlighter marks on the insides of some of my bags (and should know better not to keep one in there)…there it remains. 🙂

  491. Kristin says:

    The strangest thing in my purse right now is a can of Diet Coke. This is actually pretty normal compared to my usual.

  492. CJ says:

    I always have a Tide stick in my bag. I am so clumsy I can’t seem to go a day without using it.

  493. Amanda J says:

    Ever since I was in theatre tech in high school, I’ve carried a wrench in my bag. It’s amazing how often I’ve used it!!

  494. Mae says:

    I always carry a mini pharmacy kit in my purse – Tylenol, Pepcid ac, neosporin, I have it all! And people are always thankful too.

  495. Naomi says:

    My pepper spray might be the strangest because it’s pink and you can’t really tell what it is. My mother insisted I keep it with me after she found out you can’t carry a gun in DC.

  496. lulu says:

    I just checked: I have not one, but two lipsticks in my purse. I don’t wear lipstick.

  497. Mary says:

    Deodorant and body wash! You never know when you need to freshen up on the go!

  498. Jessica says:

    Probably my book…which is strange because I have books on my electronic devices anyway.

  499. Lily says:

    The strangest item I have in my bag is my mini stapler because I always seem to need it at the weirdest moments.

  500. KC says:

    I have three pairs of sunglasses. Apparently I like to have multiple choices when going outside.

  501. A says:

    A toothbrush and toothpaste. You never know when it will come in handy!

  502. Lauren says:

    I got the OMG bag based on the CapHillStyle recommendation and love it! As a consultant, I use it as my carry-on and everyday work bag! A strange thing I always have in my bag is a koozie! You never know when you are going to need one!

  503. Virginia says:

    All the necessities for a desktop mani: nail clippers, cuticle stick, top coat, base coat, colored polish of the week, and Zoya Quick-Dry drops.

  504. CC says:

    In the summer, I carry anti-itch cream. Mosquitoes love me.

  505. Claire O. says:

    9 different lipsticks/glosses/etc. You never know what shade you’ll feel like after lunch!

  506. Lexi says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Weirdest thing is my everyday bag…probably the sheer quantity? Have a bag of makeup basics, plus all the computer stuff, plus “go kit” stuff in case there’s a disaster and I have to report in. Unfortunately it’s a giant tote, and am thinking I need something more compartmentalized. Would love an OMG bag!

  507. Emily says:

    My best friend’s nail polish – she was running late to her own wedding and asked me to paint her toes right before the ceremony. The wedding was back in April and I keep forgetting to return it to her!

    I also have a ton of pens, in any color you might need 🙂

  508. Rebecca says:

    A pocket US Constitution. No, really. You’d be surprised how often it’s been used. Occasionally there is one in Spanish in there as well.

  509. Kelly says:

    I always have a small roll of toilet paper in my purse- it comes in handy all the time.

  510. T says:

    I keep travel sized bottles of shampoo and body wash. I work out in the morning and usually end up taking a shower at the House gym.

  511. Kelly says:

    I have a vineyard vines koozie in my bag at all times!

  512. erika says:

    I have a “mom” purse even though I have no kids. I have wet wipes, antibac gel, bandaids, aspirin, bendaryl cream, etc. I have thing about germs.

  513. Erin Pollocoff says:

    The strangest item would have to be a toss up between the pouch I keep my dog’s waste bags in and my bike tools gadget, which has come is surprisingly handy in social situations.

  514. J says:

    A heavy square-shaped lock and loose metal chain that my grandfather fashioned for me to use as a “weapon” while travelling for work since mace is not allowed on airplanes. Thankfully I have never had to use it 🙂

  515. Theresa says:

    Floss picks (in their own little plastic bag). I’m a flossing fiend – my dentist loves me.

  516. ME says:

    Mints from random restaurants. I always take a mint when leaving a restaurant, but I never eat them. I have a pocket in my bag filled with random restaurant mints.

  517. Samantha says:

    Clear nail polish. You never know when you’re going to need it.

  518. Caro says:

    Probably my toothbrush/toothpaste/mouthwash/floss kit, though I guess it’s not too too strange – you never know when you’ll need to freshen up!

  519. Lindsey says:

    Dog/cat treats. You never know when you will make a new four-legged friend!!

  520. Lala says:

    Napkins. I’m a terrible face-sweater, and I keep napkins at all time to mop my brow throughout the day while I’m walking outside.

  521. Kim says:

    A full set of highlighters in every color imaginable.

  522. Emily says:

    I keep a small bug spray and a wine tool in the bottom of my bag. Two things that its terrible to be without in a time of need!

    Happy Birthday CHS!

  523. Famouscait says:

    A paper tape measure that they give away free at T.J. Maxx

  524. Mary H says:

    have to be chopsticks in my bags always. In case I buy a meal and forget to get some or there’s no fork around. Very usefful

  525. Monica says:

    A bathing suit

  526. Chelsea says:

    Barre socks. In case I ever find myself with free time during the lunch hour to get to a class. (It rarely happens, sadly…)

  527. Blythe says:

    My bag is always full, but I try to keep it super neat! I guess the strangest thing in there is a thumb drive that doesn’t have anything on it except for some random photos.

  528. isp328 says:

    3 individual packets of salt from the movie theater. I love a good bag of salty popcorn at the movies but my hubby is always in a rush to get good seats that I don’t have time to “flavor” my popcorn at the concession stand and I have to bring everything into the theater and salt at my seat. Apparently I missed a few the last time we went to the movies…over a month ago..whoops!

  529. Megan says:

    Seeing as I’m currently carrying a diaper bag, my personal items are limited to the necessities. Some people are surprised at how much cash I carry – I think it goes back to my living overseas where cash was the only way to go.

  530. Preeti says:

    Hotwheel toy cars- for some reason my son’s toys always end up in my work bag!

  531. Cait says:

    I carry about 6 tubes of lipgloss, lipstick or chapstick in my bag, which deserves it’s own little cosmetic bag!

  532. MB says:

    I carry a deck of cards with me at all times. Never know when you’re going to be bored and need a quick game!

  533. Andrea says:

    The weirdest thing in my bag is definitely the assortment of three-year-old receipts in my wallet from places like the Longworth supply store and Rayburn Cafeteria from when I was a House page. I just never bothered to clean them out with the rest of my old receipts, and I’m too sentimental to part with them now!

  534. Hayley says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag is a bundle of takeout menus. Every time I pick up lunch from a new place, I grab a to-go menu…to keep on file? In case of an emergency? I’m just not sure.

  535. Nicole says:

    Knitting needles, yarn, and around 15 old hotel key cards. Life of a consultant, got to be prepared for looong airport delays.

  536. Cecilia says:

    I currently have 3 rosaries in my purse. Because, you know, one’s not enough.

  537. Lisa K. says:

    What is the strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag? It would have to be a nail file and a pair of eyelashes. Although I don’t have the glue to put them on.

  538. Julia says:

    dental floss

  539. Cameron Ervin says:

    Bounce dryer sheets – you never know when you need to take care of some static cling or if your clothes could use a little freshening up at the end of the day. Running the dryer sheet over your clothes will instantly make you feel and smell better!

  540. BN says:

    I carry 3 different checkbooks, 7-11 tubes of lipstick (I dont wear lipstick during the week) and one of my Dad’s business cards (something I’ve been doing since I was about 11). I would LOVE an OMG Bag (imagine how much lipstick I could carry!). Happy Birthday CHS and thanks for the giveaway!

  541. lacy says:

    A south african buckeye from my mother-in-law. It’s supposed to be for good luck, but I can’t ever find my keys, so she gave it to me on a key ring for her spare house key so I don’t loose it…I think she’s trying to tell me something..whoops

  542. Mary says:

    I currently have a bowl of dog food in my handbag.

  543. Dsl says:

    The strangest things in my bag are a host of different public transportation cards from various cities none of which I plan to visit anytime in the near future.

  544. Sarah says:

    Socks! I do a lot of Bar Method classes (they require you wear socks) so I tend to always have socks in my purse. I’ve definitely gotten some funny looks when they’ve fallen out before 🙂

  545. Ann Rogers says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag every day is a human bone (I’m a bioarchaeologist).

  546. Liz says:

    A mini-roll of toilet paper, you just never know!

  547. Beth says:

    The strangest thing I’ve been carrying with me are my lactation support pills. I’m halfway through my goal of BF my DD for her first year, but need as much help as I can get!

  548. David says:

    A reusable bag that collapses into a banana. It looks like a nylon banana but you unzip it and it expands into a reusable bag. It’s super useful!

  549. Diana says:

    A set of beautiful, hand painted Russian spoons that I got at a baby shower months and months ago. I keep meaning to get a shadow box frame for them but it hasn’t happened yet.

  550. AC says:

    Portable disposable toothbrushes.

  551. Megan H says:

    A mini bottle of hand sanitizer (in a ziploc in case it spills) and a full pack of bobby pins.

  552. Kristin says:

    Postage Stamps!

  553. cheng says:

    strangest thing in my purse right now – q-tips i guess.

  554. Ali says:

    A wine opener. Always.

  555. Alex says:

    The original shoe bag for the work pumps I’m wearing. I keep them all!

  556. Aet says:

    I always have a few empty shotgun shells in my purse. They’re kind of like token good luck items for me and they have an oddly uplifting effect on me (I love skeet shooting).

  557. Alexis says:

    Probiotics and zinc – avoids colds 🙂 Oh and a usb with the last 3 months of my work, I don’t trust my laptop!

  558. Em says:

    My flip phone, circa 2003 (still in use). I don’t think it’s weird, but others sure do!

  559. Jen M says:

    Socks! I hate putting socks back on that I’ve taken off, so I have an extra pair i ncase I try on sandals while shopping or the ones I’m wearing get wet!

  560. Shelley says:

    I guess this isn’t too strange for DC, but I carry my pocket-size version of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. You never know when you need to look something up and it’s even come in handy at happy hour before when a few of us were discussing something in an amendment. Well, maybe it is strange even for DC, but I like having it. : )

  561. MissK says:

    I usually have 3-5 oatmeal pouches in my purse. I throw 1 in to eat when I get work, don’t eat it, and repeat the next day until.

  562. Marisa says:

    I bike to work, and I have a rather aggressive knife in my bag. Not for self-defense, but just because my bike backpack is the same one I use when I’m day hiking. (I also have a compass, fire-starting materials, and sunblock. It’s very ‘boy scouts’ in there.)

  563. Blair says:

    Qtips. I find they come in handy for all sorts of unexpected things.

  564. JH says:

    extra pairs of socks!

  565. MAA says:

    Toilet wet wipes – one can never be too clean!

  566. TXAtty says:

    3 dog leashes. Remnant of Saturday’s vet appointments.

  567. Ashley says:

    Super glue!

  568. Victoria says:

    I don’t think I have anything especially unusual in my bags! Maybe lens cleaners? I’m obsessed with *perfectly clean* glasses, so I always have them on hand.

  569. Katie says:

    The strangest things in my purse are… *a yellow smiley-face hand puppet and disposable latex gloves*. 🙂

    The puppet’s name is Mr. Happy and he is quite skilled at diffusing stressful situations. The latex gloves…well, that’s a longer story…

  570. DF says:

    Nothing too strange, but a couple things that might seem a little random to always be carrying but that always come in handy – extra earrings, a flash drive, headphones, a couple tea bags.

  571. SD says:

    I carry a small torch, just in case!

  572. SB says:

    During the summer, I always carry deodorant – never know when I’ll need it!

  573. Rachel C says:

    I don’t think it’s strange, but people usually look at me funny when they discover that I keep a copy of my wedding vows in my purse.

  574. Maureen H says:

    Another purse… I always carry around a mini purse so I can take that to lunch or on errands during the workday.

  575. elz says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag are Immunization Records. My kids have been in a few different camps this year so I started carrying copies of the records with me for registration days!

  576. adrienne says:

    a altoid smalls box full of lactaid pills. you never know when ice cream can happen, i need to be prepared because i don’t have the willpower to say no.

  577. truvia (I’m a splenda hater, and also a calorie hater, so this is perfect for the impromptu coffee date) and ear plugs for flights or hotel stays. Fingers and toes crossed for this one, Lo & Sons is my absolute fave.

  578. Amber B. says:

    A plastic frog!

  579. Melissa says:

    A koozie in the summer for impromptu patio happy hours!

  580. Rachel says:

    My passport! I don’t have a driver’s license and you never know when you’ll be invited to happy hour!

  581. Lisa P says:

    Dog poop bags (clean!) because you never want to be caught un-prepared.

  582. Lizzy M says:

    The strangest things I carry are Chicago screws–they hold the U-lock holster on my bike. I lost one, once, riding over some rough pavement and had to rig a solution to get home. Now I carry a spare set (although I haven’t needed them since).

  583. Jessica says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag at all times is my boss’ challenge coins. They are heavy, and TSA is not a fan of them–I have to explain their purpose every time!

  584. Jackie P. says:

    I currently have a dog leash and collar, a wine opener, 3-4 screwdrivers, and a roll of dog poop bags in my purse. I am ready for anything!

  585. Tessa says:

    Salt and pepper packets! I hate heating up a bland lunch and realizing I have no condiments.

  586. AC says:

    A razor, which I haven’t used but have in there just in case!

  587. Laura says:

    A leftover graduation party invite for my daughter, a cheat sheet on how to get rid of head lice (thanks summer camp), and paint samples.

  588. Heather says:

    I’m that person that knits on the metro (baby on the way so I have some excuse), so I have yarn and knitting needles in my purse most of the time.

  589. M says:

    Telecom glossary.

  590. Courtney says:

    My trusty USB flash drive that has a bottle opener at the other end. Has helped me out in some clutch situations (and always is a good story)!

  591. Dianne says:

    Oh wow, look how popular you are! The strangest thing I have in my handbag, currently, would be my birth certificate. I needed it for something recently and I guess I have forgotten to take it out since then. Oops!

  592. Jenn says:

    I carry a travel sized hair straightener with me at all times.A girl needs to be prepared to fight the “Wavy Hair + DC Humidity” battle at all times.

  593. Laura P says:

    an extra cell phone case. its just too risky to go even a minute without one on!

  594. Camille says:

    I’m sudying for the LSAT so I am currently toting around my prep course book and about a million pens. Keep grabbing new pens, never take the old ones out

  595. Amber says:

    clear nail polish. you never know when you will need to fix a run in your stocking or touch up your manicure.

  596. Rosanne says:

    Strangest think in my bag is my silver skinny double-wrap belt. I don’t remember when I put it in my bag but I haven’t taken it out… I, too, have transport passes from cities I’ve visited while carrying this particular bag that I probably will never use again.

  597. Amanda S. says:

    I never leave home without a corkscrew. And I’ve gotten plenty of looks because of it.

  598. Erin says:

    Ear plugs. I travel a lot and they work wonders when I’m trying to sleep on a plane.

  599. Laura says:

    Wildflower seeds that fell out of a bag I recently got as a wedding favor.

  600. Jacquie says:

    A pair of my 1 year old daughter’s socks – had them in my purse for weeks before I remembered to take them out!

  601. Lauryn says:

    A combination lock!

  602. Lauren says:

    I change bags regularly and usually empty out the nonessentials when I do, so I suppose the oddest thing I keep is my Hogwarts crest key ring. Even though I’m 26, I still dream that some day, my letter of acceptance will come, and when I’m having a rough day at work that little fantasy makes me smile. What’s more crazy about keeping it is that it adds even more heft to my already janitor-like key chain!

  603. Saba says:

    A wine key for long evenings at work!

  604. H. says:

    I carry a spare contact lens case, one side of which is filled with face wash and the other with face lotion. That way I’m always prepared for a mid-travel refresher, impromptu sleepover, or any other time my skin needs a quick cleanse.

  605. Kristin says:

    Matchbox cars.

  606. Jen says:

    Mini toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. Never leave home without them!

  607. JChica says:

    My beautiful Spanish hand fan, gifted to me by cousins in Sevilla, and hand-painted with pictures of Spanish fauna. It is strange, yes, but keeps me cool in the hot DC summers (and stylish because it is beautiful).

  608. KS says:

    A small bottle of hot sauce- I decide what to order based on what it would be good on. I know, very strange.

  609. Jill says:

    A tin of caviar and a Saber (I work in a restaurant)

  610. Andrea says:

    I carry a tiny of roll of duct tape. It has come in handy more times than I can count, mostly to cover blisters and mend loose hems.

  611. Kimiko says:

    I keep a small envelope of end wraps to blot my face. (End wraps are the little papers used with perm rods.) It’s a super cheap alternative to blotting papers!

  612. Paula says:

    Not strange but I am a good breath freak. Always have 2-3 packs of gum.

  613. Rachel C says:

    A fox 40 whistle and a CPR mask- I’m a lifeguard, so when I’m off duty I just keep my lifeguard supplies in my bag!

  614. ELD says:

    Paycheck I need to deposit! Yikes!

  615. Jan says:

    I carry a cloth napkin–hate to have to put up with cheap paper napkins at lunch or on airplanes.

  616. EHM says:

    I have an excessive amount of Tupperware in my purse – you never know when you’ll need a snack!

  617. AN says:

    I carry around the a cut off finger of a exfoliating glove! Sounds strange, but I use it to exfoliate my extremely dry lips quickly before putting on lipstick or gloss!

  618. SarahJ says:

    A DVD of the original Stepford Wives (1975).

  619. Jessica says:

    A pair of pink leopard print scissors and no less than 8 shades of lip gloss. Can’t seem to kick either habit.

  620. Maria S says:

    I carry multiple (extra) passport photos that I’ve been meaning to give to my mother for scrapbooking. You never know when you will need the worst photos of yourself at your disposal!

  621. Rachel C says:

    Fox 40 whistle and CPR mask- I keep my lifeguard supplies with me 24/7!

  622. MFL says:

    I never leave the house without extra hairbands and bobby pins!

  623. Amy says:

    What a fun read!

    The weirdest thing I have in my purse, which I guess isn’t that weird comparatively speaking, is a laser pointer. One of those things that you put in for a specific reason and then always forget to take out! 🙂

  624. M says:

    A tick remover. I have a horse and a dog. Those suckers turn up ALL the time.

  625. Adrien says:

    I carry a teeny-tiny Swiss army knife. Very handy.

  626. s-fish says:

    I carry a tiny bottle of tabasco (in case my food just needs some spice!!) and a fork.

  627. Jessica says:

    A small rock. Bigger than a pebble. My 2 year old gave it to me one morning before I left for work, with a look of earnest sincerity on her face. I’ve felt compelled to carry it everyday ever since.

  628. SS says:

    A highlighter/pen duo. You never know when you might want to highlight something.

  629. Ruchita says:

    The strangest thing in my purse is probably a mini Swiss Army knife.

  630. Andrea says:

    I carry random lego pieces from my son’s legos. At this point, I can pretty much build a whole building!

  631. Amanda says:

    My passport – Was a habit from living abroad but now I like knowing I can go anywhere in the world in a moment’s notice.

  632. Pam says:

    At least one (often more) of my daughter’s soothers – a must for keeping the peace in unexpected traffic jams!

  633. jenna says:

    Socks. My feet are cold everywhere, especially on planes. And right now I’m carrying around movie gift certificates… in case I decide to duck in and see a film…?

  634. Lina M says:

    An extra paid of earrings! I always forget to put them on, so it helps to have an extra pair…

  635. Katie says:

    Lots of just-in-case items — Tums, tweezers, blister block stick…the list is endless!

  636. a.k. says:

    The strangest thing in my bag is a tin of chocolate-covered espresso beans. For emergencies only, when I can’t make it to a coffee shop!

  637. Lily says:

    Either the bag of Sport Beans in case I am stuck somewhere without food and need something desperately, or the fuschia pepper spray that unfortunately looks like a mini-vibrator

  638. NJ says:

    A little Cinderella figurine given to me by a dear friend to remember that I can find the glass slipper of the job each day.

  639. Lauren L says:

    Peanut butter packets…I kid you not. I have a serious peanut butter problem and you never know when you may get hungry. It’s pretty embarrassing, actually.

  640. andra says:

    48239048923 bottles of antibacterial gel. 1 is clearly not enough.

  641. Asiah says:

    The strangest thing in my purse? Well it’s probably not strange, but I always have a hand written note from my Grandmother in my purse. I always keep a note from her in my purse to remind me of what’s really important!

  642. CJW says:

    Bottle opener! It comes in handy surprisingly often. This is such a great way to celebrate Belle, congrats on 5 years!

  643. Megan says:

    I usually carry some kind of extra jewelry for a work to hh transition. Often times, I can find some sort of candy bar or M&Ms in there too. Thanks for the giveaway!

  644. anon handle says:

    My bag is usually pretty clean…maybe the strangest thing is just about 6 different lipglosses?

  645. Hannah says:

    I have a container of silly putty in my purse at all times. It’s a great stress reliever!

  646. JAD says:

    6 tubes of Burt’s Bees Pomegranate Chapstick! My purse always seems to be cluttered, so I like to be able to reach in and grab to apply without rustling around each pocket or the bottom of my purse.

  647. Kerri D says:

    Easy Mac. It’s my guilty pleasure and always makes a bad afternoon at the office better!

  648. Carolyn says:

    I carry a spare pair of earrings in case I lose one– it helps to be prepared!

  649. Margaret says:

    I have a small squirt bottle of olive oil. I bring or buy a salad for lunch everyday and loathe salad dressing. A squirt of olive oil and i’m all set!

  650. Jess says:

    A big Leatherman multi-tool. The thing weighs a ton, but you just never know when you might need something on it.

  651. JS says:

    Strangest thing I carry around in my purse is definitely nasal spray- I am allergic to summer!

  652. Michelle L says:

    Strangest thing is probably my dressmaker’s measuring tape! It rolls up small, and you NEVER know when you need to take a measurement of a body part or a piece of clothing in a store (or the sweater you’re knitting!) Bonus is that it has both cm and inch measurements, so I’m always covered 😉

  653. Lindsay says:

    My diva cup. It’s part of my “shark week” supply kit, with tampons and pads, just in case (my period is kinda unpredictable so I always have my supplies with me). Everyone I know who knows that I have a diva cup thinks I’m crazy, but it works great for me!

  654. Courtney says:

    a tapestry bag from Croatia that I keep my business cards in.

  655. Caroline says:

    My friends always call my handbag my “Mawmaw Bag” (yes, we’re from the South). I always have a notepad, pens, OTC medicine, a tide pen, etc. Hey, they may make fun of me, but I never hear any complaints when someone asks for a an extra bobbie pin!

  656. Nicole says:

    Is it weird to carry deodorant in my bag? DC summers are hot and I have a long walk to the office!

  657. D says:

    Paint and fabric swatches from my house. THat way, I know in the store, if the thing I’m looking at will match.

  658. SW says:

    The “Official Cat Butt Coin Purse and Field Guide.” I use it to store one of the 3 ipods I carry — none of which are currently working!

  659. Lea says:

    My pouch for my OTC medication and spare make up is an amenity kit pouch from United Airlines. I love to use those when flying in premium cabins internationally but can’t talk myself into letting them go to trash after the flight.

  660. Beth says:

    I think the strangest thing about my bag is the number of electronic devices. Perhaps I need to pare it down since I’m currently carrying an iPod, iPhone, Blackberry and iPad.

  661. Amy says:

    I carry a a back scratcher in my handbag. Since I can’t reach my back to apply lotion, I tend to itch right in the middle of my back. The back scratcher instantly puts me out of my misery!

  662. Ali Legros says:

    the weirdest thing in my bag now is a dog treat left over from the dog park…i should probably take that out

  663. Amanda says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my purse is a protein shake for when I have to eat on the go.

  664. Liza says:

    Tweezers. You never know when a different light will uncover an errant hair!

    My mom would always take the extra breadsticks and rolls from restaurants and we would find them at the bottom of her purse, wrapped in napkins and hard as rocks a few days later. It’s a running joke in our family that mom always has bread in her purse!

  665. Cristina Garafola says:

    I have a 50 ruble note that a friend gave me from his trip to Russia–I’ve never been!

  666. Andrea says:

    These days it’s a casual dress – with the ballpark so close to my office, I often end up attending spur of the moment and don’t want to have to wear my formal work outfit!

  667. Amanda says:

    A spoon, and not a plastic one. I think it got thrown in there one day when I took yogurt with me to work, but I don’t know why I haven’t taken it out yet.

  668. paigeelise says:

    lots and lots of money

  669. Gloria says:

    The strangest thing in my purse right now is probably my bandaid friction block stick and a mini tooth floss.

  670. RH says:

    Currently its a cucumber. I brought a fresh garden cucumber to eat for lunch. That was Friday and it is still there.

  671. Jenna says:

    Right now the strangest thing is matches — I’m meaning to bring them to work for my desk candle, but keep forgetting!

  672. Dee says:

    The strangest item in my bag right now is an antihistamine for allergies, just in case…

  673. Amanda says:

    my anti-under eye pouch roller. just in case it was a long night! I also carry Immodium AD…just in case! 🙂

  674. kjh says:

    It’s not that strange, but I have two sets of headphones; the ones I like but are in the process of breaking and the ones I bought to replace the ones I like, but dislike how they actually sound.

  675. Beth says:

    Burt’s Bees Bug Spray. Mosquitos REALLY like me.

  676. The strangest thing I carry is this dainty little measuring tape that I got as part of an accessory kit during a wedding I was in. I threw it in with the rest of my “just in case” tools since I feel like during every occasional moment when I am looking for a measuring tool, I never have one. Now I do!

  677. Hillary C. says:

    Nail polish! So I can’t always keep my nails painted. Or my Bar Method socks!

  678. Sarah says:

    An oyster fork! I found it rummaging through my Gran’s silverware, absentmindedly stuffed it in my bag, and haven’t removed it since! Good thing I’m prepared whether I’m tackling a dozen steamers or fending off a prowler on the street!

  679. Brenda says:

    I have an emergency kit containing gauze pads, sutures, needles, bandages and a micro flashlight!

  680. Nancy says:

    two small quartz stones given to me by my sons: one in the shape of a tear drop and the other in the shape of a star. both are precious touchstones for me as I have been travel for work a lot this past year.

  681. Erin says:

    Not weird to me, a pale Irish girl, but sunscreen! Essential.

  682. Anon says:

    Empty carton from a light bulb. I kept buying the wrong ones because I didn’t write it down………

  683. Becca Jones says:

    Well I want to use mine as a baby bag, so I am guessing the strangest thing will be a dirty diaper looking for proper disposal!

  684. Lauren G says:

    I always keep a highlighter and post-its in my bag. I have no idea the last time I used a highlighter :/

  685. jillian says:

    so fun! i love lo and sons. the strangest thing i carry in my everyday bag is a mini chapstick (from my dentist!) its the best freebie i have! xo

  686. Natalie says:

    The strangest thing that I carry in my bag is a pocket-size copy of the U.S. Constitution…you never know when you will need to reference an amendment!

  687. Ally says:

    About a dozen Splenda packets in case we’re ever out at work.

  688. Emily says:

    The weirdest thing is not so weird to me but would be to a lot of other people…..diapers and wipes. My purses have all turned into diaper bags!

  689. Erin S says:

    Several containers of floss.

  690. Kay says:

    I am such a “mom” when it comes to stuff in my purse – Band-Aids, Advil, Tide stick, bobby pins, mini sunblock, etc. haha.

  691. Jiyoung Kang says:

    a banana

  692. I carry a plastic bag full of tea, sugar, and creamer. I gotta have my caffeine fix everywhere I go!

  693. Kelly B says:

    My strangest thing is a Norwex enviro cloth so I can wipe things down if I need to!

  694. amber says:

    The strangest thing I have in my bag right now I guess would be Kinky Curly Custard?

  695. carisa says:

    I always wanted one of those bags!!!

    Id say the weirdest thing I carry around is excess gum wrappers/packs/3 packs. I have a whole lotta gum in my bag lol

  696. Liz says:

    A tablet stylus, which I have never used, and I usually don’t even have a tablet with me.

  697. Lauren says:

    I always carry a fork in my purse because you never know when you may need a fork. You wouldn’t believe how many times it’s come in handy. Most recently I went to see a movie with my boyfriend and stopped for takeout on the way. We sat at a public outdoor table and realized we didn’t have any forks! He didn’t, anyway. ; )

  698. Erin says:

    Not weird (for me), but I always, always have a book with me. And I don’t mean a Kindle, but a bound, paper, book. You never know when your Metro car will sit in a tunnel for 20 minutes, when your hairstylist will double-book you, or when you need to sneak away from your desk for some personal time. And always having a book solves all those problems.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  699. Audrey says:

    A list entitled “How to be Lovely” written by my mother

  700. Susan says:

    I carry around a bag of “just in case” necessities daily- lip gloss, Moroccanoil, blister bandaids, sleeping pills, hair clip, hand cream, concealer, tums, granola bar, small umbrella. Thankfully I love large bags.

  701. Amelia says:

    I have a bunch of toys in my purse from my younger siblings; I have no idea how they get there, but I like to think that they slip them in so I have something fun to do when I’m bored!

  702. Ingrid says:

    Cardamom seeds. I am trying to kick the gum chewing habit.

  703. Mary I. says:

    The strangest thing in my bag right now, probably my stick of Body Glide balm, it’s to prevent blisters and “chub rub”, the two worst things about summer.

  704. Lauren Cooper says:

    In my bag, I have this tiny Benefit makeup bag with all the essentials – dental floss, aspirin and tums, chapstick, mini-mascara, hair ties, mirror. I like to be prepared! Huge fan of Lo & Sons. I have been coveting the OG bag forever-perfect for carry on luggage!

  705. The strangest thing in my bag is a pack of beautiful cards. I love writing handwritten notes to friends and family when I find some downtime – wherever I find myself.

  706. Kelsey says:

    I always carry my mini wine tasting notebook my sister got me in Paris… Great way to remember good wines I try at restaurants!

  707. Pilar says:

    I always seem to have a little IKEA pencil, whether or not I have been to an IKEA in recent memory. It is kind of spooky.

  708. I have a $2 bill with an old man’s phone number stamped on it. He orders the $2 bills from the Mint, stamps his phone number on it, then gives them out to young ladies he fancies. It’s been in my wallet for more than five years. 901 area code, in case you were wondering!

  709. diane ma says:

    I carry an extra battery charger

  710. Mollie says:

    Dental floss, travel eating utensils, and a snack of fruit leather are probably the most unexpected things in my bag, so probably also the weirdest. 🙂

  711. Stefanie says:

    It’s not strange to me, but I guess most people would say that it is – I keep actual cloth handkerchiefs in my bags at all times. Kleenex is fine when I have a cold, but nothing beats an actual handkerchief.

  712. nicole says:

    A skipping stone. I skipped it eight times this summer (a personal record) and my seven-year-old daughter looked at me as if I was a goddess- we’d never skipped stones before. Then she insisted I swim out and find it so I did. And it’s still in my purse.

  713. Meredith says:

    Saline nasal spray – I have had lifelong sinus problems and with the way everyone uses A/C and heat in DC, you never know when you’ll be a dry dry room.

  714. Beverly says:

    A razor. I often forget to shave my pits, and my typical work outfit is a tank top with a blazer or cardigan, which I remove if the office gets warm.

    Love the bags, hope I win!!

  715. Elizabeth says:

    I always have a lint roller in my bag, and I’m not afraid to whip it out in public multiple times a day. Pet hair on black drives me crazy!

  716. Ijeoma says:

    A dirty tennis ball for my dog. I never know when I’m going to need to get her attention. She’s very toy motivated.

  717. SW says:

    Golf tees

  718. Lauren says:

    A wallet that has more mementos (my business card from my first job out of law school, a note my fiancé left on my car many years ago when we first started dating, old student IDs, school pictures of my little brothers from back when they were actually little, etc.) than functional items. I always intend to downsize to a smaller wallet, but I just can’t part with my treasures!

  719. Katie says:

    A piece of ribbon from an old gift that I thought was too pretty to throw away. Seeing as that was over a year ago, I should probably clean out my bag 🙂

  720. Kate says:

    I take the light off my bike so it doesn’t get stolen – is that a weird thing to carry around? One time I brought a peach for a snack at work but forgot it was in my bag, and thus ended up with a very smushed peach at the end of the day….oops!

  721. Susan says:

    A tiny bottle of agave syrup!

  722. Tepring says:

    It’s not all that weird, but a heavy duty flash light. It comes in handy all the time actually. Thank you, protective husband =)

  723. MX says:

    In my bag: Spandex shorts. I use my Bikeshare to get around DC, and always want to have the option to bike to/from where I’m going even if I’m wearing a skirt or dress. Bonus – Hanging on my bag: helmet. Safety first.

  724. Beth says:

    Don’t really carry anything strange, but always have advil and sudafed given my sinuses.. and always have a bunch of hair ties.

  725. Katherine Anderson says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag is a fake wedding ring that I picked up at an antique store. For those times when you just want to be alone at the bar.

  726. Guenevera says:

    My Nintendo 3DS in case I have any free moments to play Animal Crossing!

  727. Mary Krulia says:

    I think the strangest thing that I have is a baggie full of meds and cough drops. It’s massive and kind of beat up. I should get a cute little big for that stuff! Thanks for the giveaway! Fingers crossed!

  728. Lisa Braden says:

    A can of ravioli or bag of ramen. I would hate to starve 😉

  729. Margaret Kimball says:

    I always have liquid band-aid in my bag. I feel like my feet are particularly prone to blisters!

  730. Vanessa says:

    It’s a tie between an ankle brace (because I’m excessively accident-prone), a copy of my renter’s insurance policy (I just moved to a new apartment), and the charger for my extra iPhone battery. The last item is only strange because I do not seem to have the extra battery in my purse, only the charger, which is of no real use by itself!

    Congrats on five great years!

  731. Sally says:

    I carry an extra pair of earrings (plain fake pearl studs) in my bag, because from time to time I forget to put on earrings in the morning.

    I love Lo & Sons bags!

  732. Jessica says:

    The weirdest thing is probably that I hoard sunglasses and lipstick in my purse. Current Count: 4 pairs of sunglasses, 6 lipsticks/glosses. You never know when you’ll need a quick change! 😉

  733. ohraq says:

    lock de-icer… In August. Also stamps, I always get made fun of for having stamps in my purse but they have come in handy!

  734. Kristin Vick says:

    You would think my boyfriend is a small child, by the things I keep in my bag for him. Small bags of hard candy, eyes drops and nose spray. Maybe he needs his own bag… Or, just get a bigger one for me to carry more things

  735. Kelly says:

    I usually carry a small purse inside my big purse!

  736. S says:

    Earplugs for when I need to work in public spaces.

  737. Lara says:

    Currently it’s a mini screwdriver that I meant to bring home from work.

  738. Laura T says:

    The strangest thing I carry is individual nail polish remover pads!

  739. Gudrun says:

    As a mom of three kids(6,3 and 4months) an xtra underware is a must.

  740. Ambriss R. says:

    I love all the answers and I think my answer is fairly boring. The strangest thing I keep in my everyday bag is my smart phone wire cord because my phone battery is horrible and I like to charge my phone at my desk.

  741. Nancy M. says:

    a million stray bobby pins!

  742. ellen says:

    i carry a million bobby pins!

  743. M says:

    Crest white strips. Never know when you’ll find an extra 30 min!

  744. Jane says:

    My bag is littered with…well…everything (including a miniature Buddha)!

  745. Stella says:

    Baby wipes. I am a grandmother but have none living close to me.

  746. ACD says:

    I keep a small wine bottle opener in my purse, and I think there’s another one in my car, too… you never know when it’ll come it handy!

  747. Sally says:

    What is the strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag? Bike headlight. Never know when I’ll find myself out riding after dark unexpectedly.

  748. Faith says:

    Love, love LOVE Lo & Sons! The strangest thing in my bag right now is a tape measure – I’m in the process of moving so it comes in handy almost everyday!

  749. KC says:

    I have a roll of dog poop bags. I am never without a roll of those, and they’ve often come in handy for other things throughout my day (besides poop)!

  750. Emily says:

    A lint roller… Dog hair is not a good look on a suit!

  751. Jen says:

    Black, white and silver safety pins in different sizes in case of a fashion emergency.

  752. allie says:

    a mini sewing kit. a rip, a tear, can ruin a gal’s day.

    fingers crossed!

    allie at

  753. Emily C. says:

    The strangest thing I carry is a halogen light bulb that I’m keeping with me to match a replacement bulb. Love those bags!

  754. Malavika says:

    metal spoon (for my morning oatmeal, because sometimes there aren’t any plastic ones!)

  755. Ellen F. says:

    I carry around tons of different medicine-both my prescriptions if I forget to take it at home, or lots of OTC things people are always asking for-cold meds, benadryl, etc. I also carry around a small dry lite towel-very small and absorbent but dries quickly.

  756. Kellye says:

    a mini-size deodorant-you just never know, right? thanks!

  757. K.S.Hurley says:

    I always carry a posture and gait assessment sheet with me in my tote. I am a physical therapy student so it fell in one day after class and i have kept it there ever since and it has been surprisingly useful!

  758. Morgan Cole says:

    I carry one of those little like 2 oz. bottles of vodka in my purse, because you never know when you may want to add a little adult loveliness into a smoothie or juice drink (especially since its summer!). =)

  759. Karly says:

    I carry a usb power block…you never know when you need to charge something so I always carry it with me…no cords however.

  760. Emily says:

    a set of note cards and stamps

  761. Kelly says:

    Thermal paste! It’s used to attach a heat-sink to the CPU in your computer so that it stays cool while running. I need to do this a lot for work, so the tube just lives in my bag.

  762. Tiffany says:

    I have a big bag that is filled with about everything. I don’t think it’s weird because I’m always prepared for anything. I had to go through and see if I could find anything weird that I forgot about. I do have a champagne cork from a friends party. Don’t know who put it in there because it wasn’t me lol. Love your bags!

  763. Linda says:

    Mini-bottle of sriracha. Never know when my food will be in need of rescuing.

  764. jennifer joseph reece says:

    gummy bears for me. dog treats for the pups. three + sketchbooks for work. 🙂

    love lo&sons…beautiful AND functional bags.

  765. Queenie says:

    The key to my boyfriend’s bike lock. The bike was stolen on campus 4 years ago yet i still have the key.

  766. Jenna says:

    Gerber baby food containers, the little plastic kind are perfect to hold a small portion of almonds or bobby pins. I don’t even have a kid but I got my sister-in-law to collect a few for me.

    I’m loving this topic too. I didn’t realize all the things I have lived without in my purse. Extra set of pear earrings…genius!

  767. Kate says:

    A rubber band ball – doubles as a stress ball & emergency hair tie

  768. kate says:

    A ziplock bag with almonds.

  769. Lauren says:

    I live in DC, but I have at least 5 passes for the subway in NYC and the L in Chicago. Most have about $2 left on them, but hey, why waste it when I know I’ll be back eventually?

  770. Jenny says:

    a toothbrush, tooth paste, and floss!

  771. Amanda says:

    I always have a stash of bandaids and blister relief materials. Running around DC in high heels creates a lot of blisters, so I’m always prepared for the worst!

  772. AVV says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my purse is a sheet of moleskin. That and my Band-Aid blister block are my weapons of choice against blisters.

  773. Shannon says:

    I always carry decongestant with me – sometimes I’m hit with sinus issues suddenly and it keeps me from having to make a trip to CVS when I feel terrible!

  774. L says:

    Currently, it is diapers (I have a newborn)

  775. Brooke says:

    I keep baby wipes in my purse to clean my dogs paws after the dog park.

  776. Emily says:

    I always have a list of restaurants in all different states, so no matter where I am I have somewhere cool to eat!

  777. Anastasia Mazula says:

    the strangest thing I carry in my bag everyday is floss. strange but necessary! I’ve been dreaming of owning this bag ever since I heard about Lo & Sons a year ago. Thanks for the giveaway!

  778. Alexandria says:

    I work at a hospital with kids so I often have a mini multicolored slinky in my bag!

  779. Michka says:

    The weirdest thing in my bag is probably a small box of q-tips! My biggest per peeve is dirty ears! :/

  780. Hailey says:

    I always have a pair of ballet flats and a book in my bag. I live in a big city. Never know when you’ll need them.

  781. Erica says:

    4 half used tubes of the same lip gloss – it’s a problem!

  782. Monica says:

    My kindle. It’s strange because I never read it – I can read kindle on my iphone – but I still carry it everywhere.

  783. Alexandra says:

    The contents of my purse are pretty conventional but I do find it strange that I now have to carry three to four different kinds of chargers to go with all the devices I carry with me to work and on travel.

  784. Sushu says:

    During the summer I carry extra shorts in case it gets too hot and I want to change.

    In the winter I carry an extra pair of tights to wear in case it gets too cold.

  785. JH says:

    at least 5 pens. Who needs 5 pens in their bag?

  786. mo says:

    i always have to have: “emergency” nuts for snacking, dental floss, and a usb drive.

  787. Sydney says:

    I carry a ton of things on a daily basis, but probably the strangest thing in my every day bag is my jump drive. I keep it in my purse and not my work tote.

  788. Teresa says:

    A can of diet coke, because I’m an addict!

  789. Rosemary says:

    I carry a love note my husband wrote me when we were dating.

  790. Rachel says:

    Right now, one lone Euro that I forgot to get rid of before I left Ireland.

  791. Jen Wu says:

    I carry around a post-it note in my wallet from my father. he had attached it to a book of his that he loaned to me and written: “if you [heart] this book, jen, you can keep it.” it just makes me smile.

  792. Allison says:

    Jelly Bellys…perfect sweet snack, but I will never eat more than a couple.

  793. Jen Wu says:

    I carry around a post-it note in my wallet from my father. he had attached it to a book of his that he loaned to me and written: “if you [heart] this book, jen, you can keep it.” it just makes me smile when i read it.

  794. JGarcia says:

    Keys for my Mom’s house in AZ (even though I’m in DC) and every card/coupon/voucher I have b/c you just never know when you might need things 🙂

  795. I actually narrow down my daily essentials a lot – the most random thing I carry around is probably Abreva because I hate when I start feeling the beginnings of a cold sore and I’m caught without it. haha (Gross, but seriously it works so much better when you put it on immediately!)

  796. Katie says:


  797. Andrea says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag is a paper map of Wäschenbeuren, Germany. It’s the small village where my mom grew up and where I spent quite a few summers. I carry it because it makes me feel more connected to my family there and remind me of the time I’ve spent there Plus you never know when I might have to make a completely out of the blue trip (which is never, FYI)!

  798. Annie says:

    I have a stick of Glide, a runner’s anti-chafe.

  799. Emily says:

    Way too many old gift cards with less than $20 on them, i always forget to use them!

  800. Alysa says:

    I don’t know that this is strange, but last year I met General Martin Dempsey,Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at the Washington Nationals NLCS game. General Dempsey graciously gifted me with one of his challenge coins, a military tradition, and I have carried it in a small pouch in my person every single day since then.

  801. Brittni S. says:

    One can usually find some sort of citrus in my purse, usually a few clementines. Never know when you’ll need the vitamin c boost!

  802. Melanie says:

    Oil blotting sheets- DC summers are rough!

  803. Pancakes says:

    The strangest thing…

    A target from the gun range! I went shooting with my boyfriend maybe 6+ months ago, and it still is in my purse. I have a large tote bag if you can’t tell, haha.

  804. Lauren says:

    An envelope full of coupons 🙂

  805. Katie says:

    Extra jewelry. You never know when you need to switch up your look.

  806. Lauren says:

    Love the bags. I always carry my glasses and eye drops in case my contacts dry out.

  807. Claire says:

    A scarf in August! My office and the train are freezing.

  808. Holly says:

    a blackjack strategy card

  809. min says:

    It’s not that strange, but I always have a book in my bag (even if I don’t end up looking at it for weeks. You just never know when you might get stuck on the metro or waiting for an appointment or something. Right now, it’s John Dies at the End.

  810. Milena says:

    An embarrassingly high number of lip products (like 12). I really do have a problem.

  811. Heidi B says:

    An extra long straw to drink coffee out of my thermos!

  812. Tuckergirl says:

    Honestly–a tiny, furry, yellow (fake) mouse. I have a ton of them at home because they are my cat’s favorite toy, and he loves to throw them in the air and chase after them. I guess he got a little too enthusiastic and lost one in my bag. I found it while looking for a new pen during a long, boring meeting, and it really put a smile on my face. I haven’t taken it out because it never fails to amuse me when I see it. Luckily, my cat has plenty more at home. I think my yellow mouse would look great in a Lo & Sons bag! 🙂

  813. hypoxicjd says:

    A headlamp. Because one never knows when the lights will go out!

  814. Healy says:

    What isn’t in there?! But seriously I have about 7 lip glosses – I can never decide and a girl needs options!

  815. The strangest thing would have to be a bottle of nail polish, because I always do my nails at home. But if one ever chips I guess I’ll be prepared!

    X Kenzie

  816. Chien Ya Joyce LAM says:

    A ResQMe car escape tool.

  817. Kate says:

    A koozie. Every bag should have one!

  818. Megan says:

    Stamps! So quaint in this digital age, but whenever I need them (which is what, a few times a year? Forever stamps, indeed), I know where they are.

  819. Hannah says:

    Plastic bags have been outlawed where I live, and all stores now have to charge for paper bags, so I have a reusable nylon ChicoBag (which folds into itself) in each of my purses because I am constantly forgetting my reusable shopping bags.

  820. Courtney says:

    Old fortune cookie fortunes. Always cheer me up on a sluggish day!

  821. Aimee says:

    I always carry a bungee cord. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

  822. Alicia says:

    Baseball tickets that were never used… rain delay, and work. 🙁 Also – old contact lenses… just in case.

  823. Karen says:

    Dental floss!! You never know when you’ll need it!

  824. jamie says:

    My bag is pretty normal, because I easily end up packing way too many things but I think on occasion the weirdest thing I’ve carried in my bag is salad dressing. Always wanted to be ready for lunch time! Thanks for this!

  825. Nichole says:

    Deodorant… DC summers are hot and humid!

  826. Sherri says:

    I have a pocket size face shield in my purse. I do home health so I always have one with me.

  827. Maren says:

    Right now the strangest thing is a pair of flats for the subway commute home from work. No fun walking 10 blocks in heels!

  828. Christine says:

    I carry an empty gallon sized Ziploc bag in my everyday bag because it inevitably gets filled with something kid-related that is either leaking, sticky, or stinky. Ha!

  829. Keri says:

    Thank you cards. It’s so I don’t forget to write them! But, somehow stay in there always.

  830. Amie says:

    Mostly conventional stuff here… but I always have another bag in my bag… like a fold up grocery bag so I can stop and grab something on my way home.

  831. Nichole says:

    Deodorant… DC gets humid!

  832. Jessica says:

    I carry around an absurd amount of lists on yellow post-it notes.

  833. Katie says:

    A toothbrush, travel-sized toothpaste, and floss

  834. Nicole says:

    I’m a design student so I always have a miniature x-acto knife and a scale ruler in my bag. Try getting into a smithsonian with an x-acto…

  835. Michelle says:

    I’ve had a little plastic cocktail mermaid in my bag for weeks.

  836. Deirdre says:

    Crumbs! With two kids and snacks always packed in my purse, I am always finding crumbs leftover that never seem to make their way out of the bag, despite the cleaning and shaking.

  837. Michele says:

    A hair tie. Keep in mind, I have a pixie cut.

  838. Alison says:

    Hair ties – I was always ending up at the gym without one!

  839. Melissa says:

    Right now the strangest is a pacifier. The life of a mom of a fourteen month old…

  840. Kristin says:

    Strangest thing that I keep in my bag? Tweezers.

  841. Chin says:

    I carry a tiny screwdriver, for eye glasses. Very useful.

  842. Kristen S. says:

    Maybe not that strange, but I am the only 20-something I know who carries around a checkbook and a book of stamps–I actually use them a lot too since most dry cleaners won’t take cards and I never have more than a couple dollars of cash on me. I also currently have 3 library books, Off! wipes, and a mini sewing kit.

  843. Kim says:

    At least five separate lip color products, even though I just wear my plain Burt’s Bees 99% of the time.

  844. Beth says:

    I honestly don’t think I carry anything weird with me everyday. But I do have a lot of “just in case things”. After reading some of these comments, I have a few things to add to my bag!

  845. Katy J. says:

    I carry a tiny bag of mini “good luck charms” in my purse every day. My best friend gave them to me as a graduation gift, and they are itty-bitty pewter figurines of a heart, a globe, an acorn, and angel, and a peace sign. I tied them up in a green gossamer bag, and it fits in the side pocket of my purse. They are a daily reminder of how lovely life is!

  846. Naomi says:

    Little green army men, some pieces of metal and a few stones.

  847. M says:

    paper clips! Good for the office and they can store jewelry when you travel.

  848. Laurie Anne says:

    I just moved to DC from Birmingham, Alabama two days ago and have been scoping out the bags the women carry! I would love one of these! The strangest thing in my bag would be 2 key chain zipper pouches full of essential oils! You never know when you will need them!

  849. Laura says:

    Tape measurer! Gotta make sure furniture will fit in the house.

  850. Felicia says:

    I carry my passport! Tales of an obsessed (and often international) traveler…

  851. Denise says:

    no matter how small the bag, I always have moleskin

  852. Tina Martinez says:

    I always have strange items in my purse: a barbie shoe, toy cars, apples & peanut butter, etc. My toddler twins are always tossing stuff in there unbeknownst to me! 🙂

  853. Sheryl says:

    Pens from work…I put them in without thinking, then take them out, but somehow they always find their way back in.

  854. AJ says:

    A wine/bottler opener! On my keychain though, it’s actually one from a client… but great to have!

  855. Emme says:

    Little mini bottles of Tabasco!

  856. Rachel says:

    A huge plastic bin of snacks! That way I don’t get ‘hangry’ (angry due to hunger)- it’s best for everyone 🙂

  857. Samantha says:

    Moleskin calendar with very little written in it – most of its functions were taken over by my iPhone, but I still carry it out of nostalgia.

  858. Jo says:

    I carry so many strange things, but chief among them are a lacrosse ball for rolling out my feet and a tape measure.

  859. Jennifer says:

    String cheese! It’s the perfect protein snack.

  860. Brittany says:

    I have a beer bottle cap from my sister’s graduation that I can’t bring myself to take out even when I clean my purse!

  861. Ann says:

    always have my swim goggles and moleskine.

  862. Elise says:

    Probably a mini flashlight – just in case of a metro blackout!

  863. Elizabeth says:

    sachets of tea.

  864. Brea says:

    I keep the first collar my dog ever wore, in the inside pocket of my handbag. The sound of it jingling around in my bag reminds me of him when i’m away on business trips. Guess it’s no stranger than moms with their kid’s baby teeth in their purse right?

  865. Christina says:

    Chocolate covered espresso beans as an emergency snack before heading into long meetings!

  866. Kelly says:

    I carry the little drawings and love notes from my two kids it always puts a smile on my face when I see them while searching around my purse!

  867. Carole Resnick says:

    my kindle,of course. And a couple of cooking magazines.

  868. Leslie says:

    Toss-up between the teething rings and the Body Glide.

  869. Krysta says:

    I only have a small cross-body purse that I’m carrying right now, so I basically only have room for the bare basics. Though, not even that really, because my wallet won’t fit in it so it’s more like the bare minimum. What’s strange in my purse right now? A half eaten granola bar that I ate part of for breakfast.

  870. NJN says:

    I carry a tube of Neosporin with me. I’m pretty clumsy and end up with cuts and bruises all over the place. (That and band-aids).

  871. Lauren says:

    Boudreaux’s Butt Paste for my baby!

    What a great giveaway! I’m obsessed with Lo & Sons but haven’t taken the leap to purchase yet!

  872. Nurit Benaya says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag is a Swedish-English dictionary. I’m trying to learn Swedish so whenever I have some time I try to learn new words.

  873. Claudia says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag is… a vibrator. I know, I know, totally weird! It’s small, it looks like a mascara tube, actually. I’m in my mid-twenties and still live with my parents and my mom sometimes comes into my room to borrow clothes. I just feel strange leaving it somewhere in my room, where she could possibly stumble upon it. That would be awkward, haha. So I always carry it in my bag!

  874. Sarah M. says:

    Socks with grips on them…think hospital socks but for pure barre.

  875. Jillian says:

    A koozie and a pear 🙂

  876. Meg says:

    Foreign coins – I should just sort out my coin purse but I like seeing them in there!

  877. Carrie says:

    Hmm I just cleaned out my purse so it’s much lighter. Most weird might be my list of books I want to get from the library, when I next make it there. Great giveaway!

  878. Savannah says:

    A shoe horn and a plastic spoon!

  879. KJ says:

    Scotch tape – for emergency lint control and other random needs

  880. Lexi says:

    I keep random foreign currency in my wallet…in a tiny side pocket, I have a 20 Euro note, a £5 note from the Banks of England, Scotland and Ireland, a 50 Czech Koruna note, and a few others…just in case…you never know when you could be whisked away at a moments notice!

  881. Serena O. says:

    The “strangest” things I carry in my bag include: Polysporin and tea bags!

  882. Kylene says:

    A lego pirate mini fig that happens to look a lot like my fiance.

  883. Amy S. says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my handbag is a spare set of contacts.

  884. Kat says:

    I always have to have a bottle of water with me because I’m constantly thirsty. You can always find some used tissues in there as well…

  885. Rosemary says:

    Usually airplane peanuts

  886. Ashley says:

    I carry around K Cups with me in my purse because while my office has Keurig machines, my favorite flavor of Starbucks coffee always seems to run out quickly.

  887. CB says:

    A checkbook! Does anyone still carry that?

  888. Trish says:

    Dramamine! I get motion sickness oh so easily!

  889. Anna says:

    Weird, but a pair of swim goggles and KT Tape…hanging out in my nice purse. Oh well, to each their own!

  890. Annabelle says:

    I have a single wool glove in there…don’t ask me why!

  891. kate says:

    a measuring tape–you never know when you’ll need to measure something!

  892. Lady Laywer says:

    I have two thumb drives in my bag. And one of them still has my application to join the Virginia Bar on it (I’ve been barred now for quite some time.) I might need the information some day!

  893. Eve says:

    A tiny spray bottle of rose water. You never know when you will need a pick-me-up!

  894. JMW says:

    I keep a toothbrush and toothpaste in my purse at all times. I’m a freak about bad breath!

    Thanks for putting on this giveaway – I’ve been wanting one of these bags for the longest time!

  895. JSB says:

    A picture of my baby’s first ultrasound. Always makes me smile! 🙂

  896. timsy says:

    I’m not even sure whats in there besides my wallet and sunglasses… but I do know that when anyone needs ANYthing, it’s in there. AND IT’S HEAVY.

  897. Jessica D says:

    Sadly, my bag is pretty run of the mill. Nothing weird in it. Well, except maybe earplugs?

  898. Heather Hinds says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag…. not many….. Maybe business cards from all my prior positions, but none from my current one. The history of my life, in miniature…

  899. Jeannie says:

    I carry a pencil case with cartridges of ink to refill my LAMY fountain pen and a brick-like makeup bag with no less than 5 different lipstick/lip balms – but I never wear lip anything … hate leaving lipstick marks on cups and drinks!

  900. Cassie H says:

    I am pretty sure there are always dog treats in my handbag!

  901. Cassie H says:

    I am pretty sure there are always dog treats in my handbag!

  902. Noodle says:

    Lavender scented poop bags (for the dog and they’re unused).

  903. Julie G. says:

    I carry my late grandmother’s rosary with me in my bag. Knowing that I have a piece of her with me, the beads she clutched for many years, comforts me in times of stress

  904. Kaitlin says:

    I think my oddest thing would be my razor. Totally weird, but it’s my gym/work/library bag… so I use it at the gym shower on occasion!

  905. Charissa says:

    Vaseline. I prefer it to chapstick because it’s unscented and provides a little bit of shine.

  906. Liz says:

    I always have snacks, usually almonds.

  907. Lexy says:

    Essential oils! I have some for everything! Lemon for my water. Cinnamon for my coffee and it helps stop bug bites from itching! Peppermint to breathe in and calm me down and for sore feet from running around all day and I will put a drop of peppermint into an 8 oz. glass of water to calm an upset stomach. Also, it is a great pick me up, drop of peppermint on each wrist really gets you going! They are my little 2 ounce miracle workers!

  908. Ateka says:

    Nothing strange just the basics . I am saving strange items for strange days.

  909. 3 month old Postcards from spain to my former six year old neighbor in new york. Every time I buy stamps I cant find a mailbox and when I remember/find one I’m on to the next country where the stamps are useless.

  910. Allison Matas says:

    The strangest thing I have in my purse is a chopstick helper for when we go eat sushi. If I’m with someone that does not know how to use chopsticks, I have the solution.

  911. Gigi says:

    A leatherman (one of the bigger ones with a saw in it). I no longer live in the country, but who is to say when it may prove useful to my present suburban existence? That being said, its heavy and will likely come out of the bag soon.

  912. Nicole says:

    I don’t think it’s strange, but I always have at least 3 tubes of chapstick or lip balm in my bag! Mainly cause I never remember which bag I have them in and always carry extra.

  913. Em says:

    My bag is an endless pit at the moment. Weirdest thing is a swimsuit I need to return to Target.

  914. Kari says:

    A taco! Well, really it’s a small bag to hold chargers and cords. But it looks like an actual taco. Always makes customers laugh when I pull it out of my laptop bag.

  915. VT says:

    Extra splenda packets from Starbucks!

  916. Katrina L says:

    I almost always have a travel size antiperspirant in my purse, especially during the summer in DC!I would rather carry it then not have it and need it!

  917. Alex says:

    I always carry deodorant in my bag!

  918. McKinzie says:

    I keep an AP Stylebook and a pair of flats in my bag. You never know when you might needto know some long-forgotten grammar rule or if you’ll go out after work on a whim after wearing heels all day. I consider both life savers! Needless to say, my bag is rarely light.

  919. Amy says:

    Toddler snacks…for me. I always raid my niece & nephew’s stash when I’m at Grandma’s (she has the good stuff 🙂 )

  920. Laura says:

    Dental floss, always!

  921. Whitney says:

    I carry two $1 chips from Harrah’s Casino in South Lake Tahoe. My mom was the first female slot machine mechanic there (she worked summers in Tahoe to pay her way through law school in Louisiana)and the chips are now our version of family heirlooms. Can’t be without my good luck charms!

  922. Tina says:

    I keep a pill bottle with ib profen, excedrin, midol, all the essentials! And a bottle opener, you have to be prepared for all circumstances 🙂

  923. Elizabeth says:

    The strangest thing in my bag is probably my own physical Pinterest. I’ve got clippings from magazines of things I like and want to remember.

  924. Gabrielle says:

    Bitter nail polish! It doesn’t really work but I’d like to think I’m at least trying to stop the awful habit 😉

    And happy birthday!!

  925. Melanie says:

    I have a copy of my marriage certificate in my bag. Even after almost 3 years, I still find myself needing it now and then. People always think it’s bizarre that I keep it in my wallet!

  926. Amanda S says:

    Veterans Affairs Handbook and Military spouse magazine. I want to my Fiance’s deployment ceremony and I still haven’t taken those out of my bottomless pit of a purse!

  927. Jacqueline says:

    The weirdest thing in my bag is a pouch stuffed with everything from wet naps, blush paper, chevron printed tissues, eyedrops, a spare lipbalm, and after-dinner candies from various restaurants!

  928. Sara says:

    A sock with the toe cut out–for sock buns, of course!

  929. Lauren says:

    7 different kinds of lip gloss

  930. JP says:

    I think the strangest is the combination of 2 items: a skull and crossbones coozie (I really hate a warm beer at the bar) AND my “grandma-looking” day of the week pill pack separator for my vitamins. I feel like having both of those items at once is ironic?

  931. AnnaPC says:

    The strangest thing in my bag? Small can of Lysol . Can’t even begin to count the number of times it’s come in handy!

  932. Shaunta F. says:

    A vast collection of tea bags with Splenda and a spoon.

  933. Shira says:

    Hmmm….the strangest thing I carry? I think I carry pretty typical things in my bag! Maybe it’s strange that I always have way too much makeup on me:)

  934. Denise says:

    I carry a face mask so that I can do CPR on anyone who needs it without exposing myself to too much. I’m a nurse and you know how we are — always busy saving lives. I could use that bag as a gym/medicine bag!

  935. JT says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag are post it’s. They come in handy when trying to divide the bill amongst multiple credit cards.

  936. Elena Vo says:

    The strangest thing I carry with me is a ziploc bag with some chicken feed in it. Yes, my boyfriend had a chicken coup and yes, I like to feed the chicks when I’m visiting!

  937. Lisa E says:

    I carry a little coin from Austria that has a glass pig glued to it. It’s a New Year’s good luck charm I just had to buy. I don’t know if it really has been a good luck charm, but I can’t bring myself to take it out and risk it 😉

  938. Stephanie says:

    These days, my handbag is a diaper bag, so I’ll say a pacifier.

  939. Katie B says:

    Seriously in love with my Lo & Sons TT!!! I have a lot of reactions to fragrances in soaps which means I always carry hydrocortisone ointment.

  940. Melissa says:

    The strangest thing I always carry is fashion tape. You never know when you’ll need it!

  941. KC says:

    I have my husband’s “Emergency Floss.” Not that dental floss is unusual, but he absolutely hates having anything stuck in his teeth and will specifically ask for his Emergency Floss.

  942. Noelle says:

    The strangest think I carry in my bag is white out. I have obsessive compulsive tendencies and find that I often want it.

  943. Christy says:

    A full set of metal utensils. I usually bring my lunch and hate the waste associated with using plastic. Since my current office doesn’t have a kitchenette I just bro g the silverware back and forth for thorough washing.

  944. Leah says:

    The strangest thing that stays in my bag is a tape measurer. Sometimes I have to measure things, I suppose!

  945. Carrie says:

    Ok, this is definitely strange. I’m a pilot, and my plane doesn’t have a bathroom, so I carry a “go girl”. Google it. Never used, but just in case…

  946. Alison says:

    I carry around a super tiny tub of vaseline that my sister gave me as silly gift for my birthday. It’s actually become quite handy for a variety of things so I’m going to make sure to keep one on me from now on.

  947. Myra Falconer says:

    I think the weirdest thing I carry in my bag is snacks for my dogs. I usually just throw them in without using a ziplock bag so there are crumbs everywhere! I always get scared when I see a police dog because I think they are going to come chase me and the cops won’t believe me!

  948. Stephanie says:

    A rosary. I almost forgot one for my grandmother’s vigil so now I make sure I always have one in my purse.

  949. Carlie says:

    Rolled up yoga pants and a tank. You never know when you’re going to want to get your down dog on!

  950. MsZ says:

    Vaseline, a leftover from when my little guy was still in diapers.

  951. Marcy says:

    I carry a Swiss army knife everywhere, a gift from my dad with my initials on it. Canadian airport security once allowed me to mail it back home to myself instead of surrendering it — oops!

  952. CC says:

    A mini flashlight and plastic flags for marking documents.

  953. Teresa L. says:

    My kids are older now (elementary school), but I still carry baby wipes in my bag – comes in handy!

    Thanks for the giveaway; I would love to own an OMG bag!

  954. Nina says:

    Right now, I have an assortment of blow pops in my bag.m,

  955. Maggie says:

    Zip lock bag of (now stale) angry birds graham crackers… Sometimes I need an uplifting snack.

  956. Aimee says:

    currently, i carry my bathing suit in my work bag! i have access to the pool at work. since it’s summer i’ve been meaning to spend more time swimming… so i’ve thrown a bathing suit in my bag so if i get a chance i can throw it on and go for a quick dip in the afternoons.

  957. Jillian says:

    Well, I don’t think this is weird at all, but I always have a sock-donut ready for a last minute sockbun. I also carry a travel sized bottle of baby powder- better than any dry shampoo.

  958. Rose says:

    Excessive “buy 10 get 1 free” from random places I never go back to – just in case!!

  959. Lindsey says:

    Boogie wipes and butt paste…I’m hanging with the preschool crowd…also small bottle of Limeacol helps to cool you down when applied to the skin!

  960. Richele says:

    A hot pink headlamp–never leave home without it!

  961. Jennifer says:

    I keep a few small seashells to remind me of my favorite beach on Kauai…it’s a smile-maker that keeps me going until my next trip there. 🙂

  962. Annie says:

    First aid kit which includes an irrigation syringe… I am really good at tripping and scraping a knee or falling off a cruiser bike on my way to work.

  963. M.S. says:

    5+ lipsticks/lipbalms… they seem to magically gather in my purse of their own free will. And baby powder as well – I agree it’s better than any dry shampoo.

  964. Nancy says:

    My knitting and ginger altoids.

  965. v says:

    A canister of film (usually 400 speed) for one of my film cameras.

  966. Agnes says:

    I carry a bag of tea leaves in a ziplock bag which isn’t a strange thing to carry around, except I’ve been told it looks like a bag of weed. Definitely need a bigger bag with more inconspicuous hiding places!

  967. Lindsey says:

    I carry around a full size tube of Aquaphor. Better than any other chapstick.

    I’ve been wanting to buy this bag for weeks! I think it will be perfect for starting law school! Thanks!

  968. Carolyn says:

    A tiny bottle of hand sanitizer from Japan. At least, that’s what I think it is… the bottle is in Japanese. Never know when you need it!

  969. Liz says:

    My passport (as a form of ID because my drivers’ license was lost).

  970. Beth B says:

    I always have a mini deodorant b/c well, some of us sweat as opposed to “glow”, I tend to have at least three types of currency, a mini flashlight (you’d be amazed at how often the power goes out in hotels) and a key to a car that I no longer own.

  971. Cynthia W says:

    I don’t know that it’s really that weird, but I carry “fashion” tape – I’m on the smaller-busted side and shirts and dresses tend to gape on me, so I make sure that I can tape them down if needed.

  972. An says:

    I carry a nail clipper. Not sure how strange that is but I hate the feeling of a hang nail.


  973. MB says:

    A small bag of dirt – it is from a holy site in the Middle East (I don’t know what to do with it so I’ve been carrying it around since a friend gave it to me.)

  974. Emily says:

    I always have sunscreen, hand sanitizer and a coffee cup protector!

  975. Patricia says:

    There are always tidbits of my grandsons’ snacks at the bottom of my bag. Goldfish, a baby carrot, random sweet crumbs…..I love those boys!!!

  976. Hannah says:

    The strangest thing i carry is a flash drive- for some reason, I’m always worried I’ll need it. But I honestly don’t even know if it works anymore!

  977. Don Mar says:

    Strangest thing I carry is a stethoscope. If I don’t carry it in my main bag, I’ll probably forget to bring it into work!

  978. Peggy McDermott says:

    I have 4 sets of keys ( 2 for work , car keys & house keys). I need all 4 sets on a daily basis. I also have a bag of different flash drives ( at least 5 of them) since I am a teacher. Don’t know if the items are all that strange but maybe the numbers of them are!

  979. amanda says:

    I carry about 5 different lip glosses/ lip sticks but I don’t think that’s TOO weird!

  980. heather says:

    A mini “emergency” kit I got as a stocking stuff last Christmas (chapstick, stain remover, floss, etc) – it’s come in handy a few times!

  981. Devon says:

    I always carry a compass in my purse. I don’t have a smart phone/GPS yet, but I travel a lot in unknown cities. Whenever I’m going somewhere new, I’ll look up directions online and write them down ahead of time. But I found that when I emerge from a metro stop in a new city, I would waste a lot of time re-orienting myself. Now I can write “N on Madison, W on 37th”, etc. and always know where I’m going.

  982. Leslie V. says:

    The strangest thing in my handbag right now is a brush that resembles a “christmas tree” because I had the oddest thought of getting braces well into my adult life (not sure what i was thinking) so the christmas tree brush is used for brushing my teeth after after meal and/or snack due to my new ADULT shiny braces 🙂 SMH! lol

  983. Jennifer says:

    a crystal my daughter gave me for good luck and a bunch of rescue remedy (oh, and an assortment of my aromatherapy oils)

  984. KP says:

    I always have my GPS with me. I have absolutely no sense of direction, so I got into the habit of keeping it with me just in case before I got my smart phone. For some reason, I can’t bring myself to take it out of my purse.

  985. Kat Harris says:

    Hey there! Love these bags!! Hmmm I don’t carry anything too strange everyday except for my canera gear is always on me so I’m always in need of a versatile camera bag!

  986. Kiersten says:

    I always have about 5 Burt’s Bees on me, but somehow whenever I look for them they seem to have disappeared.

  987. AC says:

    This post could not be more timely! I’m off to graduate school in a couple of weeks and I’ve been looking for the right bag to carry my laptop, books and other supplies that is the right mix of fashion and function.

    The strangest thing I have in my bag is a small soap in a dainty little gift pouch that I received as a party favor. Just in case I’m stuck somewhere and in need of a shower, I guess I’m prepared?

  988. Tara says:

    I always carry one safety pin—you wouldn’t believe how often its come in handy!

  989. Holly W says:

    The strangest thing I carry is a collection of stamps and return address labels. but not envelopes. and I pay all my bills online.

  990. paloma says:

    Not super strange, but I have kids’ socks in my purse for my two little girls, and a LOT of crumbled crayons from restaurants. ha!

    PS: I have coveted the OG bag since forever. DYING to win this!

  991. Morgan says:

    I have been lusting after an OMG forever!

    The strangest thing I carry in my work bag would have to be a dryer sheet – it’s actually really helpful for taming staticy hair or embarassing static cling with skirts/dresses (especially in tights season)!

  992. Rose says:

    Shoes. I always have shoes in my bag.

  993. Bernie N. says:

    The strangest thing I carry is probably a set of nail clippers. I’m a nervous cuticle chewer so it comes in handy all the time. I would love to win an OMG.

  994. Jessica says:

    I always carry an extra contact case, even when I’m wearing glasses.

  995. Brandi says:

    I always carry duct tape in my purse. I plan events and you never know when it can come in handy!

  996. Sarah B. Johnson says:

    I never leave home without two sizes of blister bandaids for my feet, brown and black hair clips (one must match my shoes) and a fine point Sharpie (never know when you’ve got to make a permanent mark somewhere).

    AND these Lo and Sons bags are AMAZING! Perfect for organizing the busy life of a girl who works in the energy business trying to control energy prices for consumers 🙂

  997. Amy says:

    I always have the keys to my parent’s house and garage even though they live 5 hrs away by plane in a different country. You never know when you could end up back at your childhood home! Stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago and love it!

  998. Kathleen says:

    Doggie poop bags! I keep them in all my purses for when I take my dog for walks.

  999. Katie says:

    A neon safety vest. For work. But I haven’t used it in about a year. But it never leaves!

  1000. Leanna says:

    My bag has been taken over by weird since becoming a mom (I refuse to use a diaper bag) – Tupperware of baby food, spoon, bib, diapers, first aid kit, sunscreen, stuffed owl toy . . . the list goes on and on.

  1001. Jenna Rink says:

    The strangest thing I carry is notes from past conferences. Right now I have notes in there from a conference I attended in February. For some reason I just never think to take them out of my purse when I’m at work!

  1002. Nanette says:

    Lint roller, various OTC meds, Corkscrew, passport, toothbrush… because you just never know.

  1003. Bronwyn says:

    I carry little Fossil oilcloth zip pouches inside my everyday bag. They help me keep makeup, medication, etc. accessible.

  1004. Jteare says:

    I always have at least one book, at the moment it is Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Some times I have a book, nook, and another story on my phone.

  1005. Patricia says:

    There are always tidbits of my grandsons’ snacks at the bottom of my bag. Goldfish, a baby carrot, random sweet crumbs…..I love those boys!

  1006. Melissa J says:

    The strangest thing I carry (or at least what I get the strangest looks about!) is dental floss. I always get food stuck in my teeth!

  1007. Natalie says:

    I have been lusting after an OG bag for months and trying to justify buying one – I travel internationally for work quite regularly, so usually have an absurd combination of small bills in different foreign currencies. And a collection of crumpled bright blue poop bags for my pugalicious best friend, Nelson!

  1008. Andrea says:

    A set of silverware though I finally switched to a reusable set made out of bamboo, which is lighter but still better for the environment 🙂

  1009. Jenny says:

    I don’t carry strange stuff usually (just the normal stuff) but for about the last month I’ve had an empty ink cartridge from my printer in my bag. I really need to drop it off at Staples ;o)

  1010. S says:

    A Vicks Vapo-inhaler. I’ve got chronically stuffed up sinuses, what can I say!

  1011. Sarah says:

    always, always, always at least 3 different types of protein bars. never know when i’ll be super hungry!

  1012. Christy says:

    I keep a scented softener sheet in my bags, and replace them routinely. They help to keep the inside of purses and bags smelling fresh.

  1013. Anita Chow says:

    Strangest thing I’m carrying now is 3 different sizes/ types of stickie notes in my bag! Maybe it’ll come in handy though!!

  1014. The strangest thing I carry would be my worn ped socks. When I wear my flats sometimes by the end of my day, or middle, they seem to fall off. I hate to have them on my desk and smell so I hide them in my bag so no one knows.

  1015. Mathavi says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my purse is a tube of hydrocortisone. You just never know when you’ll get bug bites and allergic reactions!

  1016. audrey says:

    Several tiny copies of the Constitution. I grabbed some at the office one day and suppose I can’t bear to throw them away?! Anyway, congrats on five years!

  1017. Kristen M says:

    Mini boxes of raisins – for my toddler.

  1018. Megan says:

    I always have multiple “drink” containers in my bag, tea, coffee, water, I’m always carrying at least one of them around. And there’s usually a teabag or two for emergencies 🙂

  1019. Karen says:

    Nothing too strange necessarily, unless it’s weird that I carry an umbrella year round. And it might be a little odd that I carry a makeup bag, but never wear makeup to work!

  1020. H says:

    Judging by the reaction I get on the surprisingly frequent occasions it’s needed, the strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag is a retractable tape measure.

  1021. Erin says:

    my lucky thimble! and always a pair of flats if I get tired of wearing heels…

  1022. Amber says:

    An empty drawstring bag. Never know when I’ll need an extra bag to hold something.

  1023. Sara says:

    The mini-multi-tool that my father gave me for Christmas many years ago. Thanks to Dad, I’m always prepared for anything!

  1024. Caroline says:

    Nothing too strange…but I have loads and loads of CVS coupons that I always think I will use, but they always expire.

  1025. KB says:

    Hmm I have been trying to keep my bag light as of late but I always carry an extra pair of socks — I hate getting to the gym only to realize I’ve forgotten them which has happened one too many times.

  1026. Colleen says:

    Bubbles! I have a 2 year old. Makes life happy when things get stressful. I call it happiness in a bag!

  1027. Tanvi Patel says:

    An extra pair of socks- my feet get really cold!

  1028. Karen says:

    A blade.

  1029. wendy r. says:

    The strangest thing I carry is a travel sized container of stevia tablets! I never know when a coffee shop won’t have my sweetener of choice.

  1030. jj says:

    Packets of sweet n low, very grandma-esque

  1031. Cristina says:

    One of the strangest things I carry in my bag is a kitchen timer. I’m a speech therapist so I always want to know when a session is over 🙂

  1032. Berry says:

    Small vials of: Tabasco sauce, lemon juice and maldon sea salt. I am VERY particular about my condiments 🙂

  1033. Betsy says:

    I have the toe separators from a pedicure. They are isolated in their own compartment. Now I need a bottle of polish for a pedicure on the run or perhaps just a trash can to say goodbye .


  1034. Carlin says:

    My Mom gave me a small silver cross years ago. I always carry it in my purse, even if I switch to a bitty clutch.

  1035. Brie says:

    A package of oatmeal..some days I just don’t remember to pack lunch!

  1036. Sarah W says:

    I have a coin purse that I fill with all sorts of pills… Advil, Tylenol, vitamins, etc. I never leave home without it!

  1037. MM says:

    I usually have a few green tea bags in my purse – I have a tea addiction, and I have to be prepared for meetings where only coffee is served!

  1038. Jess says:

    I still carry my broken phone, even though I have a new one. I have no idea why!

  1039. Gretchen K. says:

    The strangest thing in my purse right now is a full roll of duct tape.

  1040. Niki says:

    Strangest thing in my bag- probably just that I have at least two pencil cases and one sketchbook on me at all times!

  1041. Mary says:

    A $2 bill that was given to me about 5 years ago.

  1042. Rowena says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag is a tape measure which actually comes in handy sometimes when shopping. Thanks for the opportunity! I so covet a Lo & Sons OMG.

  1043. Marianne says:

    a collapsible cup, toothbrush, and tiny toothpaste. For my preschooler:)

  1044. Leigh says:

    Random bits and bobs from work equipment, I guess. For some reason, though, people always think it’s weird that I carry a multitool even though they’re not actually all that uncommon and they’re super-useful.

  1045. Chi says:

    Band aids that look like a bacon strip.

  1046. Kayci says:

    I carry a fork and spoon with me to work when I eat lunch in my office.

  1047. Marianne says:

    A collapsible cup, toothbrush and tiny toothpaste. For my preschooler 🙂

  1048. Catherine S. says:

    A knife

  1049. jessica says:

    I think the strangest thing I carry is cotton swabs.

  1050. Julie says:

    Thought I was strange for this, but apparently not. I always keep at least 2 koozies in my purse because, you know, you never know when you might have an impromptu party! I also keep cold/sinus meds in about 3 different pockets just in case I forget to replenish.

  1051. Erika Zois says:

    The strangest thing that I carry in my purse is probably my sewing kit! You never know when you will lose a button or tare something.

  1052. Lee says:

    fruit snacks

  1053. Kaycie says:

    People always find it odd that I carry 8 different colored pens in my purse, but I have my planner color-coded, so I really need and use them all!

  1054. Meghan says:

    Four unused gift cards. One for Target, one for Sephora, one for Norstrom, and one for Paper Source. I carry them with me so I can use them when I am out shopping. Sadly, I usually forget to actually use them!

  1055. Tina says:

    I carry a small ziplock bag with a fabric softener. It was left in my bag since the winter season, when my hair is super staticky. Tip of the day: For staticky hair, gently rub a fabric softener on hair to stop the static.

  1056. e says:

    I don’t really think I have anything that weird. Although over the summer I’ve been carrying a koozie with me!

  1057. Rachel says:

    My fake ID, even though it’s been a looooooong time since I’ve needed to use it.

  1058. Wanda says:

    I suppose the strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag is yesterday’s mail. I’m often too tired to look through the mail after work so I usually stuff it in my bag and tackle it the next day at work during my down time.

  1059. Ashley says:

    I carry a small Darth Vader flashlight in my everyday bag. You never know when you’ll need a flashlight!

  1060. Lee R says:

    Snacks! Always come in handy

  1061. Cait says:

    A jar of peanut butter and a pair of shoes. Peanut butter is my go-to snack when I’m running around town, and I’ve had a few too many experiences with shoes breaking at inconvenient times!

  1062. Nathalie says:

    A CPR Mask. I am trained 1st Aid and CPR and you never know when I would need to use it!

  1063. Ruth says:

    I’m participating in recruitment right now for my sorority, so I have all my touch up makeup and my name tag so that I can meet potential new members! Love the bag, and Happy Birthday to Capitol Hill Style! Sending some Pi Phi love your way this month!

  1064. Prague says:

    Pliers and wire rings. I make chainmail jewelry in my spare time (think knights in armor, not forwarded letters).

  1065. caitlin says:

    I have a pocket mask (for CPR) in every bag I carry ever. (Yes, even an evening clutch.) You only have to be without it once to ALWAYS BE PREPARED AFTER.

  1066. Kristin says:

    A wine opener and chopsticks. You never know.

  1067. Kiersten says:

    This isn’t really weird but I keep everything I’d need should I get stranded somewhere overnight unexpectedly…travel face wash, face lotion, floss, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant. I got stuck at the airport overnight once and didn’t have anything as I had checked all of it. I felt so gross and decided wouldn’t happen again!

  1068. A says:

    A shaving razor? You never know!

  1069. jennifer says:

    I store my heart rate monitor in my purse, in case I ever want to go for a quick run!

  1070. Elizabeth says:

    A pouch full of a variety of tea bags!

  1071. Lindsay says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag every day – a jar of crushed red pepper flakes. Because the food I eat almost always needs a little kick.

  1072. Lindsay says:

    A picture of golden retriever puppies…none of which are mine…or anyone’s I know. I just love to look at puppies, especially on stressful work days – when I’m usually delayed in an airport somewhere 🙂

  1073. Megan says:

    I always, ALWAYS have toothbrush/paste, hand cream, and band-aids (the little kid-character kind)

  1074. Jamie says:

    Post-it notes of every size, shape, and color. The best ones are brightly colored and have lines.

  1075. Boston Lauren says:

    Tweezers. The most amazing tool for so many of life’s problems…makeshift screwdriver, jewelry repair, zipper fix…you name it. Plus I’m prepared when I encounter harsh fluorescent lighting and realize my eyebrows are not as well-tended as I’d imagined.

  1076. Leslie says:

    Semi-sweet chocolate chips. For emergencies.

  1077. Callie says:

    Face wipes. At the end of the day on the subway I can never wait to get home before I just want to get all the NYC grime off of me.

  1078. Morgan Y says:

    Empty gift cards and old school ID’s.

  1079. raq says:

    currency from all the places my boyfriend has traveled for work and that we have been together!

  1080. Sarah Ann says:

    Oh I love their bags!

  1081. Kerrie says:

    I carry individually-wrapped wet wipes.

  1082. Clara says:


  1083. Melanie Ann says:

    My little man’s sippy cup with water … even when he’s not with me! I take it on photo shoots its the only thing I trust not to leak on my camera & gear! I’m such a weirdo) I promise I do take off the sippy cap when I take a drink) Lol

  1084. Hannah F says:

    I carry a travel size flashlight in my bag with me at all times. It’s come in handy more times than I can count!

  1085. Megan says:

    a granola bar that is at least four months old. I keep thinking I will need it for an emergency lunch, but it hasn’t happened yet!

  1086. Megan S says:

    A wine cork- never know when you will need one!

  1087. Patricia says:

    A PUMA reusable bag to hold my lunch in

  1088. AttiredAttorney says:

    Trail mix! Never know when you might need a protein burst 🙂

  1089. Amy L. says:

    I carry around a stopwatch because I do psychological testing with children and need to time their responses.

  1090. MM says:

    Three (!) Avon books from a teacher at my son’s daycare!

  1091. NR says:

    I keep as little in my purse as possible, so probably my really old pack of Listerine pocket strips.

  1092. Jess H says:

    I generally have a ton of receipts, because I’m not very good at regularly cleaning out my purse!

  1093. Megan Ciarolla says:

    The strangest thing I always carry is a bottle of clear nail polish. I wear ultra sheer pantyhose to work in the summer and they snag so easily! Nail polish will stop the snag from tearing any further.

  1094. Lauren Christenson says:

    Always seem to have a dog treat in my purse. I guess you never know when you’ll need it?

  1095. Amanda says:

    The weirdest thing I carry in my bag is a travel sized toothpaste.

  1096. Laura says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my purse? It’s not so much the item itself, but the NUMBER of them in there – i seriously have about 50 bobby pins in there. some of them are there on purpose, but somehow i just keep collecting them. i can do about 3 high school girls’ prom hairdos, probably.

  1097. Emily says:

    Nothing too strange, but ALWAYS plenty of snacks.. And of course hand sanitizer for after holding onto slimy metro poles. Ew. Thanks Belle!

  1098. Yanira says:

    A Charlie (MBTA) card from when I went to school in Boston. I now live in NY, so it’s totally unnecessary but I can’t bring myself to take it out.

  1099. Mountaingirl says:

    Congratulations on 5 amazing years! Thanks for including us!

    I keep a tiny compact first aid kit with things like gloves, gauze, dermabond, antiseptic, etc. It’s come in handy more times than I ever expected, and I like feeling prepared to pitch in if there’s a need!

  1100. Strin012 says:

    I always have at least one Koozie with me. Also, my car insurance papers, which I keep meaning to put in my glove compartment, but have never made it there.

  1101. Maggie says:

    My Mason Pearson boar bristle brush – totally essential for unruly straight hair like mine. Without it, I look like a hot mess.

  1102. Regina says:

    A pack of tissues in every bag, even if I’m not sick. There’s nothing worse than needing one and not having one!

  1103. Rachel says:

    I carry coffee beans — samples from my friend who owns a coffee shop.

  1104. Anna says:

    I carry a travel set of UBS cords – one for my ipod, kindle, phone, and camera (even when I do not have those items with me!) Also, for a while, I had a broken switch from my car door, but I finally removed that a few weeks ago (the switch has been replaced months ago).

  1105. Lonni says:

    This is the best giveaway! The strangest thing I carry is a mini stapler, tape and hole puncher kit. You nver know when you need something punched and stapled!

  1106. Sharyn says:

    An umbrella, 365 days a year. (What is wrong with DC?, asks the Californian.) Also a fabric swatch of our couch material.

  1107. Shehla says:

    I have the camera lens cover for a small camera I lost a year ago — not ready to throw it out yet!

  1108. Ellen says:

    I always carry a tape measure in my purse! People like to poke fun, but I’ve used it more times than I can count.

  1109. Elizabeth says:

    A pen light – you never know when you might need to hunt around in the dark for something!

  1110. Michelle Fleer says:

    I carry two wallets; one is my daily one, one can hold my iPhone, ID and credit card if if I don’t want to drag my purse in somewhere.

  1111. Em says:

    The note my boyfriend sent with flowers on Valentine’s Day when I was living in Germany and we were dating long distance.

  1112. Candis says:

    Nothing unusual in my bag, but in my wallet I have a 2000 pesos note from Colombia and a 20 pesos note from the Dominican Republic. I have never traveled to either.

    I like to pull them out when mentioning payment for a task that none of my friends would like to do, i.e. “I will give you 20 pesos right now if you . . . “

  1113. Donniell says:

    I still have a 3 year old fandango gift card in my wallet that my mother, er, Santa put in my stocking for Christmas a few years back. I so rarely plan ahead for a movie, enough ahead to book online, that I just haven’t used it!

  1114. Allisonp says:

    I keep a presentation clicker, laser pointer and a corded mouse…. They all have similar function, but i feel they serve unique purposes…. Kind of like ereader, smartphone, ipod…all similar, but serve unique situations better….

  1115. Abby says:

    I carry small packets of manuka honey — I’m always ready for a cup of tea 🙂

  1116. Violette says:

    A pill splitter and red bull. I have to have caffeine and i cant swallow pills whole.

  1117. Cathy says:

    The strangest thing that I carry in my bag is a bag of elastics from my husband’s orthodontist.

  1118. Emily says:

    I usually have any number of wine corks in my work (court!) bag. I collect them in a giant jar in my dining room, so I stick them in my work bag whenever I go to happy hour. Sorry, judge!

  1119. Katie Hall says:

    Hi Belle,

    I came across your blog about 3 months ago and I am addicted, love it!! So, what is the strangest thing I carry in my bag? Well, 3-4 days of the week, the strangest thing in my bag is an extra pair of Prestige Medical nurse compression knee-high socks.
    I am a RN, I work long 12-16 hour shifts and in effort to take good care of my feet and legs, keep circulation flowing, prevent varicose veins and back/leg/foot pain, I change my foot wear mid shift.


  1120. Vanessa says:

    I just looked in my bag….and the strangest thing in it is definitely a tuning fork!

  1121. MNS says:

    Business cards from 2 jobs ago – don’t need them in my current job but they have some of the correct info on them.

  1122. Erin says:

    I always have a ton of mail stuffed into my bag. It’s such a bad habit!

  1123. Dee says:

    A small compact mirror that has a lucholibre on the back side!

  1124. Liz Hill says:

    Loose leaf tea 🙂

  1125. Abby says:

    Currently the strangest thing in my bag is a Cards Against Humanity expansion deck. Just in case?

  1126. Sarah says:

    The weirdest thing I carry in my everyday bag is individual packets of peanut butter.

  1127. Ashley E. says:

    No strange to me but I keep a lint brush in my work bag and it never fails but people are usually surprised/shocked that I keep one handy.

  1128. Olivia says:

    A random koozie always makes it way into my bag.

  1129. Deanna says:

    About fifty million different chapsticks… it’s an obsession!

  1130. allison says:

    I always carry mouth wash with me

  1131. Wendy T says:

    Lately it’s been a pair of children’s scissors from a crafting session with my niece.

  1132. Whitney says:

    A totally old school paper planner. What can I say? I remember things better if I write them down! This officially makes me a dinosaur 🙂

  1133. Anne says:

    too many receipts!

  1134. Shanycole says:

    Hair extensions…Happy Bday!

  1135. Megan P. says:

    The strangest thing I have in my purse is a small headlamp. You never know when you are to need to shine some light in a dark place!

  1136. Emily says:

    I carry a glue stick around in case I find anything I new to glue in my sketchbook.

  1137. Hannah says:

    A book. Or more likely. books–you never know when you’ll need to pass the time. My essential criteria for purses include capacity for at least one book.

  1138. Erica says:

    Odd items always in my purse are my husband’s wallet and phone. One day I’ll really draw the line and have him carry them himself, but he does return the favor when I’m pocket and purse-less.

  1139. Emily W. says:

    A ball with nubs on it to roll under my foot to try and help my plantar fasciitis. And too many pens.

  1140. Babycakes says:

    A faux rose petal from my brother’s wedding last summer, my 5 yr old nephew scooped it up and gave it “just for me”. So sweet, he’ll be a heartbreaker! I keep it in my wallet to make me smile during my stressful days

  1141. Michelle Z says:

    I carry Tazo Passion Tea because I love to drink it every day and it is delicious.

  1142. Caterina says:

    The strangest thing in my bag is…. Fuji Mini Instax polaroid camera for catching amazing moments! It’s not all that mini and is bright blue plastic so it looks strange when I am rummaging around my purse for things! …add in a nintendo DS with the game Brain Age to keep me sharp. 🙂 LOVE THIS GIVE AWAY. Have been eyeing these bags for so long. 🙂

  1143. Kim M. says:

    A copy of my dad’s water bill. I’m a student, so I still use my parents’ house as my permanent address. However, my parents moved while I was away at school, so I had to go update my license with a proof of residence on my recent trip home.

  1144. Heather says:

    I frequently carry a stethoscope (for work). Not strange to me but maybe to someone?

  1145. Sarah says:

    Sometimes I carry Chalulu, but all the time I carry band aid foot blister protector. That stuff is a miracle worker.

  1146. Sofia says:

    The weirdest thing I carry in my bag…Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap (liquid 2oz bottle)! You never know when you need some soap because the public restroom’s out or if you forgot your toothpaste for a weekend getaway. It’s pretty magical.

  1147. EGR says:

    A Stanley 6 foot tape measure. I can’t help it I am a furniture shopaholic…..

  1148. Mish says:

    Plastic forks and spoons. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten ready to eat my yogurt at work and had to hike to the cafeteria.

  1149. DK says:

    I always carry (and refer to) my pocket-sized tip guide/chart that I received from a Yelp event many years ago. It has given me good advice such as, how much do you tip your dry cleaner? “No tip, but if they remove that wine stain from your favorite Marc Jacobs dress, drop off some flowers or a bottle of wine.”

  1150. Anita says:

    The weirdest thing I carry in my bag is lab notebook. I guess it’s not weird if you’re an engineer like me, but for most people, I guess it’s a bit weird.

  1151. Kay says:

    The weirdest thing I carry in my bag is currency from other countries. I have a bill from Israel, coins from South America and a one dollar coin.

  1152. KM says:

    A “safety pen” because I go to the jails because I am a Public Defender and well….

  1153. JW says:

    Perhaps this isn’t all that weird, but I always carry a book of forever stamps — you never know when you’ll need to send something by snail mail, I guess!

  1154. JD says:

    I carry an insect catcher from PETA. Little lizards get in my office at work and I try to catch them to set them free. It usually doesn’t work.

  1155. Mary Y. says:

    I’m not sure this is too strange, but I carry dental floss. Nothing worse than knowing there’s something in your teeth and having to leave it there.

  1156. Amelia says:

    Duct tape – it comes in handy!!!!

  1157. Lindsey says:

    Multiple pairs of dr. Scholl’s foot petals.

  1158. Tiffany says:

    my best friends and i work abroad, travel a lot and always bring back little good luck trinkets that i wind up keeping in my purse. So in my everyday bag, I keep a shell found from the Irish coast, a string Ghanaian belly beads, and a little carved and painted wooden elephant from Sri Lanka!

  1159. Elyse A. says:

    Crystalized ginger in an old prescription drug container. I used to feel incredibly sick to my stomach on a regular basis in law school and ginger helps or is so potent that it is a sufficient distraction. I am little worried that it might get mistaken for crack.

  1160. LAG says:

    I usually have a pair of cotton or nitrile gloves in my purse. I work in a museum, and I constantly forget I have gloves in my pocket and find them on my walk to catch the bus on the way home. Into my purse they go!

  1161. Onehsancare says:

    A pepper grinder. I know I will always be able to get salt, so I will me happy with any salad.

  1162. Alissa says:

    Crayons. You never know when you might need to distract or entertain a kid (or someone’s inner child) while out and about.

  1163. Lindsay says:

    I bring my gym bag with me every day to work, and that’s got kinesiotape in it to help with my knees feel achy from running.

  1164. Tammy says:

    A blue Sharpie pen and an orange Sharpie. Blue is for normal writing (I hate black ink) and the orange is for when I need to stand out!

  1165. Jenna says:

    I carry all of my medications, a mini toothbrush, my passport, dry hairspray, and a pair of clean underwear with me at all times (as well as other daily necessities like face/baby wipes, a full make up kit, phone charger, and my Filofax). My parents, as well as all of my other family and friends live far away and have done for over a decade so I learned a long time ago that you never know when you’re going to have to get on a plane immediately.

  1166. Caroline says:

    I always carry a bottle of nail polish– never know when you’ll need a touch up!

  1167. Carlie says:

    Currently the thing that would be classified as the strangest item would be a Tide stick. There have definitely been items that have surpassed that though in the past!

  1168. Jen says:

    Half a bar of chocolate – only weird because it normally would be either in the desk or at home, not carried.

  1169. Shikha says:

    I carry a model human skull these days! I’m in my 2nd year of medical school, and I’m trying to re-learn the anatomy of the head! How’s that for weird?

  1170. Lissa says:

    I keep a pair of grippy socks in my purse for Pilates class. This way I won’t ever forget them.

  1171. Allyson says:

    I carry a ton of stuff on a daily basis to work, probably the oddest thing is a pair of ear plugs. Have come in handy in the oddest moments!

  1172. Sarah says:

    My lucky rock! I’ve been lugging it around for years. 🙂

  1173. Alison says:

    Tea bags for a nice cup of black tea at anytime. And a variety of foreign currency.

  1174. Lesliejeannene says:

    I have a plastic dinosaur in my purse from my table serving days. Now he takes pictures out and about and is a running joke with friends and family.

  1175. Jenna Deason says:

    A tape measure – so I can always justify that an item on sale is the perfect size for where I plan to use it! 🙂

  1176. Christina says:

    I’m not sure how weird it is, but I always get odd glances when I take out my mini-manicure set. You never know when you’ll need a quick clip or file!

  1177. Jennifer says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my purse is my gum collection. At any given time I have at least 6 different flavors of gum. I don’t know how it happens, but every time I go into a supermarket, convenience store, or drugstore I feel the need to grab yet another pack!

  1178. Victoria says:

    A packet of instant cinnamon raisin oatmeal, which is a stupid snack to carry because I carry neither the bowl/mug nor the spoon I would need to eat it!

  1179. laura says:

    Multiple transit cards, for the same system. That way I can always find one when I need it!

  1180. Colleen says:

    A bottle opener so I can try local brews while on the road. (I travel nearly every week)

  1181. Meredith says:

    Slide advancer/clicker and flip chart markers. I’m always conducting training and I always keep these in my bag so I don’t forget them!

  1182. Elsa says:

    A set of broken keys from an old apartment. They kept breaking in the winters and I just never took them off my keychain…

  1183. Diana says:

    a shark tooth! it was my grandmother’s, and my father gave it to when i was young to remind me that it’s an eat or be eaten world.

  1184. Kate says:

    Nothing unusual today, but I did once find the cordless phone from my apartment in my work bag after arriving at the office (thanks to my helpful tabby cat).

  1185. Jillian says:

    Power plant-grade dispoasable earplugs… for noisy hotels, crying babies on planes and general annoyingly loud situations/people.

  1186. Kristiina says:

    Strangest thing: my 7 year old’s shorts (used to size new shorts somindidn’t have to drag him shopping). Congrats on the 5 years!!

  1187. Allie says:

    Body Glide! Blister prevention at its best.

  1188. SK says:

    A calculator! Because it looks so much more official than the garbage one on your cell phone.

  1189. Sarah says:

    A tuning fork! I’m a singer and I can’t tell you how many times it has come in handy to give pitches at rehearsals….just a little strange otherwise 🙂

  1190. Layne says:

    I have a stick of deodorant in my purse, car and desk drawer. It may be overboard but I am always prepared.

    Thanks for your hard work and congratulations on the success of the blog!

  1191. Diana says:

    The strangest things I carry in my bag are letters from my grandmother. I periodically forget they’re there, then “rediscover” them. It’s lovely to reread them.

  1192. LA says:

    I also carry a mini pharmacy in my bag, including tissues, bandaids, and alcohol wipes. The alcohol wipes, like stronger wet wipes, can sanitize cuts, broken blisters, insect bites, and hands before eating outdoors.
    Thanks for the giveaway & happy 5th!

  1193. ellabella says:

    I always carry a notepad from Muji that is pre-printed with lines and checkboxes for making endless to-do lists. Nothing more satisfying than checking off completed tasks!

  1194. Christina M says:

    This is weird, but I carry a star pointer (high powered laser light) in my everyday purse in the summer. You never know when you’ll be out with your guy or friends under a perfectly clear night sky and want to do some stargazing. It sounds weird, but I promise, it’s fun to use and really entertaining. Plus, it shows my spontaneous side!

  1195. A says:

    It’s not especially weird, but I’d go with a Tide pen. It’s so useful, but people are always really surprised when it’s needed and I just whip it out :). I’ve seen those pens completely remove red wine on multiple occasions!

    Thanks for the giveaway! I always lust over these bags when you mention them.

  1196. LucyDG says:

    A yellow mango – I am obsessed.

  1197. Meg says:

    My favorite fortune I’ve ever gotten from a fortune cookie: “Be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds.”

  1198. Jessica says:

    I’m guilty of carrying an extra pair of panties. Why? I have no idea.

    And thanks for 5 years of great advice. Your posts are the highlight of my day.

  1199. ty says:

    I just cleaned out my purse, so the strangest thing is probably a spiral notebook! With a pen clipped to the ring. Because it’s still easier to take notes on paper…

    Thanks for the giveaway! And happy birthday CHS!

  1200. Khadija says:

    A breastpump! I have a new baby (four months old) and this bag is perfect for more space!

  1201. GR says:

    Currently, the strangest thing in my bag is an old mobile phone. I don’t use it any more, but I haven’t yet had the time to research where to recycle it…

  1202. Alex says:

    The strangest thing in my purse is probably a wooden clothespin – I received it as a souvenir on a winery tour, and it was too cute to throw out!

  1203. K says:

    I carry metro cards to cities that I don’t live in. I’m afraid that if I take them out of my wallet, I’ll forget to bring them when I travel!

  1204. sallyannie says:

    Tea bags 🙂

  1205. Katie says:

    A padlock. It actually has come in handy on more than one occasion, but it’s heavy and I should probably take it out.

  1206. Rachel says:

    Floss. My dentist gave me a talking to!

  1207. Sharon says:

    Hm… I don’t carry anything particularly strange in my purse, but I do always keep a roll of flavored Mentos (not the plain minty kind) with me? I have a tendency to skip breakfast and occasionally forget about lunch, and I’ve definitely had moments when I’m out and about and my sugar levels get so low that I’m close to passing out. The candy keeps me going until I can finish up what I’m doing and stop at the nearest place that sells a decent meal.

  1208. Lauren says:

    At the moment, probably a small cantalope. I’ve been bringing them to work for breakfast and they’re far less likely to smush than a peach. But usually it’s my current knitting project, which always gets stares and/or leads to conversations with strangers.

  1209. Ainsley says:

    Colored pencils! Probably wouldn’t be weird if I were a mom, but at least I’m a teacher so I have an excuse?

  1210. Claire says:

    I typically just have the basics, but maybe a highlighter? You never know when you need to mark something important!

  1211. Joanne says:

    Nose decongester. Stick that puppy in your nostril, sniff, and stuffy nose no more!!! A necessary for someone with allergies and a cold problem.

  1212. Mel says:

    A years-old fortune cookie fortune reading: “We must always have old memories and young hopes.”

  1213. Casey T. says:

    The weirdest thing in my every day bag has got to be my ridiculous collection of iPhone cases. I usually have 2 in there in addition to the one that’s currently on my phone! I just get so ADD about my cover, and change it every couple of days.

  1214. Laura says:

    I always carry a ‘mom bag’ in my purse that has some make up, first aid stuff, and emergency supplies (even though I’m not a mom). Within that, the weirdest thing is a packet of oil absorbing sheets that have got to be going on ten years old and that I probably haven’t used in about that length of time. Now that I think about it…I’m going to go remove those right now.

  1215. Ellie says:

    I have those little toy plastic cars and a deflated mini-beach ball in my purse. What can I say? I’m an amazing aunt. 🙂

  1216. Brandi says:

    I’ve been obsessed with the Catalina bag and trying to find an excuse to get it for myself. One thing I’m always finding is rolls of doggy poop bags, but it’s also something I never seem to have when I need it most!

  1217. I often carry Old Bat spice in my purse. What can I say I love it!

  1218. Mel says:

    I’ve got some tweezers in my purse 🙂

  1219. Linda says:

    The strangest thing in my bag is a bra converter.

  1220. Ashleigh says:

    A book of poems.

  1221. Susan O. says:

    I carry a lock in every bag I carry. You never know when you’ll need one!

  1222. Sam says:

    I always carry a tiny keychain of Clinique sunscreen – you never know when you’ll be outside and need to apply high-quality, breakout free sunscreen to your face!

  1223. Ann says:

    The strangest thing in my bag is my red moleskin brand planner. I’m so old school I never went digital with my calendar or to do lists. Congrats Belle and CHS!

  1224. Jennifer Lin says:

    I always carry condiments with me–packages of ketchup, mustard, red chili flakes.

  1225. Jen says:

    Currently, I carry a small purse wristlet so there’s not much in it! The oddest thing is a loose key for an apartment in a different city. In my glory days of behemoth bags (which I may be returning to soon), I kept a tiny office supply container that I got during law school that held a tiny stapler, a tiny highlighter, and a tiny tape dispenser. I adored it!

  1226. Anya says:

    A little ketchup packet! Imagine if I have to eat eggs without ketchup…

  1227. Kate says:

    Usually there is some type of nerf dart in my bag, left over from one of the nerf gun wars we have at work. What can I say, I work with man-children.

  1228. Kate says:

    I carry my sweet, decrepit dog’s heart pills. He comes to work with me and needs his meds!

  1229. Alex says:

    Prunes. They don’t go off or squash or require any attention at all but they kill both sudden onset hunger and sugar cravings and keep you on the road, without succumbing to junk food.

  1230. EAC says:

    A ziplock bag filled with Trevia packets. Only a few places carry stevia sweetners.

  1231. Lindsey Smith says:

    The strangest things in my bag are baby things. Baby spoon, baby food, formula, toys, etc. These wouldn’t be weird if I was a mom! I babysit my nephew quite a lot though and it’s nice to be prepared.

  1232. Shella says:

    The strangest thing I carry around everyday is my Ikea Family card. I live in a place that has a bus to Ikea every 30 mins, so you never know when you need some cheap wine glasses or new curtains.

  1233. Alison Thomson says:

    I carry my nail clippers/file/nail polish. Who know’s why?! I always keep them on hand for some odd reason!

  1234. Renee says:

    Nothing too strange here, but I always keep a couple of extra “foot petals”/shoe cushions in my bag.

  1235. Steph says:

    A pacifier pouch to hold my business cards and Internet air card!

  1236. Mel says:

    Right now I’ve taken to carrying an old school paper fan. It’s so hot and it helps keep my makeup from melting.

  1237. April says:

    My latest needlepoint project. Thanks for the chance

  1238. Amy W. says:

    I carry a soccer stress ball. It’s come in handy more than once!

  1239. Katie says:

    I am a teacher and I always have random toys for kiddos in my bag– from playdoh to toy cars– I never know when I’ll need to pull out a trusty old toy!

  1240. Kay says:

    my emergency quarter

  1241. Kirstin says:

    I have a key ring with three key sonic. Not that weird until I admit that I have no idea what the keys are for.

  1242. Jen Chase says:

    …My father’s license. I carry it in a small bag in my everyday bag. It’s going to sound silly but in 2011 he dropped from an undetected brain tumor and since then he hasn’t been able to drive. He’s happily still with us but sadly won’t drive again. Looking at his shining, happy face makes me smile when I remember what he used to look like and thankful for many loving memories.

  1243. Marissa says:

    Hankerchief! Still useful.

  1244. ACS says:

    Even though I have a smartphone, I always carry a little notebook to jot down lists and ideas.

  1245. minnie says:

    A 5 lb battery charger for my iPhone. Weighs my bag down but I will be prepared if I ever find myself spontaneously camping.

  1246. Kristina says:

    A miniature lint roller that I bought at JoAnne Fabrics; I learned the hard way that I don’t always know what the cat has rubbed up against until after I’ve walked out the door!

  1247. Karin says:

    I had to really think about this. I try to leave my purse/wallet pretty sparse, save for the typical items. I guess the weirdest thing I carry around daily is currency for other countries (currently its dollars, euros and pounds). I don’t travel nearly often enough to for this to make sense, but I can’t seem to bring myself to remove the extra bills…just in case.

  1248. Elizabeth says:

    Great question! I have two: A piece of ribbon from the opening day ceremony of a clinic I volunteered at in El Salvador and a ticket to see Condoleezza Rice speak.

  1249. Erica says:

    A tiny bottle of Off. These DC Mosquitos are no joke!

  1250. Jessica Rubin says:

    I have a pouch where I keep some medicine and my tide stick which I never leave home without, but the strangest item in my little emergency care kit is probably After bite. But hey it’s summertime and those bugs seem to like me a lot!!!

  1251. rosalovesdc says:

    A pair of very old and sad looking pair of prescription eyeglasses. Let me explain: many years ago, I lost a contact while walking home. I am pretty blind without my glasses/contacts, so I loosing a contact was not good. I had to cross a very busy street and I couldn’t see very well despite having one contact. It was a nightmare so for that reason I always carry this super old pair of eyeglasses just in case this ever happens to me again. It hasn’t happened, yet…

  1252. Andrea says:

    I carry dental floss for post-car ride meals for my 1+ hour commute to NYC every day.

  1253. Myf says:

    I always keep rubber bands in the bottom of my purse–they end up getting used for all sorts of things!

  1254. Suzanne says:

    Plastic ziploc bags – you never know when one may come in handy.

  1255. Chris says:

    I think it started during the gel pen fad, except I never stopped using them. Even now, I have at least 5-10 different colors of gel pens in my bag at any given time. The most, I probably had half of my clutch filled with pens! My wallet barely fit!

  1256. Tiffany McAllister says:

    A fortune cookie fortune that I opened the first week I started working in my career, it reads “he who climbs a ladder must begin at the first step”. I’ve carried it ever since.

  1257. Colleen says:

    Poop bags for my Westie.

  1258. Elise says:

    A fountain pen. It’s not weird, but no one else seems to have one these days.

  1259. Jamie says:

    A Taiwanese coin for good luck and a tupperware full of oatmeal!

  1260. MG says:

    dantal floss in case I need to replace my shoe laces

  1261. Gina says:

    Underwear. Because you never know.

  1262. Sarah says:

    Deodorant because it comes in handy during the hot summer months.

  1263. Natalie says:

    A green marble from a children’s charity camp I volunteered at last summer. I keep it there to remind me of that experience!

  1264. Karin says:

    I also carry tea bags in the brand I like. The strangest thing though would be knitting safety pins. I have them in every bag I use, knitting and non kitting bag just in case.

  1265. aec says:

    The foam padding that comes on dry cleaner hangers. It’s really good for removing deododerant stains.

  1266. Linnea says:

    I carry Noni Leaf Serum in my purse at all times. If I get a mosquito bite I swell up really bad (am mildly allergic) and it’s the only thing I’ve found that helps!

  1267. Liana says:

    Probably not strange in other offices, but I carry a lunchbox with me every day and in my office, that is pretty strange. Most people go out to eat for lunch. But I try to stick with a sandwich, granola bar, yogurt, and other healthy snacks that are better for my bank account and waistline.

  1268. Kate says:

    About 5 pairs of earrings. I’m always rushing out the door in the morning, so it’s nice to have some options on hand!

  1269. Meghan says:

    A mini flashlight–I’ve been stuck up several flights of stairs when the power fails too many times!

  1270. MB says:

    Hotel key cards from all the hotels I have stayed at in the past two months– I travel for work so they add up.

    One of these bags would be perfect for keeping me organized while I’m on the go!

  1271. Sam says:

    Strangest things in my purse are about five shades of lipstick that I rarely wear but always want to have on hand “just in case.”

  1272. Skye says:

    I keep my purse clutter-free, but my wallet is full of foreign currency and odds and ends from trips I’ve taken. The most unusual thing I have in there is probably my Hungarian student bus pass from June 2006.

  1273. Amy says:

    I carry poop bags for my pup. That’s probably not all that weird, but it does get a little embarrassing when I have to rummage around in my purse one falls out.

  1274. Anna says:

    I recently found one poker chip left over from a law school event in the pocket of my purse.

  1275. Lauren Strapp says:

    Maybe it’s the southern girl in me, but I always keep my utility knife in my wallet. People think its weird until they need a wine bottle opener or screw driver and I have it handy.

  1276. Allison says:

    I always have a single dryer sheet in my bag. It’s good for sudden static attacks on hair and clothes, particularly in winter. It can also be used to rub out certain stains, depending on the stain and the fabric.

  1277. Tiffany says:

    The strangest thing I carry right now — prenatal vitamins. I’m 36 weeks pregnant, and my husband, son and I are currently couch surfing between my parents and in-laws houses while we try to fix up our house. It’s a big project and we’ve got about 4 more months of it!

  1278. Caitlin says:

    Happy birthday CapHillStyle!

    I have a mini hoard of plastic drink stoppers from Starbucks. I always think I might find myself in need of one, even though that would be when I’m IN Starbucks and can grab another. And so the hoarding continues …

  1279. Natasha says:

    A small batch of toy trains. For emergency five-year-old-boy entertainment situations (when my son is around, there are plenty).

  1280. Colleen says:

    I work full-time, but I’m still breastfeeding my 10 month old daughter, so I have a variety of breast pump accessories in my everyday bag.

  1281. Andrea says:

    Nothing too strange, but I do keep a playing card in my purse to use as a bookmark.

  1282. Sheri says:

    Thanks for getting me to inventory my bag to see what it actually holds. Most of the stuff in there seems fairly standard, but I did discover a full size container of floss taking up a surprising amount of space.

    LOVE the blog: thanks for all of your hard work and great advice!

  1283. Lauren says:

    My purse is pretty conventional, but I do always keep an armband for my iPhone. You should always be ready to squeeze in a workout or a run!

  1284. Emily says:

    Hm. I just switched bags today so this new one is a bit bare. But, I do have a spare cough drop in there, on the off chance I develop a sore throat out and about that needs some immediate tending to.

  1285. Melissa says:

    A scarf (cold office!) and a sample size bag of cat food.

  1286. The strangest thing I carry in all my bags is a small box with all my giftcards in it. I have so many random ones like Crate & Barrel, Trader Joe’s, DSW and more. You never know when you might get a shoe craving or need a new set of glasses! 🙂
    Nikki at

  1287. Jess says:

    The strangest thing in my bag? Two dry erase markers. I work in a school, which might make it only slightly less strange.

  1288. Sarah says:

    I always have band aids with me at all times in case I get blisters!

  1289. JAG says:

    The strangest thing I carry is a pouch with lots of foreign currency (sadly, all small bills!). I travel a lot for work, and being able to buy a cup of coffee wherever I am makes it worth carrying around the extras.

  1290. Katelyn says:

    Strangest thing in my bag is deoderant… for those mornings when I run out of the house forgetting to put it on!

  1291. Melissa says:

    I am a nail polish hoarder and I always end up having at least three bottles in my bag at any given time. Strange? Maybe not. Excessive? Probably.

  1292. Ruth says:

    A (obviously fake) 1 million dollar bill that my grandfather gave me shortly before he passed away a few years ago. It reminds me to have a sense of humor and generally makes me feel a teeny tiny bit richer even though it’s not real.

  1293. Ruth says:

    An (obviously fake) 1 million dollar bill that my grandfather gave me shortly before he passed away a few years ago. It reminds me to have a sense of humor and generally makes me feel a teeny tiny bit richer even though it’s not real.

  1294. serena says:

    I just checked my bag, and I guess I’m not all that strange, just sort of messy. The only items that could be considered weird would be the highlighter and those little post-it tabs that I keep with me at all times in case I get a chance to work while I’m waiting somewhere. Other than that, it’s your usual mess — one random glove that’s been hanging out since winter, a brush, various hairbands, old receipts, an orphan piece of gum, sunscreen, a travel pack of Kleenex with only one left, an earring without a pair, etc. etc. It just might be time to do some cleaning!

  1295. Ashley says:

    The strangest thing in my bag – a sewing kit?

  1296. EricaN says:

    I love your blog! I try to clean out my purse and just keep bare minimum, but despite that I have 4 different flavors of breath mints in my purse.

  1297. Heather says:

    Wine bottle opener!

  1298. Danilyn says:

    I carry 7 different shades of lipstick. I think I may have commitment issues.

  1299. TB! says:

    Three wallets! One for my essentials (and for smaller purses), my “big” wallet that ends up holding receipts and other less-needed items, and a tiny wallet holding all of my gift cards and coupons… I need to consolidate again…

  1300. Kate says:

    I’m a social worker and work with children/families in their homes so I always have a lot of strange toys and games in my bag! At this moment I have UNO cards and 2 my little ponies in my bag.

  1301. Kate says:

    I try to keep it light, and tend to clean out my bag every once in a while to make sure, but I do always seem to have at least 15 pens in my bag at any given time. I think they breed in there?

  1302. HH says:

    I keep my wedding vows in my wallet. The morning of our wedding, I wrote them on two note cards so that I could memorize them for the ceremony. I tucked them into my wallet to remember that day and love coming across them when I’m fishing around for a business card or receipt.

  1303. TWG says:

    Contact solution! Never know when you’re going to need it.

  1304. Ally says:

    I carry a bottle of liquid stevia so I’m never stuck using splenda or some other fake sweetener for my coffee!

  1305. CR says:

    My stuff is pretty streamlined, but I am never without at least five different types and brands of lip balms – organic, pot, gloss, tinted, medicated…

  1306. Allie says:

    A bathing suit – just in case! I do a lot of traveling and always have one on hand in case I luck out and my hotel has a pool.

  1307. Kate says:

    The strangest thing in my purse is honey. My office has a tea and coffee bar, but no honey for the tea (and I’m not a fan of plain sugar.)

  1308. Lisa says:

    I have a pirate eye patch in my bag right now. Hopefully one of my kids put it in there and not, you know, a real pirate.

  1309. Donna Beckmann says:

    Perhaps something that might seem strange in my purse is my on-going three shopping lists: groceries, non-food items and personal clothing items I am hunting for. The latter is supposed to help me keep from making too many impulse purchases! Lists are a way of life for me. It may be strange that I hauled three pairs of glasses in my tote on my last vacation though, just so I could coordinate colors!

  1310. Aly says:

    Fruit Snacks! I like to keep a snack in my bag, cause you never know when you’re stuck somewhere and need a boost. I use to keep a granola bar but they kept getting broken.

  1311. Kelly says:

    More old fashioned than strange, but I still carry an address book of friends and family–you never know when you might want to drop a note in the mail!

  1312. Sylvia P. says:

    I always carry a small tape measure in case I find something for my home – make sure it fits!!! Also assorted band aids, you never know when a shoe is going to give you a blister and ruin your entire day. Hoping for the OMG!!!

  1313. Diane says:

    Protein bar

  1314. Megan says:

    Multiple koozies…at all times. I’m always ready for a party!

  1315. TJ says:

    The strangest thing I carry is probably not one but THREE sets of spare house and car keys. I’ve had too many bad locked-out experiences!

  1316. LeesaS says:

    I always carry a note that my now 24 year old daughter tucked into my suitcase when I made my first trip to Brazil when she was only 6. She told me she loved me and asked me to check to see if the toilets flushed in the opposite direction south of the equator. To this day that still makes me smile.

  1317. Michelle says:

    The strangest thing I carry is probably my swimming stuff – swimsuit, goggles, travel-sized shampoo and conditioner etc. – because recently I have been enjoying working out in the morning before work!

  1318. Chelsea says:

    I always keep Dayquil in my purse. It’s been a lifesaver multiple times.

  1319. r says:

    Right now I’m carrying earplugs with me for long plane rides!

  1320. MizJawnson says:

    The strangest thing in my purse is probably a leather bound notebook with a skull and crossbones on it. I have it to write down funny things my friends and I say.

  1321. Emily says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my purse varies, but at times has been a shot glass and a single-serving packet of peanut butter.

  1322. Bethany says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my day-to-day bag are two sticks of deodorant……because you never know when you are going to lose one and need the other.

  1323. Joanna says:

    I carry bug spray wherever I go!

  1324. Elizabeth says:

    The strangest thing I’m carrying in my bag are ovulation test strips–my husband and I are trying to get pregnant!

  1325. execbranch says:

    Two bottle openers, in my bag(s) at all times.

  1326. Jennifer Malinowski says:

    Highlighters! I’m in grad school and try to fit extra reading in where I can, so highlighters in the purse mean I’m always ready if I have a little time!

  1327. Autumn says:

    Happy blog birthday!

    The strangest thing in my purse right now is a clothes-pin. I have no idea where it came from but there is stays.

  1328. Sarah says:

    An empty box of Midol that expired two years ago. What makes it weird is that there is no special value – it’s become a matter of principle to leave it there at this point.

  1329. Vicky says:

    I carry a bunch of items in my purse that when combined, create quite the strange package of preparedness items such as a Tide to Go pen, band-aids, at least 5 lip balms, lens cleaner and cloth, small pharmacy of OVC medications, tissues, multiple hair ties and bobby-pins, and bug-spray wipes.

  1330. Lindsey says:

    My dad gave me a decorative rock he snagged from the hotel he stayed at the weekend he moved me to college my freshman year. He took one for himself as well. I carry it with me because it’s always a good story, and always a good reminder of my family!

  1331. Meri says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my every day bag is an Israeli coin. It’s been in my change purse ever since my husband and I got together on a trip to Israel 7.5 years ago!

  1332. Eleni says:

    I always have a travel size deodorant in my bag.

  1333. Claudia says:

    I always carry a small tabasco chipotle bottle with me. I love spicy food!

  1334. AV says:

    A small toolkit. You never know when a hammer or tape measure might come in handy.

  1335. Danielle says:

    Weight lifting gloves for kettlebell class. I usually get strange looks if I dig them out looking for something!

  1336. Casey says:

    I always have papers I need to file in my purse (why in my purse and not in a pile at home…great question).

  1337. Claire says:

    This isn’t *that* strange, but I do have to carry an epipen! I always think it’s weird that nobody looks twice when you carry a giant syringe through airport security…

  1338. Kacy says:

    I can’t think of many strange things I carry, but I always have a book (a real one, e-readers just aren’t my thing) and a travel size deoderant with me.

  1339. B Holloway says:

    I looked deep into my work tote and found a SCRUNCHIE! I had to laugh. Not even Capitol Hill Style could bring those back….or could they…..

  1340. Adrienne says:

    A string of pearls with the clasp broken.

  1341. Emalie says:

    Oh the collections that have begun in my purse…. I carry “totes” more frequently than handbags because lets be real- a DC girl goes from work to play and back again and needs everything on her all the time. Currently nothing too strange in my bag, but back in January I was carrying around one of those mini vodka bottles from first class flying, and also my mega-pain pills and syringe from having my wisdom teeth out. Of course the day my purse spilled on my desk was when the Managing Partner of the firm walked past at the perfectly inopportune moment!

  1342. SJ says:

    I always carry a little cup of soup with me. You never know.

  1343. Lisa says:

    I always have a clutch or small shoulder bag in my larger work bag, so I can break it out if I go out for lunch or drinks after work.

  1344. EF says:

    A buckeye. A friend gave it to me years ago for luck and it has stayed.

  1345. KellyL says:

    I always carry band aids and post it notes.

  1346. christine says:

    a speed rope for the gym

  1347. Sarah says:

    I always have at least one Burt’s Bees chapstick, three to four lipglosses, and a bottle opener. It’s amazing how often you end up somewhere and no one has a bottle opener!

    Love the blog, and happy birthday!

  1348. Hayley says:

    I carry some Pounds from my last trip to England over two years ago. Somehow they never seem to leave my bag!

  1349. Jenn K says:

    A backpacking hook – long story!

  1350. LC says:

    Does a stress ball shaped like an avocado count? Having that in my bag has started several strange conversations!

  1351. AT says:

    I always carry an ink cartridge so if I see the printer I need somewhere on sale, I can match up the cartridge (which I bought in bulk and then my printer died – go figure!)

  1352. Sarah K. says:

    Clear mascara. I use it to tame hair fly-aways and keep my eyebrow hairs in line.

  1353. Cheryl says:

    I always keep 2 koozies in my purse. One for me, and one to share! (someone always forgets!)

  1354. Helen says:

    A full size tape measure which I never use, and a tiny mini tape measure I use all the time.

  1355. Shakti says:

    A mini sunscreen stick, so I can reapply sunscreen whenever. What makes it weird is 1)I carry it year round and 2)I don’t generally burn or go outside much.

    Otherwise, my bag is pretty boring. Earplugs, my phone, a jump drive, headphones (my phone doesn’t have an outlet for headphones, glasses wipes.

  1356. Katie says:

    Stamps! There’s always a sheet of forever stamps in my wallet. Do I mail things all the time? Nope- But maybe I should start!

  1357. JPO says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag would be a pack of toilet seat covers. You never know when you’ll need it and if anything, they make great blotting papers!

  1358. Lauren says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my purse is floss. There is nothing worse than having something stuck in your teeth but no floss.

  1359. jennifer says:

    fiber one bars (aka grumpy me medicine)

  1360. Hannah says:

    Not terribly strange, but I do carry a lot of “just in case” items – tweezers, bandaids, OTC meds, migraine meds, tide pen, mints, etc.

  1361. Fernanda says:

    I always carry this super cute tiny buddha figurine I bought in China town for good luck. Whenever I’m nervous, I rub its belly for good luck. 🙂

  1362. Jen says:

    I think the strangest thing would be clear double-sided small mounting squares (they work pretty well to keep belt ends from hanging)

  1363. Margo says:

    I carry a tape measure in my purse. I’ve used it more than I care to admit. I don’t have a job that even requires it. 🙂

  1364. Lobbyist says:

    I don’t normally carry anything that unusual in my purse but for a while now I’ve had a brownie badge of my daughter’s that I keep forgetting to remove.

  1365. Julie says:

    A cuticle clipper…I tend to pick at my cuticles absentmindedly, so sometimes I just need to whack them and eliminate the temptation.

  1366. Krista says:

    I have tried to limit what I carry in my purse, so probably the no less than 10 lip products at any given time, or a hardback book.

  1367. Emily says:

    I always carry my checkbook and postage stamps. Super old school, but surprisingly handy.

  1368. Elizabeth says:

    I carry glitter crayons in my bag! Maybe not the strangest thing considering I have a 4 year old girl 🙂

  1369. Annie says:

    Scope, a sewing kit, and Azo, just in case.

  1370. Ren says:

    empty needles :/ i’m a juv. diabetic and as much as i try, those things end up everywhere. sure makes it awkward when i go to pull out a pen in a meeting or lend a bag/clutch to a friend…

  1371. Stephanie says:

    Tea bags – sometimes it’s hard to find a good cup of tea (but always easy to get hot water).

  1372. sa29 says:

    Pre-cut strips of Dr. Scholl’s moleskin plus.

  1373. Shirley says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag is a pair of gloves–I live in NYC and never know when I have to hold on to a dirty subway pole!

  1374. Christine says:

    A spool of orange thread and a needle with the smallest eye that you’ve ever seen.

  1375. Kim says:

    The strangest thing kept in my bag is not strange in and of itself, but as a whole. I keep almost every lipstick I own in my purse at all times. You always need to reapply during the day, so lipstick is often something applied as I walk out the door. And now I never make it out of the house without a fresh supply near by.

  1376. Suzanne says:

    I carry baby wipes for my babies, but you’d be surprised how frequently I give them out to co-workers!

  1377. Rachel says:

    Crayola crayons and a pad of paper. As an accountant, its nice to access my creative/silly side too. You never know when you need a doodle break!

  1378. Sara Jane says:

    A toss up between: a thank you note that I wrote to my sister 2 months ago but haven’t mailed because I keep telling myself I’ll deliver it in person – OR – a tiny set of office supplies from Japan that fits in a tiny box the size of a band-aid box. Because you never know when you’ll need to staple something.

  1379. Lauren says:

    My Kate Spade day planner always gets funny looks, since I eschew my Outlook calendar and iPhone for notes and appointments.

  1380. Christine says:

    I carry a buckeye from Ohio for good luck! And old boss gave it to me and I feel like it would be bad luck to not carry it anymore.

  1381. Kelsey says:

    My grocery list! I like to add to it throughout the week whenever a good meal idea strikes.

  1382. Rebecca says:

    Strangest thing that I always have in my purse is a small purple keychain with Advil inside. I always get a headache at the most random times and hate it if I can’t get medicine right away. Now all my friends know to come to me if they need Advil!

  1383. Rae says:

    I take a pad-lock everywhere. It started when I went to the gym everyday, but has stuck around longer than my motivation.

  1384. LH says:

    The strangest thing I always have in my bag is hand sanitizer.

  1385. rachel says:

    My husband’s business card — but he doesn’t even work there anymore! Guess I need to clean it out. 🙂

  1386. MC says:

    The strangest thing I always have in my bag is a bandanna.

  1387. kat says:

    I always carry a koozie in my purse!

  1388. Kari says:

    Hydrocortisone anti-itch cream. It really helps when these DC mosquitoes decide to attack.

  1389. Melissa K. says:

    I carry a omnidirectional conference room microphone in my bag. I need a big, but cute, bag!

  1390. Rachel says:

    Happy birthday!

    I carry a hook that allows me to hang my purse from a tabletop. Keeps me from having to put my bags on dirty restaurant floors!

  1391. Elyse G. says:

    I always carry my checkbook (even though I also always have my debit card).

  1392. Lily says:

    I keep three water bottles in my purse at all times. When I get thirsty, I get really thirsty!

  1393. Reema says:

    The strangest thing I carry with me is dental floss! And i’m not ashamed to get it out! 😛

  1394. Mina says:

    I carry a large bag of pretzel M&M’s, so I always have something not-too-sweet to go with my tea. (And to cover the occasional hunger pangs)

  1395. KikiL says:

    Body glide (anti-chafe balm used mostly for running) because it is HOT in DC and sometimes too hot for spanx and I don’t know about y’all but this girls thighs are like dry tree trunks and they could start a serious fire rubbing together sometimes!

  1396. Kate says:

    Mini pack of Yes to Cucumbers facial towelettes and chewable Dramamine tablets leftover from a trip to visit a shipyard!

  1397. Tiffany says:

    A rock my daughter gave me when she was 4 (she’s 20 now).

  1398. Rachel says:

    In addition to my handy mini-leatherman (you never know when you’ll need scissors, a screwdriver, or a bottle opener) I have a small pharmacy. Ant-itch cream, lotion, ibuprofen, allergy meds, excedrin, and a few other prescriptions.

  1399. Margaret says:

    I carry a business card from my first position at my first job. It is a great reminder of how much I’ve learned.

  1400. Vdawg says:

    The strangest thing I have in my purse is a printout of an email I received from my mortgage lender about the items I needed to bring for the closing of my first house. I use it as a good luck charm!

  1401. K.M. says:

    A plastic fork, never know when you’ll need one!

  1402. Sharona says:

    Ha! I normally don’t carry anything too strange (other than ~5 lip products!), but I was given a pez dispenser this week and it’s currently hanging out in my bag in case I need a sweet treat 🙂

  1403. Shannon K. says:

    A single earring. I lost the other one months ago and keep hoping it will turn up somewhere.

  1404. Mary says:

    I have a random collection of small presents (key chains, nick nacks, etc) that my students have given me over the years. It makes me smile when I accidentally pull them out.

  1405. Katie says:

    I have many, many packets of instant coffee in my bag. Instant energy on the go!

  1406. Courtney says:

    When I was pregnant – a gallon sized baggie. Came in handy when I was feeling sick and nowhere near a garbage can!

  1407. LaTonya Cicero says:

    Avocado! I’m a vegetarian and always try to have something quick in case of “emergency” (i.e no veggie options). I don’t worry about it getting squished, or dirty(since you don’t eat the outside) and if I leave it for a day or two it’s fine. 🙂

  1408. Sara W says:

    I have to say the weirdest thing I carry around in my everyday bag that I carry is a vial of peppermint oil and a handkerchief for motion sickness.

  1409. Abby says:

    Like many others, the contents of my bag really aren’t all that strange. I do have tooth-whitening capsule thingies from Ulta, those might be a little weird!

  1410. MKal says:

    Oddly enough, my chalk bag from the gym routinely ends up in my purse with my climbing shoes clipped to the purse.

  1411. SG says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag every day is an additional bag – usually a Ziploc, for storing empty granola bar wrappers or unfinished snacks eaten on the go. Hate food crumbs in my purse!

  1412. Meg March says:

    I like to carry a whole freaking Duane Reade in my bag… from the basics (cough drops, lotion) to the more obscure (eye drops, sewing kit), my co-workers are always surprised about what I have in there…

  1413. Emily says:

    I have taken to storing Neosporin in my bag because of my various (minor) office injuries.

  1414. Dana says:

    A small tube of neosporin, which I didn’t think was weird until my friends got really confused when I said I had it.

  1415. mkbrod2 says:

    not too crazy, but i have a growing collection of unused gift cards. i hate “wasting” them, so i end up holding on to them for too long. 😉

  1416. Kelsey says:

    Everything in my bag is pretty mainstream; the only item that might qualify as strange is about $30 in Afghanis (Afs), the currency of Afghanistan, left over from my last trip there. I kept meaning to pass them on to a friend headed that way, never got around to it, and then never took them out of my wallet. I believe I also still have some Euro coins rattling around my wallet from 5 years ago, so chances are good that the Afs are there to stay!

  1417. LJ says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my purse is a stethoscope and reflex hammer. I’m a medical student and always carry them in my bag just in case. =]

  1418. Emily says:

    Unfortunately, the days of bar receipts and gum are over and now my purse has a wallet, sunglasses and an extra pair of shorts and ‘Cars’ undies for my 3 year old. ;/

  1419. MB says:

    My keys to the office of the first campaign I worked on. They’re painted blue and pink and have zero purpose, but I’m much too nostalgic too get rid of them.

  1420. cbon says:

    The strangest thing in my every day bag is an old name tag from some event I attended that I keep forgetting to throw away.

  1421. Beth says:

    The strangest thing in my work bag is a bottle of nail polish. I was running out the door and wearing peep-toe shoes when I noticed how chipped my toenail polish was, so I grabbed a bottle to (discreetly!) touch-up in my office.

  1422. Maura says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag so to be my keychain. I have about 12 keys on it but I only know what four of them unlock. I am basically look like a janitor when I pull out my key ring.

  1423. Ashley says:

    The strangest thing in my bag at the moment are souvenir pennies. You know, the kind you pay .51 cents for and get pressed with different images? I like to collected them as cheap mementos and I just realized I’ve got about 5 in the bottom of my bag. Oops.

  1424. Alexandra Cosgrove says:

    The strangest thing I currently have in my purse is a book I’ve been carrying around for months thinking that one day I’ll being reading it… that has yet to happen!

  1425. Emily says:

    I always have a TON of stuff in my purse …. right now the most random things are bandaids, my Bible, and a leopard headband!

  1426. Jen S says:

    A small travel pouch that contains small post-it notes, red and green pens, and highlighters. Never know when I will have to take my professional editing on the go.

  1427. alison says:

    In my purse I carry my old glasses which I guess is kind of odd as the new glasses have been around for over a year and still going strong.

  1428. Sandra says:

    Hot sauce!

  1429. Rachel says:

    A flash drive that looks like a miniature version of my car – a red MINI.

  1430. Van says:

    Tape measure, bottle opener, and tide-to-go pen, probably! And sometimes I have my portable speakers.

  1431. vc says:

    Currently carrying around seashells from Memorial Day Weekend in my purse. Time to clean it out…

  1432. Joy says:

    Ear plugs, floss, and some Lebanese money 🙂

  1433. Jennifer says:

    I always carry a tape measure. I have found it to be very handy to have on hand.

  1434. Theresa says:

    This past week it’s been one of my daughter’s pacifiers…I keep forgetting to take it out and I see it every morning when I get to work.

  1435. Sarah says:

    Gogo Squeez Applesauce Pouches just in case I want a snack 🙂

  1436. Alicia says:

    The weirdest thing currently in my purse are two comedy lighters a friend brought back from a trip to Italy. One has a photo of Pope Francis on it that says “Papa Francesco” and the other is a close-up of David’s scrotum. They are quite hilarious, and I always carry a lighter on me just in case.

  1437. Anne A. says:

    Just unearthed a mosquito repellent bracelet and a full-size stapler. Oy.

  1438. Meg says:

    Playdoh, crayons, and an assortment of Mickey Mouse bandaids. Can you tell I’m a mom?

  1439. Sarah says:

    I’m a trial lawyer, so I always have a blank order in case I need to write one up in court really fast (even other lawyers make fun of me for this) and a pocket Constitution!

  1440. Shannon says:

    Tire gauge – I just helped another woman with a flat tire and it hasn’t moved back to the emergency car kit.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  1441. Cait says:

    A pair of folding scissors. You just never know when a loose thread (or a knitting project) will strike.

  1442. Erika says:

    I’m one who has to carry my pills/it admins in order to remember to take them.

  1443. Kaitlyn says:

    Mini flashlight. Never know when the lights will go off!

  1444. Lynn says:

    Lately, a new set of drill bits that I bought when I moved to a new apartment and haven’t yet taken out to use…

  1445. lauren says:

    Always have a cardigan on hand for cold offices or unexpected DC temps!

  1446. Katherine says:

    I carry floss with me in my mini-makeup bag. Never know when you’ll need it!

  1447. Beth says:

    I always carry Advil gel caps. They work quickly and when someone needs one they’re always thankful you’ve got them stashed!

  1448. katy says:

    The strangest thing in my bag is a small stuffed lion from a Burger King happy meal that I got studying for finals in law school. He’s my buddy and brings me good luck. Though I’m always terrified I’ll pull him out in court sometime when I’m reaching for a tissue or a pen.

  1449. Miranda says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag: a pair of socks. It’s summer and there are often times that I have to take off my sandals (like at the airport). However, I am a germ freak and I am paranoid of getting some kind of foot fungus from having my bare feet on high traffic floors (thanks to a horror story I heard from my boss!)

  1450. Kayla says:

    The strangest thing in my bag is probably a worry stone from a rock store in Arkansas. It reminds me of childhood trips to visit my grandparents’ house.

  1451. Emily R says:

    I keep Splenda in my make-up case in case I need it!

  1452. Megan says:

    Probably a swiss army knife. Knives are pretty big in my family haha.

    Not my purse, but my roommate recently told her boyfriend to get something out of her purse, and there was this huge pause followed by, “umm….there’s a fishbowl in your purse.” Her casual response was just that she needed to remember to take it to school (she’s a teacher).

  1453. Lyssa says:

    My former roommate collects interesting bar coasters and matchboxes from bars and restaurants nationally and internationally. When living with her, I got into the habit of picking up a few items for her collection. In my purse currently is the latest find from my travels waiting to be given to her on my next trip to SF (her new home). The odd token and reminder of her collection makes me smile.

  1454. Rebecca says:

    I keep my lilly pulitzer planner in my purse at all times! Can’t get anything done without it. 🙂

  1455. Kristin says:

    The strangest thing is probably the $20 I have stashed in my cell phone next to the battery (the phone is usually in the bag, so that counts, right?) It is for emergencies. 🙂

  1456. Morgan says:

    Hmm I usually have my Rembrandt teeth whitening strips with me. Even though I work in a pretty busy office I like to sneak in a few moments to whiten! Plus they’re the dissolving kind, so its only about 10 minutes of embarrassment I’m risking….

  1457. Regina says:

    My days are hectic and unless I pack a lunch there barely time to get anything. I always gave saltines, tea bags, and almond Nutella.

  1458. Jaime says:

    Hmm…when researching this assignment (looking in my bag), the strangest thing I noticed was a new mysterious purple stain in the lining of my purse (crayon, gummy..?). I wish this were the first time that has happened, but random stains are not uncommon. UGH! Off to the cleaners…again!

  1459. Kathryn says:

    a tape measure! my job takes me to construction sites often and you never know when you’re going to need it!

  1460. Kate says:

    Strange to others … All bills are sorted by value, then by alphabetical order of minting, and then by serial number. Argh! I’ve printed this “outloud”.

  1461. Sara says:

    A make up bag full of markers… I color code my planner so I never know when I’ll need to add something!

  1462. Anna Conda says:

    Loyalty cards (6) and Canadian coins (never been to Canada, just never count my coins when I get change back!).

  1463. Katie says:

    Nothing strange, just everything in miniature – brush, hand sani, aspirin, etc.

  1464. Linda says:

    My stethoscope.

  1465. Jessie says:

    My admission pin from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. My heart belongs to NYC!

  1466. AvidCHSreader says:

    I keep an individually wrapped soap leaf in my purse. I can’t stand using a public restroom and not being able to wash my hands with soap.

  1467. Stephanie says:

    I used to carry rope around, as if I ever needed to tie large objects together. Cray-cray

  1468. Anita says:

    Hmm probably lactaid pills… Just in case I decide I can no longer resist ice cream

  1469. Amy says:

    I keep a little box with a pretty green Chessex dice set in my bag at all times. I use them for role-playing games (think Dungeons and Dragons) and I tend to forget them unless they are kept in my purse.

  1470. Shayla says:

    Multiple boxes of matches – I am always grabbing them from restaurants/bars and forgetting to take to them out until I run out of matches at home.

  1471. Jess says:

    The strangest thing i carry in my purse is deodorant. You just never know!

  1472. Shannon says:

    Baby wipes. They are great for cleaning up anything!

  1473. cls says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my purse is probably Domino Light packets, which is a sugar/stevia mix.

  1474. d says:

    i have a kids toy from mcdonald’s in there. i don’t have kids. nor do i eat at mcdonald’s!

  1475. Colleen says:

    Socks in the summer, my feet tend to get cold in the air conditioning!

  1476. Amanda says:

    Last night it was my suit. I unexpectedly had time to go to a yoga class, so I changed into work out clothes that I keep in my desk and then stuffed my suit into my handbag on the way home. I just made an extra trip to the dry cleaners for myself but at least I got some “me time” in between projects.

  1477. Callie says:

    I’m a biologist and a mom; I carry night-vision goggles and diapers! Plus a camera and my boxing wraps. I use a big bag. 🙂

  1478. Kristen B says:

    i always seem to have at least two highlighters and multiple colored pens with me!

  1479. Elizabeth says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag is a little pouch full of earphones! I probably have 4 or 5 pairs in there! My biggest fear is that I will be stranded somewhere and not have a working pair of headphones! I also hate using the ones they give out for free on planes or in museums, so I make sure I always have extra pairs.

  1480. Beth says:

    I try to keep a banana or granola bar with me to give away to homeless folks…either that or some M&Ms for when my boyfriend gets grumpy!

  1481. Jai says:

    I carry a small bottle of spray called Poo-Pourri in case I have to “go” in a public restroom. The tag line on the bottle says “Spritz the bowl before you go, and no one else will ever know.” It really does work!

  1482. Nicole says:

    A metal spoon – for my Greek yogurt!

  1483. Tori says:

    I currently carry a copy of The Vagina Monologues in my bag as I am working on a monologue from the works. The strangest thing about it is that it isn’t strange at all, but anytime the book gets pulled out in front of a person that hasn’t heard of it I get to witness their very varied reactions. At times I’ve even had the chance to educate people about it or to simply have casual conversations with other women about the effect of the word “vagina” in everyday conversations. Vagina forever!

    Sorry. That last part was a bit much.

  1484. Jen says:

    As a law student, I have over 8 highlighters currently in my backpack… my fave are my japanese beetle tip highlighters that can either highlight text or draw a fine line above and below the text.

  1485. Caro says:

    my purse things are pretty conventional, except I don’t use a really wallet, I just a small zippered bag for credit cards and cash. I try to carry as little as possible.

  1486. MCF says:

    Today I have a bag of dirt in my purse. I’m experimenting with rooting plants at the office…

  1487. Jess says:

    Nursing pads… you can guess why. 🙂

  1488. Erin says:

    Applesauce in the squeeze packet – I am usually stocking some type of snack for my kids and that’s the current one.

  1489. Sarah L says:

    My husband’s sunglasses. He never remembers to bring them out, so if I want his corneas to be protected, I have to carry it for him.

  1490. Catherine B says:

    I have some beef jerky in my bag right now. And a selection of different Tide to Go pens.

  1491. Legal Lady says:

    The most unusual thing in my back is a small tape measure. It seems I am always on the hunt for a piece of furniture and having a tape measure to check measurements on the spot saves a lot of time.

  1492. KRF says:

    The most unusual thing in my bag (which seems so usual to me) are portable Clorox wipes. Ever since a news magazine did a study of bacteria found on airplane seat trays and remote controls in hotels I have tried to be prepared for travel! Many thanks for the give-a-way offer!

  1493. Lauren says:

    Not sure when the giveaway ends…….but here I am finally! I just dug through my bag and it all appears fairly “normal” but probably over the top! Perhaps dental floss or my nail file…

  1494. Sandy says:

    A deck of cards!

  1495. SQC says:

    Blockbuster card for a city I no longer live in, for a Blockbuster that’s closed.

  1496. Win says:

    Pineapple mentos and a piso coin from the Philippines!

  1497. Kay says:

    A birthday card in Welsh – a happy holdover from a recent trip. Many thanks for the giveaway!

  1498. Tiffany says:

    I carry a small wine opener. Ya never know when you may need to spontaneously crack open a bottle! It’s come in handy more than once 🙂

  1499. Lynn says:

    I don’t think it’s really strange, but sometimes you can find a headlamp in there. Headlamps are so handy (zing).

  1500. Elizabeth says:

    I carry my vaccination card around with me in my wallet all the time and have done so for years. It started when I was living overseas in a country where yellow fever was common and was asked once for proof that I had been vaccinated. Now, I don’t know why but at least I know where it is!

  1501. Allie says:

    Nail clippers!

  1502. Kenci says:

    I keep a pouch with all my “survival” needs—hand sanitizer, bobby pins, chapstick, mini hairspray, roll on perfume, lipstick, advil, and leftover paper napkins from restaurants!

  1503. Meaghan says:

    Maybe not strange, but I currently have 6 different kinds of post-its in my purse, in a variety of colors and sizes

  1504. Meredith says:

    I would love to own a L&S bag!

  1505. Rachel Toler says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag? I always have 4 of my favorite koozies in my bag – you never know when you (+3 of your friends) are going to be out on the town and in need of a cool “kooz” – Party on! Thanks for sharing the contest, I’ve been lusting after a O.G. Bag from L0 & Sons for well over a year now!

  1506. Rachel Toler says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my everyday bag? I always have 4 of my favorite koozies in my bag – you never know when you (+3 of your friends) are going to be out on the town and in need of a cool “kooz” – Party on! Thanks for sharing the contest, I’ve been lusting after a O.G. Bag from Lo & Sons for well over a year now!

  1507. Edica says:

    I love the story behind Lo & Sons. Their bags are beautiful as well!

  1508. Carla says:

    My epi-pen, for when I get my allergy shots. Last year I found out that I am allergic to cats…of course, I’ve owned cats for 8 years.

  1509. Jennifer E says:

    A pair of socks, for when I go to the chiropractor.

  1510. Karen says:

    A filofax! Even though I use a smart phone for almost everything, I still use a calendar and notebook.

  1511. Jules says:

    I carry a coin purse where I keep coins from all the different countries I’ve been to! Not useful currency whatsoever here, but it’s a small reminder of my travels.

  1512. Bianca says:

    I would be so thrilled to win a “magic” bag! I love them all but I think the Catalina is my fave.

  1513. Leah Goetzel says:

    I work at lush, so my bag always looks like a miniature Lush store! Hope to win this one!

  1514. Jennifer G says:

    I keep s small jar of coconut oil, 12 safety pins, dental floss and a tide stick! I can’t go anywhere without that stuff. Love Lo & Sons

  1515. Jennifer G says:

    I keep s small jar of coconut oil, 12 safety pins, dental floss and a tide stick! I can’t go anywhere without that stuff. I <3 Lo & Sons!

  1516. Karen J says:

    Lego Yoda dressed as Santa Claus.

  1517. Katie says:

    I don’t wear contacts, but I carry a contacts case repurposed as a pill case

  1518. Eliza says:

    Strangest thing? I guess I’m pretty “vanilla” because I carry essentials – hand sanitizer, floss, Tide stain pen, aspirin, facial tissue paper, lip balm, homemade hair ties, bobby pins, and oil blotting paper in my purse. It’s like I have a mini-drugstore in my purse! 🙂

  1519. Steph says:

    I got to the office today and realized I had my dog’s training collar in my purse. No wonder that thing was so heavy!!

  1520. Robyn says:

    I guess my ace bandage is the strangest thing in my bag. I’m ready, though, when my ankle hurts!

  1521. Grace says:

    The strangest thing in my purse is a new, shiny penny, always minted in the current year. For luck!

  1522. ecdc says:

    medications – band-aids, neosporin, advil, etc.

  1523. Leanne says:

    Strangest thing in my bag? Probably extra Shubi shoe bags for when I’m toting a change of shoes back and forth to the office. No one ever knows what the heck they are when I leave the shoes in my office and just have the Shubis!

  1524. Sharon Kerk says:

    Moleskin! Although I use it predominately when I get a blister from my hiking boots, it also helps to sooth blisters caused by too-high heels.

  1525. Kay says:

    I always have a lacrosse ball in my purse. I usually start my day with a crossfit workout so I use my lacrosse ball to secretly stretch throughout the day. Plus the best part is the fact that the ball is bright pink, ensuring none of the guys at the gym steel my ball!

  1526. Emily says:

    A red block my son tucked in there months ago. I love seeing it, so I never gave it back!

  1527. Cassie says:

    I work for a nonprofit financial program, so the strangest thing in my purse in a variety of candy and budgeting tools.

  1528. Liz says:

    I keep a knee-high nylon with me all the time ever since I found out that they rub deodorant stains out of clothing. It’s the weirdest thing, but it really works!

  1529. Rachel Bradshaw says:

    Socks. Specifically, women’s sport socks. I always carry a pair of socks in my daily purse because I work for a beautiful little cookie company, which requires me to wear utility shoes and socks when leaving my office for the production plant. And, since I never really know when I will need to go onto the production floor to work with colleagues or test cookies (how lucky!) I always need a pair of back-up socks to put on with my indoor utility shoes. . . now if only I had a bag that would carry both the shoes and the socks, that would be *perfect*!

  1530. Jenny says:

    A key ring exclusively for those store rewards cards. I have well over 60 organized by size order (naturally).

  1531. Becca says:

    Nothing too strange, but I do have a ziploc bag full of band-aids in every size I could find.

  1532. Clara says:

    Currently? My key ring with a preserved Triatoma dimidiata insect as the fob; a relic of my Peace Corps service. Useful when teaching about the transmission and prevention of Chagas disease, and for attaining “instant cool” status with 5th graders.

  1533. Caitie says:

    I had a package of Japanese dental floss in my bag until a few days ago, when I got sick of carrying it around and took it out.

  1534. Julie says:

    Ever since my Mom died I’ve been carrying around her monogrammed handkerchief in my purse. I miss my Mom!

  1535. Meng Powell says:

    The strangest thing I carry is chocolate milk for my husband! lol

  1536. Tori says:

    the weirdest thing I keep in my everyday bag is a screwdriver for my ice skates.

  1537. Victoria says:

    The weirdest thing I carry is a blue combination spoon/fork/knife that I used to take backpacking. It comes in handy when I need a utensil, because I always forget to grab one when I pack my lunch!

  1538. Anna Lo says:

    I usually don’t carry anything too strange. But recently I have kept slim jims in my bag for just in case I’m

  1539. Shoko says:

    My emergency-kit in my bag consists of band-aids and snacks. Especially when I´m busy and my blood-sugar goes down I need some chocolate/dried fruits etc. for a fast boost of energy!

  1540. cara says:

    About 15 Salt packets (and maybe a couple pepper packets)- I pick them up by the handful everywhere- I never want to be without salt if I need it! They come in handy when you are at buffet receptions or those restaurants that refuse to put S&P on the table and shame you when you ask for it… Other contenders: tiny flashlight, wine opener, and monistat anti-chafing powder gel

  1541. Jen says:

    I always have a little bag of fruit snacks or a can of almonds in mine!

  1542. Morgan says:

    Tons of kids magic markers (I prefer them to highlighters) in a plastic bag so they don’t ruin linings.

  1543. ADL says:

    Probably the strangest thing is several packets of Splenda, for my coffee.

  1544. Rachel says:

    I try not to keep anything super strange in my purse because I feel like it’s always too full and heavy as it is. Probably the least traditional thing in there is a bottle of nail polish so I can touch up my color (usually at my desk at work) when I get a chip.

  1545. LJ says:

    a travel roll of toilet paper! i live in a developing country, and you’re lucky to find a toilet, never mind toilet paper, so i always have some with me!!

  1546. Luz says:

    A gardening trowel — I try to do a little weeding as soon as I get home from work and don’t like to go inside and change first. It sits in the bottom of my purse (I wipe the dirt off of it before I put it back in). It has definitely raised eyebrows in security lines at USG buildings.

  1547. LG says:

    Nothing too strange, but I also tend to carry a mini-pharmacy around in my bag, since I get headaches frequently.

  1548. Lauren says:

    Currently the strangest thing is an Icy Hot patch!

  1549. Maria says:

    NRA range ID card for a range in Virginia. I live in NYC, so it’s pretty useless, but holds very fond memories.

  1550. Katherine K says:

    Besides my collections of lip glosses/lipsticks (today’s count: 11), the strangest thing that makes its way into my purse on a regular basis a casket “key” to close and open casket lids.

    Mandatory explanation: I’m an attorney, but my husband is a funeral director in a family business (so is brother, father, aunt, grandpa, etc., and for the record, they’re the most social people you’ll ever met … I think you have to be to do their job!) My husband routinely comes home with the “casket keys” in his suit pocket, and I always find them when I take our suits to the drycleaners, and shove them absentmindedly into my purse. It always throws me when I come across one in my Pippa bag (bought on your recommendation, and LOVE IT) later on 🙂

  1551. Katherine says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag every day are lollipops, you never know when somebody could use one!

  1552. Carly says:

    A ThermaCare heat wrap.

  1553. Tanya N says:

    I’m a resident doc so working perpetually so my everyday bag, which sometimes does get carried with me out and about after work, so the stethoscope, packets of lubricant, reflex hammer and other assorted medical accessories are a little unconventional.

  1554. Katie says:

    Hmm, I don’t really carry anything strange. Probably the strangest is one of those eyebrow spoolie brush things, so I can groom my brows if need be!

  1555. Kristen says:

    Probably not terrible strange, but certainly unique. I always keep hydrocortisone cream (anti-itch) with me for unexpected bug bites! The mosquitoes always seem to find me–no matter where I travel.

  1556. Cait T. says:

    The weirdest thing? Peanut butter. Mini, to-go container of peanut butter! What better afternoon snack than that!?

  1557. Nicole says:

    It’s probably not that unusual, but I always cary two hankies – one to use to dab my watery eyes and a clean one to be able to give to anyone who needs one.

  1558. Alexandra Shanahan says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag is probably another purse. It’s a purse within a purse. In case I need a clutch for evening! It’s also nice to have another compartment in my cavernous tote bag.

  1559. Kasey says:

    Strangest thing is a koozie from a candidate back in 2008. I had about a dozen left over after it was over. Theory being if I lose it then I have others to replace and there’s not sentimental value attached.

  1560. Anna says:

    I have a small jar of Vaseline in my purse. You never know when you’re going to have chapped lips or dry cuticles!

  1561. Christine says:

    Deodorant. Always deodorant.

  1562. Irene says:

    I really don’t carry anything that unusual though every purse I have always contains a tube of lipstick.

  1563. Cami says:

    I bike to work so the strangest thing I carry in my bag is deodorant.

  1564. Stef says:

    I always have at least two tubes of Burt’s bees, tinted lip balm, and gum!

  1565. Debbie says:

    I carry a small first Aid and sewing kit– I rarely need them, but when I do (or a friend does) it always makes carrying it worth it.

  1566. Kyle says:

    I always have a pair of pilates socks in my purse. Even though they are always washed, they looked pretty gnarly, so I would hate for someone to really peak-in my bag and see them!

  1567. Nicole says:

    Cuticle nippers- because regular clippers just don’t get it done

  1568. Mallory says:

    The weirdest thing I carry on a daily basis is a mini-pharmacy of over the counter drugs (ibuprofen, Benadryl, etc.), first-aid supplies, and lots of snacks. My husband is quite accident prone…

  1569. Bonnie Willi says:

    I have stamps everyday which is weird bc who still sends things in the mail?! Ha!

  1570. Sara says:

    Ah the strangest thing I carry in my bag includes a mustache key ring that when pressed says “Well hello there”! Fun to use in airports and on planes just to see someone’s face looking around 😛

  1571. rachel says:

    Bottle opener with the pointed end. Realized I had flown with it and it made it through security with me!

  1572. Devin says:

    A pad of small Post-Its. They make splitting the check much easier for waitstaff (and the person who gets stuck doing the math) when you have a lot of people in a group out for a meal. Happy Birthday, Capitol Hill Style! Thanks for all the advice.

  1573. Emilee says:

    Strangest thing I carry in my bag would probably have to be… tums and Excedrin. Not very weird, but you don’t know how many times I’ve been glad to have them!

  1574. Ashley says:

    A tennis ball. I have no idea why it’s in there?

  1575. Lindsey says:

    A tape measure. Happy anniversary!

  1576. cs says:

    after bite! year round too- not just for those pesky summer mosquitoes!

  1577. Sarah says:

    My mace! Happy anniversary 🙂

  1578. Caroline Bartleson says:

    A Rock. When I was in college, I was so stressed about finals and found this beautifully colored rock on my way to class. I picked it up and started to rub it while wishing for good luck on my exams. It sounds silly, but it actually worked! Now its my good luck rock and I rub it during hard times to get me through 🙂

  1579. Rosy says:

    gauze and medical tape. not sure when the last time I had an injury that required me to use it, but I know the moment I take it out, I’ll need it, so there it stays!

  1580. Awww says:

    A ratty Ziploc bag that I reuse for packed lunches. I don’t always pack food but I still hold onto the bagggie and transfer it from purse to purse when I switch them out. I really should replace it but until a hole develops I’ll continue using the same bag :/

  1581. stacia cohen says:

    I always have 5 or 6 bags in my bag: a pencil case, a makeup bag, an “emergency kit”, a small bag of OTC meds, a bag of cords for various devices, and a small “office supply” kit of clamps, post-its and paper clips.

  1582. Patricia says:

    A plastic wine bottle opener from France. It clears TSA and is lighter than the normal ones. Plus it is so chic.

  1583. Melodie Hartline says:

    I have a dryer sheet in a baggie, used for static cling.

  1584. Stephanie says:

    A bag of gummi bears.

  1585. Stephanie V says:

    Not strange per say but my remote log in token for work can sure be useless sometimes

  1586. Kat says:

    The strangest thing I carry around is a pack of post-its, for some reason I find these better in taking notes 😉

  1587. Meg says:

    I carry a luggage tag, though I use it to hold my smarttrip, so it’s not THAT weird.

  1588. Jessica w says:

    I carry another tiny cross body purse with a jcrew Jacobs ladder wallet in it so I can leave the big bag in the car if I don’t need anything!

  1589. Susannah says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my purse is a combination Commander’s Award Coin / bottle opener. You never know!

  1590. Brenna says:

    Media badge for work – and lots and lots of pens! Thanks 🙂

  1591. Jss says:

    Pretty basic but I always have sunscreen (reapply!) and a foldable hat. The Texas sun can be brutal, especially this time of year.

  1592. Jane says:

    I carry denture cleaning tablets for my retainer

  1593. Jessie says:

    During the summer, I keep a cheap bottle of clear nail polish in my bag for mosquito bites — it totally makes them stop itching!

  1594. Sharon says:

    I carry a small bottle of pure coconut oil for moisturizing.

  1595. Pooja says:

    The strangest thing I carry in my bag are fortune cookie strips which I collect when I really like the fortune or believe that it will come true.

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